Willoughby Public School Newsletter

Week 8 - Friday 22 March 2019

School Vision Statement

At Willoughby Public School we empower students to demonstrate creativity, collaboration, curiosity and persistence to become successful life-long learners. Students will be challenged in productive and innovative learning environments promoting inclusivity, resilience, respect and confidence.

Principal's Report

Dear Parents and Carers

SRC Badge Presentation Assembly

Congratulations to our newly elected Student Representative Council. I am impressed by the enthusiasm of the students and the general feeling of pride across the group. Student voice has a powerful role in our school with students contributing to a range of initiatives to enhance our learning environment. SRC provides a variety of opportunities to develop skills in public speaking, taking turns, decision making, listening to other opinions and ideas. These skills developed over time from Kindergarten to Year 6 help students to seek out other leadership roles. I’m looking forward to working with our 2019 student leadership team. Thank you to the supportive teachers involved with the Willoughby PS student council.



Throughout each term our class teachers are explicitly teaching social skills. We often make assumptions that children do have the necessary social skills to develop and maintain friendships but sometimes they do not and need help to develop these life skills. The lessons develop skills in being positive, co-operating, standing up for self, self-esteem, resilience building confidence in all social situations. Our aim is to develop resilient, positive engaged learners. The use of restorative justice questions in all situations at Willoughby PS helps our students to accept consequences and to think about and make better choices.

If your child is experiencing difficulties in any area; learning, social skills or friendships it is crucial that your child’s teacher knows about the concerns and is part of the resolution of the issue. Please do not under any circumstances approach or reprimand any child in the playground that is not your own child. This adult interference often escalates the issue rather than resolve it.  Class teachers seek support from their Assistant Principal or Deputy Principal – Mr Michaeil supervises Early Stage 1 and Stage 3, Miss Upston supervises Stage 1 and Stage 2.

Harmony Day Celebration March 21 - Everyone belongs

Orange is the colour chosen to represent Harmony Day. Traditionally orange signifies social communication and meaningful conversations. It also relates to the freedom of ideas and encouragement of mutual respect. Willoughby PS students have been creating artwork works around leaves. Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.




Dates for your Diary

  • Monday 25 March - 5 April         PARENT/TEACHER Interviews
  • Friday 28 or 29 March                 Year 3  Botany Bay Excursion (2 groups) 
  • Friday 28 March                            Sydney North Swimming Carnival   
  • Thursday 4 or 5 April                    Year 1 excursion  
  • Tuesday 9 April                             WPS Easter Band Welcome in hall - 7.15  to 8.45 am  
  • Tuesday 9 April                             Greg Florimo 7's Gala Day
  • Wednesday 10 April                     Sibling Photos & catch up individual photo day   
  • Thursday 11 April                         ANZAC DAY Assembly 
  • Friday 12 April                              LAST DAY OF TERM 1


  • Monday 29 April                           STAFF DEVELOPMENT DAY  - No students at school
  • Tuesday 30 April                           Students return to school
  • Thursday 2 May                            WPS Cares Bike Ed - 5D & 6S
  • Thursday 9 May                            Mothers' Day stall
  • Friday 10 May                                WPS Cross Country Carnival


A reminder that the playgrounds are open each morning from 8:35am. Students are encouraged to move to less crowded areas for before school play, and be mindful of younger and smaller students. Handballs are fine, but no larger balls can be played with before school.




Combined Zone AFL Trials


Congratulations to Jed Holgate and Ben Thomas have been selected to play AFL as part of the Combined Zone AFL trials. The organisers on the day were impressed with the level of talent and enthusiasm of the representatives from participating schools.


Willoughby Public School Swimming Age Champions


Congratulations to the following students who are the Swimming Champions of 2019:


Junior Girls Champion: Josie Ekas

Junior Boys Champion:  Harper Cunningham

11 Years Girls Champion:  Amelie Constantian

11 Years Boys Champion:  Jed Holgate

Senior Girls Champion:  Ornice Tang Sun

Senior Boys Champion:  James Clarke


Zone Swimming


The North Shore Zone Swimming Carnival was held at Drummoyne Pool on Friday 15 March. We had a wonderful team of 39 students represent our school from Years 2-6. We were very proud of our team’s participation and sportsmanship on the day. A number of our students placed in their heats and finals.


Thank you to Sharon Fung and Meredith Robson for being our Team Managers for what was a very busy carnival. We would also like to thank all the parents who volunteered to help on the day as well.


Congratulations to Amelie Constantian who has made it through to the Sydney North Championships which will be held on Thursday 28 March at Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre.


2019 Zone Team:

Thomas Rolleston

Kyan Seale

Emily Astles

Willow Tucker-Downs

Elsa Griffith

Harry Fuzes

Jemima Groves-Berry

Lachlan Paris

Holly Higgins

Ben Sage-Pickin

Eden Melham

Charlotte Couper

Benjamin Chao

Charlotte Saunders

Amelie Constantian

Kyle Hammond

Isabelle Marquis

Sophie Staniforth

Hamish Robb

Melanie Scheller

Lynn Soon

Harper Cunningham

Olivia Corr

Eva McInnes

Jack Gilligan

Erin Blayney

Jed Holgate

Charlie Mackintosh

Georgie Pinto

Seika Kubo

Henry Nicholson

James Clarke

Charlotte Dorizac

Olivia Norton

Jodie Colvin

Ornice Tang Sun

Angus Lyle

Josie Ekas

Matthew Robson



Paul Kelly Cup


On Wednesday we had the pleasure of taking some of our Stage 3 students to the Paul Kelly Cup AFL gala day at Gore Hill Oval. We were extremely proud of the way our 4 teams performed and their display of sportsmanship during the day in some physically demanding games. The students commented how fun it was to play a different sport to their usual one and how it was a great opportunity to play against other schools.


A huge thank you to Mr Talbot for his hard work organising the day.


Mrs Dixon & Mr Talbot​




A message from Max:

Hi for those who don’t know me yet, I am Max the new school crossing supervisor. My only hobby is sailing. I race my boat out of Middle Harbour yacht club.

As far as the crossing goes I only ask that children and parents wait till I give the okay to cross and no bike, scooter, or skateboard riding on the crossing. We have had some drive throughs and I don’t want any accidents.

I knew Rose quite well, as a matter of fact when I started twelve years ago I did my training with her and saw her from time to time.

I worked up at St Ives and was asked to change with Russ as it was closer for him and I live in Castle Cove so this is closer for me.

I have enjoyed looking after you and hope to continue for some time.


Parent Guide to NSW Syllabuses




Class Map 2019 Willoughby PS


SkoolBag App




Could you be an ethics teacher for WPS? We are seeking volunteers so that ethics classes are available for all families who have requested them. Ethics teachers receive full training by Primary Ethics, the not-for-profit organisation approved to design curriculum and training for the ethics program. Training consists of a two day workshop and short online modules. Lesson materials are provided. Suitable volunteers have an interest in children’s education and development of critical thinking skills and must be available Wednesday morning each week to teach a half hour class. A small amount of weekly preparation (such as reading through lesson materials) is also required. In ethics classes, children learn how to think logically, disagree respectfully and support their arguments with evidence, rather than act according to blind habit or peer pressure.  Children discuss topic such as: -imagining how others feel -how do we treat living things? -what is laziness? -how do we disagree in a respectful way? -fairness   If you are looking for an opportunity to make a valuable contribution to our school, please visit www.primaryethics.com.au or  contact Melissa Budic at willoughbypsethics@gmail.com for more information.






At Willoughby Public School we have a number of students with a






Even a small trace of nut, peanut or nut/peanut product may trigger a severe allergic reaction called Anaphylaxis, which attacks the immune system leading potentially to death within minutes.


This reaction can happen by taste, touch and sometimes can be airborne. All of these students have access to an adrenaline injection in the form of an Epipen, which can save lives. Photo posters are displayed in the classrooms, canteen, staffroom, playground bags and sick bay for easy identification of these children.


Willoughby PS works with parents/carers to support students in developing an awareness of their allergies and what foods to avoid. Students are encouraged not to share food and to always check with a parent/adult/teacher if unsure at any time.




Please help us by not including peanut or any nut products in your child’s lunchbox. This includes peanut butter and Nutella.


Please avoid products with any nuts/peanuts listed as an ingredient.


Explain about nut/peanut allergy to your child and encourage the ‘no food sharing’ rule.


Please consider what you are sending for birthday treats to share with the class, checking there are no nut products included.


The school canteen does not serve products containing nuts.


It is only with the continued support of all parents and staff that we can effectively maintain a safe school environment for these children.


Thank you for your understanding. We know you will want to support the school and these children.







What a fantastic afternoon had by all at our Welcome Picnic & Party! The community spirit was stronger than the threatening drizzle and hundreds of Willoughby Public families came out in force to enjoy the festivities.


Kirsten Delaney captured the fun in photos: https://clients.kirstendelaneyphotography.com.au/gallery/WPSFunNight



An event like this doesn’t happen without a huge amount of work behind the scenes and of course a large number of volunteers.


We’d like to say a special thanks to the Willoughby Roos, especially Marty & Vicky for helping setting up, clean up and all the games & prizes. So many lucky kids went home kitted out in Roos jerseys! And of course, their special guest, Brett Finch.


P&C Event team

Amanda Ley, Juliemma Moran, Stephanie Spencer, Meredith Robson, Ruth Semark


P&C Executives 

Jenni Brown, Tanya Taylor, Matthew Loughnan, Cath Lloyd, Rebecca Cleary and Amy Daly (Communications), Matt Sharpe (Website).


WPS Staff

Graeme Hancock - School grounds keeper for all the Marquees, tables & General helpfulness. Michelle Upston - amazing help before the event and also setting up. Shaun Michaeil.



Mark Ley, Graeme Spencer, Saskia Kirson, Lisa Gizariotis, Dan Meijer, Louise Meijer, Vicky Perdikaris , Michael Semark, Kirsten Delaney, Corinne Burrough, Elizabeth Dorizac, Carolyn Loughnan, Theo Dorizac, Brad Brandenburg, Jennie Brandenburg, Simrita Virk, Lee Whitney, Sarah Whitney, Ben Daly, Tim Donahoo, Benjamine Duncan, Greg Flavel, Max Yue, Tamara Isterling, Caz Kam, Jennifer Marning, Claire Martyr, Emma McGoldrick, Peter McGoldrick, Rebecca Taumalolo, Mel Fisher, Kylie & Dalio Milostic, Zoe Addison, Grace Brandenburg, Grace Dellit, Aqua Fisher, Scarlett Marles, Abby Milostic, Bianca Spanton, Anneka Wood


Also, all our suppliers:

Northbridge Football club- soccer skills 

Bubbling with Energy - inflatables 

Bop till you drop – for keeping the kids dancing all day  St John Ambulance – so glad we didn’t need you!

Willoughby Council - park & bins 

John’s Food Express - Burger Van

Pizza Picchio - wonderful pizza  Toxic Lane - awesome coffee and treats  Ice cream van 

Bowling Club - Power & BBQ Citi-Guard - Security   Viking rentals - Port-a-loos 

P&C Presidents’ Update


Welcome Picnic & Party


It was great to see so many happy faces at the Welcome Picnic & Party!  Well done to the Events Team and volunteers on organising a successful and really fun afternoon.


Class Reps Morning Tea


On Friday 15th, our Communications Coordinator Amy Daly, Principal Jen Simmonds, Tanya, and I hosted a morning tea for all of our Class Reps. We got together to chat, ask questions and share advice in different situations.  We are really lucky to have great Class Reps liaising with teachers and parents to make it easier for us all to know what’s happening at school and in the classrooms.   ??Thanks to our Class Reps for coming along??


Don’t forget to vote! 


Tomorrow we have our P&C-run democracy sausage sandwiches on sale at WPS, where you can vote in the hall, have lunch, buy a cake or treat and be in with a chance to win great prizes in the Band raffle.  See you there!

Upcoming P&C Events


In celebration of Mothers and carers, we will be running our Mothers Day Stall again in May.  There will be gorgeous gifts for kids to choose from for their lovely Mum, Nan, Gran, Aunt or special Friend.  More details on how to purchase will be coming soon.


SOO Footy Fans, we’re holding a State of Origin night.  It’s going to be great whether you support NSW or the other team… Sunday 23 June - Save the date in your calendar!



A night in Vegas!  It’s going to be hot, hot, hot!  Come along and try your luck at the tables, enjoy the entertainment and the company.  Saturday 24 August.  Make sure you save the date!  Stay tuned for more information. 


Pedestrian safety around WPS


We’d really love for some parents to contact us to join in a brainstorming session.  Do you have ideas on how can we make getting to and from school safer for our pedestrians?  There are changes that can be made but we can’t do it alone.  Join the team.  Make a difference.  Please contact president@wpspandc.com.au we’d love to hear from you. 


Jenni and Tanya

WPS P&C Co-Presidents





Saturday    23 March                            Election Day BBQ

Thursday 9 May                                     Mothers Day Stall

Wednesday 22 May                               P&C Meeting 7.00 pm in library

Saturday 23 June                                   Dad's Night Out

Wednesday 14 August                           P&C Meeting 7.00 pm in library

Saturday 24 August                               P&C Parents" Party - ANight in Vegas

Thursday 29 August                               Fathers' Day Stall

28 September                                         Bunnings BBQ

6 November                                            P&C AGM - 7.00 pm in library

29 November                                           Starry Night Movie Night




