Hallett Cove East Primary School

Keeping you in the loop ....

14/6/19  POSTPONED - to be rescheduled - Trent Hill an Indigenous educator, will be sharing with students from 4W, 4E, 5W, 5E, 6W, 6E and 7E.  Can all families please go into the e-forms tab and find the correct form relevant to the class your child is in, and submit it ASAP thank you?

24/6/19 Pupil Free Day, our OSHC service is available - please call to book your child/children in.

Week 9 24/6 .... Interviews will commence.  Teachers will be conducting Parent/Teacher/Student interviews to discuss your child’s progress over the first semester of learning for this year. 

Week 9 25/6 School Banking Today - due to pupil free day

Week 9 25/6/19  4 pm cut-off today, last day to submit your bakery drive order.

28/6/19 Assembly 9N/7E will be coordinating a whole school assembly at 2.15 pm. Our parents, caregivers and community are welcome to attend.

Week 10 1/7/19 First Aid Training for Children this is a great initiative and important life skill for all students.

1/7/19 Year 2/3 "Peter Pan" performance - Peter Pan Musical will be performed on 1st  July at 6:30pm in the Pavilion.  All students will be expected to return to school at 6:00pm for a 6:30pm start.  The Pavilion will be open at 6:00pm for parents.  Students will need to be dropped off at the music room at 6:00pm.  The play runs for approximately 45 minutes.  The students will be dismissed from the Pavilion with an adult at the end of the night.

5/7/19 Last Day of Term 2 Early Dismissal 2.05pm

22/7/19 Pupil Free Day, our OSHC service is available - please call to book your child/children in.

23/7/19 First Day Term 3 we welcome our students and school community back.

26/7/19 National Tree Day today - GREEN CASUAL DAY we ask our staff and students to wear something green today in recognition of National Tree Day.  A gold coin donation would be appreciated. All funds raised will be used to purchase trees to plant throughout the school grounds.  

20/9/19 Sports Day a fantastic whole school and community day for all.

Dear Parents and Caregivers, 



Please contact OSHC if you require care.

Congratulations and thank you to Nick Marks who has won a two part grant totaling $2500 from Marion Council with an environmental focus (recycling/waste), for the school. Nick will be presented with the grant cheque at a special Marion Council meeting on Monday the 24th of June. 


Freddies, Olivias, Madonnas, Cindys, ‘80s rock and TV stars were all there for the big event!!! Many parents, family and friends along with 2 teams of staff members and some partners had a fabulous evening of fun and fundraising last Saturday at Quiz Night. Expertly led by Quiz Master Damien Triffitt who wowed us with his very best Tom Cruise “Risky Business” impersonation and ably supported by his Quiz Team extraordinaire – Bec, Jenny and Craig. So well organised was this event that we can’t go past thanking Melissa, the fundraising team and Andrea Hayden for the work they did preparing for the event. Quiz Night raised almost $3000, a fantastic effort. Thank you to everyone involved.



This is a reminder to all families that the playgrounds are out of bounds, both before and after school. There are an increasing number of students with or without parents playing in the playgrounds especially after school. This disrupts the After School Care OSHC program and makes it very challenging for OSHC educators to adequately supervise students for whom they are providing care. This is also particularly important during Interviews week. We would ask that all children please stay with parents at interviews at all times. If you need to bring more than one child to interviews, those not involved in the interview are asked to please sit at the classroom door with something quiet to do. 


I have again received reports that cars are blocking the Quailo Ave entrance and also building up a queue on Quailo Ave waiting to enter the carpark. On Quailo Ave itself this has often meant cars driving past have had to go out onto the wrong side of the road to get past. This is very dangerous. I would ask you please to find another place to park instead of doing this. 

I would also ask you to please ensure your children wait for you where the teacher is on duty in the drop zone rather than come and get in the car if you are stopped in the queue. It is a very dangerous practice to pick children up at the entrance as it is very busy, drivers cannot always see children and it is away from the duty teacher’s line of sight. 

Thank you to all families who use our drop zone and carpark entrances respectfully and appropriately. We appreciate your positive role modelling for our students. 


Next week we commence Parent, Teacher, Student Interviews. If you have not booked in with your child’s teacher, please do so as soon as possible. Your child’s Semester 1 written report will be tabled at the interview.



Anne Rathjen



Stronger, more effective and transparent screening laws for people working or volunteering with children have been introduced in South Australia. The new screening laws were recommended as part of federal and South Australian royal commissions, to help keep children safe in our communities. The new laws mean that from 1st July 2019 everyone working or volunteering with children must have a valid child-related check. 

Also changing from 1st July 2019 is the state’s current system for child-related employment screenings, which will be replaced with a working with children check (WWCC). This new check is coming in to better protect your children and make sure that people working or volunteering with children are suitable. It does this through a monitored and more robust assessment of a person’s eligibility to work or volunteer with children. Because the check is monitored, immediate action can be taken if a person is charged with a concerning offence. The new check covers off on a person’s national criminal history including all spent convictions, pending and non-conviction charges, and other disciplinary and child protection information. 

A WWCC is valid for five years and is portable across roles and organisations throughout South Australia. 

Current, valid child-related employment screening checks done by DHS/DCSI will be recognised as a WWCC until they expire.

For most people, this means they don’t need to do anything to be ready for the new law starting on 1st July 2019. 

For more information please click on screening.sa.gov.au

In the classroom

This edition features a pictorial of 4W and 6AS in their classroom environment and ....

This is Our World- please help us look after it.

4W and 6AS have had a great time working with our buddies over the last few weeks. We learnt to sing ‘This is our World’, an amazing song about looking after the environment, which we loved sharing at assembly. We also got outside when the sun was shining and helped to clean up our school environment. This is Our World – please help us to look after it.

On Friday 5th April (week 10) we showcased a special Early Years Concert.  Students participating in this concert were students from Reception and Year 1 only.  Students  presented songs, readings and small drama items. It was very successful and enjoyed by all.

Our next event will be on the 1/7/19 Year 2/3 "Peter Pan" performance - Peter Pan Musical will be performed on 1st July at 6:30pm in the Pavilion.  

Can we wipe out waste at HCEPS?

Our year 3’s were lucky enough to have Allison from Marion Council come and talk to us about waste. We learnt what bin everything needs to go in, and discovered that we can recycle way more than we thought. We even found out that those dirty lunch order bags can actually go in the compost!

We watched a video about what happens to our waste after the rubbish trucks come to pick it up, and competed against the other year 3 class in a relay to test our knowledge.

We learnt so much and have lots of ideas for our school.

The Garden Gurus are continuing to nurture and care for our gardens and vegetable patch, hopefully the work they are doing will help to raise student awareness and appreciation of the garden. They have planted garden patches with an array of various vegetables, herbs and bulbs.  

It is National Tree Day on 26th July this year and together with the Charity Champions we are hoping to have a casual day where everyone will wear green to school and donate a gold coin on the day. The money raised will be used to purchase new trees to plant throughout the grounds. We must make you aware that in the coming weeks the pine trees between house 4 and building 9 will be removed.  The pine trees have been causing a lot of problems for sometime now, with roots lifting the paving and infiltrating into the drainage pipes, also with the constant shed of pine needles the gutters and roofing on the walkway are blocked and corroding. 

Native Tree Word Search


Don't forget the Charity Champions and the Garden Gurus are joining forces to work as a team for National School Tree Day on the 26th of July.  Please wear green to school and donate a gold coin to allow us to purchase trees to be planted throughout the school grounds.

Sports Update

SAPSASA Knockout Netball

We wish our Girls Netball team the best of luck in the knockout competition scheduled to be played at Hallett Cove  East Primary School next Thursday. 

4 West, 4 East, 5 West, 5 East Belair National Park

Our excursion to Cleland Wildlife Park was on Thursday 23rd May (Term 2, Week 4). All students participated in an education program that focussed on the threats to the survival of Australia's native wildlife.

Check out the gallery  - Perfect Day, outdoor learning and new experiences at it's best.

6AN and 6AS Build a Cubby

Students in 6AS & 6AN went to Belair National Park to participate in a cubby building activity run by Nature Play SA. The excursion focussed on Design and Technology as well as building team spirit and cooperation amongst our students. It was a sensational day for outdoor learning and team building.

6 East Zoo Snooze

6E packed up and went off to the Adelaide Zoo on April 11th and 12th for an enormously exciting and informative Zoo Snooze!  The staff at the Zoo met the group and then they went off to explore the Zoo.  We learnt about the history of the Adelaide Zoo and living things and their diversity. We met our Zoo educator, who helped look after us overnight. The class enjoyed a close-up view of one of small animals. There was a BBQ dinner, a night walk, supper and a movie before bed.  We departed a very tired but happy group of Zoo Snoozers the next day, students clambering into the bus around 11am for the return trip back to school.

House 9 have been up the creek

All students from House 9 participated in a team building excursion in the final week of last term. The program was run by a company called Wild Imagination and involved activities where students needed to work together to accomplish a common goal. Students worked  together as a 5/6/7 group. 

Community Support ....

If you are a family that shop at Woolworths can we please ask you to support our school by collecting the Earn & Learn Stickers from today through to the 25th June.  We have placed a collection box at the Hallett Cove Woolworths Store, together with collection boxes in the school administration office and our OSHC.  This program allows us to select a range of bonus resources for our students to enjoy. 

We thank you for any support you may be able to provide to us. 

Community Notice Board

Activities and Interests

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Hallett Cove East Primary School


Hallett Cove East Primary School:

  • Learning for tomorrow’s world
  • Working together
  • Valuing each other and our future

Our Mission is to ensure that our students are able to successfully interact and achieve within andbeyond their own community, now and in the future.

This may be evidenced by:

A Strong Sense of Identity
  • Students will be resilient and reflective, confident in their own opinions and provide leadership.
Creative Thinking
  • Students will be creative and critical thinkers who draw upon a range of strategies to deal with new situations or information.
Success in Interactions
  • Students will value diversity and successfully interact with others within and beyond their community in a collaborative manner.
Preparedness for the Future
  • Students will demonstrate initiative, enterprise and adaptability and will be able to successfully manage change within their own lives and as part of a global community.
Skill in Communication
  • Students will be able to successfully communicate in a range of settings within and beyond their own community.
Success in Learning
  • Students will develop and apply knowledge, competencies and skills, which enable them to be successful now and in the future.
Self-Directed Learners
  • Students will be able to initiate and implement their own learning plans. Based on constructivist theory, students will be supported in self-assessment procedures in order to reflect on and guide future learning.

The school Values identified by the school community are reflected in the everyday language atschool by staff, parents, students and community members. The Values are

  • Excellence
  • Fairness
  • Respect
  • Responsibility

Our ongoing commitment to our Values is reflected in our Student and Staff Wellbeing programs including the Year 7 Student Leaders program, Buddy and assembly programs.

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