St Mary's Bulletin

Term 1 - Week 5 (6 March, 2020)

From the Principal

Dear St Mary's School Community

Sacramental Program

The St Mary’s Sacramental Program will get underway for those families of students in Sacramental classes (Year 3, 4 and 6) with a Parent Information Evening on Thursday, 12 March at 5.30pm in the Library.

Year 5/6 Reading at Mass

Our Year 5/6 Class will be reading at the 10.30am Mass on Sunday.  All are welcome to come along.

Wellbeing Week

As a school, we participated in a number of activities for Wellbeing Week.  We had meditation every day after lunch and we also had Phil Doncon’s Paint Storm Show on Wednesday.  This is a dynamic and unique performance that features impressionist images being painted live on a 10-metre wide canvas. While painting, Phil entertains with humour, storytelling, break dancing and high-energy music. Interactive elements include student involvement throughout the show. The show introduces concepts of resilience and assists students to identify, practice and explore strategies that build resilience. 

Faction Swimming Carnival

Congratulations to Salvatorians who were the 2020 Faction Swimming Carnival winners.  St Mary's had a lovely day yesterday at Merredin Pool and the children all showed great sportsmanship.  Thank you to everyone that made the day a success, including parent helpers, the staff, the swimmers, friends and family who came and supported the competitors, Beth Smith who coordinated the sausage sizzle and of course Elisha Criddle who pulled everything together!  The Interschool Swimming Carnival will be held on Monday, 16 March.


NAPLAN testing will be conducted in Term 2 during the week of May 12-14 (Week 3) for students in Year 3 and 5. NAPLAN is a national assessment and participation is mandatory. Students may be withdrawn from the testing program by their parent/carer. This is a matter for consideration by individual parent/carers in consultation with the school. Withdrawals are intended to address issues such as philosophical objections to testing.  If you wish to have your child exempt from NAPLAN testing, please make an appointment to see Mrs Riethmuller prior to the end of Term One.  Exemption forms have to be submitted by 1 May 2020.

Book Club

Book Club Brochures have been sent home with students and orders are due by Friday, 20 March.


Mrs Riethmuller, Miss Walsh and myself will be attending GEMS in Kalgoorlie on Monday, 9 March and Tuesday, 10 March.  Mrs Grant will be responsible for the school in our absence.

God Bless and have a lovely weekend with your families, 

Ms Adriana Coniglio


Let us Pray

Loving God,

As the season of Lent unfolds, you call us to return again and again.  As you invite us to reflect on your love made visible in the person of Jesus, align our lives more closely with you through prayer, fasting and generous giving.  Bless our desire to accompany Jesus’ suffering here and now in the crucified people of our world.  With your grace, may we live lent fully and move with transformed hearts into the abundant life of Easter morning. Amen.

St Mary's School Merredin

P&F Uniform Shop

Open Tuesdays

8:30 am - 9:10 am

2:50 pm - 3:15 pm