Whatawhata School News

5th September 2019 - Te Tuarima o Mahuru

Principal's Column

Kia ora e hoa

Laurel and I attended our last PB4L training session of the year this week. While it feels like we still have a long way to go, there has been so much learning, setting up of systems, training sessions, new processes, new ways of thinking, trialling, reading and reflecting. We're so proud of everyone's really hard work in this respect. The work will continue through the rest of this year. In fact they say it's a cultural shift that takes 3 to 5 years. We know the end results will be really worth it, however. 

More than half of our teachers spent a day learning with Nathan Mikaere-Wallis this week. If you haven't heard of him, he's at the forefront of research and teaching on children's cognitive development. He questions many of the traditional practices in schools in the early years with the science to back it up. It certainly gives us a lot more knowledge in regards to questioning the "why" and "when" about many of the things we do. It's also completely in line with the work in our junior school in regards to their Barbara Brann based teaching approaches. Here's an interesting listen about what he suggests 3 to 7 year olds need to learn if you're interested.  

Plans are going well for the kapa haka festival. Thanks to the growing army of people already helping in many ways from lending us essential equipment to making poi to finding sponsors. I can't wait.

A huge thank you to those community members who, through the Whatawhata Facebook page have helped us source a freezer, donated large quantities of bread and currently have their own freezers full so that we can provide lunch for those children who need it. What an amazing community we have!

We've welcomed two awesome new teachers to school this week, Nikki in Te Raakau and Chris in Te Pihinga. if you are in these classes, pop in some time to meet them. We also welcomed Charlotte and Leo into Te Kaakano who are starting their learning journeys with us. We can't wait to see you grow, learn and have lots of fun kids!

Aroha nui, Matt Stockton

Staff only day - Monday 9th September

We are holding a staff only day at school on Monday 9th September. The school will be closed on that day and there will be no after school care. This is so our entire staff can complete a UBRS (Understanding Behaviour Responding Safely) training day. UBRS teaches effective prevention and de-escalation strategies for major and crisis behaviours and complements our PB4L work. It's delivered by Ministry of Education staff who are experienced in behaviour management and who will also provide on-going support. If  up're interested to read more see here

Under the new agreement between Union and Government this day is one of 8 teacher only days we are able to take over the next three years. 

Measles and what you need to know

The first measles cases have now been confirmed in the Waikato. Under advice from the Ministry of Health if there is a confirmed case of measles in our school all non-immunised students and staff, or students without evidence of immunisation, will need to be excluded from school and be quarantined from others until the risk period is over. 

We have been contacting families who have children who are not or are only partially immunised, or who have not provided the school a copy of the immunisation record. We will need to see your child's Plunket book or immunisation certificate to confirm this.  Your doctor can provide a certificate if you can not locate either of these. Thanks to all those that have already done this. Please try to get this organised as soon as possible - remember, we need to treat anyone who has not provided this as non-immunised. 

Please contact office@whatawhata.school.nz if you have any questions or would like to check or update your child's immunisation status

Te Rerenga Kookako - The flight of the kokako kapa haka festival is coming soon!

As you know we are the hosts this year of the Western Cluster Kapa Haka Festival. This is taking place on Wednesday 18th September at Te Papa-o-Rotu marae, Maaori Point Road. Over 300 children plus whaanau from other schools will be in attendance, and all of our children will be involved in some way so it's going to be a huge day!

The day will begin with a poowhiri led by Ngaati Maahanga to welcome everyone followed by kai (morning tea). Then the performances will begin, lasting some three hours. We will be feeding all the guests during the day as this is tikanga for such an event. The day will finally finish around 2pm. 

Our senior kapa haka team will be performing, our juniors and other children will provide entertainment at break times and our older children will provide support and service. 

We are postponing tomorrow's mihi whakatau and instead invite everyone new to the school to come to the poowhiri at the marae to be welcomed into the bigger Whatawhata whaanau. Everyone new to the school this year will be welcomed in this way.

To make the day a real success we'll need some help from all of you in the following ways.

1. We would love everyone in the school to donate some food items for the morning tea. Please send something in to school the day before. If you can't a cash donation would be fine too as we'll use this to buy food. 

2. We'll be going to the marae after school on the day before (Tuesday 10th) to set up the marquee, gazebos, signs, chairs and more. We need as many hands as possible to make this a success so would love to see you there at 3pm

3. Huge thanks for the support from local businesses in providing sponsorship. This will make the day even more successful! If you are a local business or work for a generous company we're still looking for more event sponsors. If you can help in any way please email Steph stephaniep@whatawhata.school.nz

4. All children will be transported by bus during the day. We've added a $4 request for payment to everyone's account to help cover this and the koha from the school. This would be a huge help if you can pay it! If you have sent cash in to school already this will be credited against your account. 

Thanks in advance for your support. If you have any questions please email SJ McLachlan  sarahjaynem@whatawhata.school.nz 

It's Chicken Cup time!!

Just on more day to place your chicken orders!

We are again holding our Chicken Cup competition at our 18th October Ag Day this year!

Children purchase chicks from school (or elsewhere - any breeds welcomed) then children raise and care for them. Then they bring their chosen bird to school to compete against all the other chicks! They are judged in three categories - chicken knowledge, most obvious pet and your chicken journal. The overall winner is awarded the Chicken Cup.

Chickens make great pets and are a much smaller commitment that the other Ag Day animals. Our chicks are brown shavers so you will have a laying machine for life. 

Chicks can be ordered between now and next Friday 6th September. They cost $8 each and you must purchase at least two chicks (for company for each other). You will need to create a suitable small box enclosure with a heat lamp for their first weeks of life and buy chick starter food. The complete guide to housing, rearing and preparing your chicken can be found here. You can also buy chicks even if you don't want to enter them on the day. 

To order simply email the office@whatawhata.school.nz or call in. Payment needs to be in cash and in advance of collection. Chicks will be delivered in around 2 weeks time. 

School photos being taken next Tuesday

A message from our photographers...

A big thank you from me & my team to all the teachers who were so patient today, and the children who were so very well behaved! We got a lot done because they were quick & good listeners. All sibling and individual portraits are done.

We will return on Tuesday 10th September next week for the class photos. We will now also be doing kapa haka photos on that day so all children need to bring in their kakahu on Monday. Sports team coaches, let Matt know if you would like team photos taken.

We can't wait to share the photos. The Photo Pilot team

We need more after school care staff!

To allow us to offer after school care to more families we are looking for additional staff. If you are interested in becoming an after school carer, working after school up to 5 days a week from 2.30 - 5.30pm, playing with, feeding and supporting our children please get in touch with Warren Wood at warrenw@whatawhata.school.nz

Term 3 events

Link to our school calendar to get all the school's events straight into your calendar! Simply add calendar@whatawhata.school.nz