Dear Parents/Caregivers,
Our last week of winter!
We all look forward to Spring and the warmer weather.
COVID restrictions until further notice:
To help keep our school community safe, and mitigate the risks posed by COVID-19, some changes have been made by the Dept of Education Students absent or sent home due to flu like symptoms need to be COVID tested and must not return to school until they return a negative COVID-19 result, and are symptoms free. Schools must sight the negative COVID-19 test result prior to allowing students and staff to return to school Non-essential visitors to schools are not allowed. Parents cannot attend school without an appointment.Parent and teacher meetings cannot occur unless related to behaviour or welfare issues.
Postponed activities include:
· Kindergarten orientation
· Scripture
· School camps
· Playgroups
· All Excursions
· Choir
· Cooking lessons
· Dance groups (unless within a cohort or class group)
· Travelling outside of school
· Fun day – postponed until further notice (Term 3 Perfect Attendees will receive the FUN DAY reward when the ban is lifted)
At this stage – sport photos will continue
No non-essential adults to be on the school grounds. Unfortunately, this means that parents will still have to drop their children at the gate.
Excursions and camps have been cancelled.
Swim school has been cancelled.
School sport will continue but there will be no PSSA.
Year 6 Festivities: at this stage, we are unsure if in term 4 the Year 6 Farewell will go ahead. As soon as anything changes, we will communicate this.
Yours in education,
Janine Macky