Dear Families,
Connected Curriculum
A vital part of our whole-school connections comes from our joint approach to the curriculum. Staff and students co-designed the overarching Connected Curriculum 2020 themes and sought hard to secure a huge ‘active’ focus for Term 4. Students want more outdoor learning experiences with physical and hands on learning opportunities. House Leaders have reviewed the missed Sports Day opportunity and have worked with Mr Dixon to plan a ‘Be Active’ Children’s Week in week 3 of Term 4. This ties in with National Children’s Week and we will look at a wide range of events wth competitive and fun aspects. The Sports Day shield will be awarded to the house team winning the most points from the team events. Community links will be supported via some live streaming and classroom technology tools will keep families involved and connected.
Partnership LDAM Pupil Free Day
Staff worked across partnership school sites to share effective practice and moderate student learning outcomes in English and Maths. Staff unpacked student achievement at the highest levels and discussed what needs to be done to challenge and elevate students working at expected levels into higher achievement. There was productive discussion, chance to listen to other people’s ideas and an opportunity to visit other sites and classrooms. In the afternoon staff recapped their knowledge of effective formative assessment and were able to see Mr T demonstrate a ‘just in time’ formative assessment tool, 'Plickers'. Formative assessment is the ‘check in and act’ response of teachers to ensure what they are teaching is aimed to the gaps and needs of students. Expert integration of formative assessment sees the teacher working to unpack what each child knows, and needs to know next, to plan differentiated responses to meet student learning needs.
Better School Funds
We are delighted that the site building works is being fast tracked and SENSUM has been appointed to deliver this. SENSUMs strength is in modular building design. As we look to improve our world class facilities we aim to upgrade our site to reflect a community school which brings the staff, students and families together and supports our vision and values. To get the best value for money the school will be seeking feedback on initial ideas and future concepts from experts and all members of the community. The Department is working closely with site and informing us of requirements to ensure any new building is built to Department regulations.
School Day Times
Thank you to families who have provided feedback on the proposed school day times for 2021.
- 8.50 – Start of School Day
- 9.00 – Lesson 1
- 9.50 – Lesson 2
- 10.40 – Recess
- 11.00 – Lesson 3
- 11.50 – Lesson 4
- 12.40 – Eating Time (key year levels extend this to enable students to eat)
- 12.50 – Lunch Play
- 1.20– Lesson 5
- 2.10 – Lesson 6
- 3.00 – End of School Day
The end of the school day will change to 3.00pm as opposed to the current 3.15pm.
Governing Council will meet on Monday 14th September to review and finalise school day times 2021. Any additional feedback can be provided to Helen Grant via email - before 4pm Monday 14th September 2021.
Kind regards and have a great weekend
Carol, Helen & Fay