Thank You P&C
I would like to sincerely thank our P&C executive, namely: President - Duncan Watson, Vice-Presidents - Dee Elalingam & Emilie Rohmer, Treasurer – Kendal McKay & Secretary - Tim Counter, and all members of the P&C for their faithful support of the school throughout the year. This week following a commitment of funding from the P&C, new interactive whiteboards were replaced across the school. This is the culmination of a 3 year plan with every classroom and specialist teaching area now having a new IWB. The cost for this initiative of over $200,000 has been covered entirely by the P&C. Thank you to every family that has generously supported P&C fundraising activities.
Concert Night
Congratulations to our Junior and Senior Bands on their wonderful performance last night. It was impressive to see the growth in their musicality throughout the year! Thank you to every family that has supported our performing arts program this year.
Leadership Assembly
Congratulations to our Year 5 students who were inducted into their 2023 leadership roles at our special assembly on Tuesday. Lead on Year 5!
Creations of Classes for 2023
Again this year, the school is utilising specialised software that supports the formation of classes and conveniently stores historical data on student placement each year.
Even so, we will still utilise anecdotal records and other staff records to assist with balanced student placement in classes for 2023.
Students are engaged in the initial processes through identifying 5 learning partners.
In short, considerations for classes include:
- Peer preferences, pairings and separations;
- EALD (English as an Additional Language or Dialect);
- Academic performance in literary and numeracy;
- Behaviour;
- Learning and support needs, and special needs;
- Balance of boys/girls
The software assists grade teams and executive to form classes in an informed, logical and efficient way whilst keeping a record of all the information. Importantly it allows teachers to make final adjustments and amendments as seamlessly as possible.
All students will go into 2022 classes for the start of the new school year.
Student Awards
As we approach the end of term, if students have 5 values awards that can be traded up for a Principal's award, or 3 Principal's awards that can be traded up for a Principal's badge please hand them in to the office before the final assemblies for 2022.
The final assembly for primary students is Tuesday 29 November and the final assembly for infants is Tuesday 6 December.
Presentation Day Assemblies
Our Kindergarten and Year 1 & 2 Presentation Day assemblies will take place next week in the school hall. Parents of children who are receiving an award have been invited to attend in person.
Even so, all Kindergarten and Stage 1 parents are invited to attend.