Woolooware Public School Newsletter

April 2023

Principal's Report

Welcome to our final newsletter for the term!

I cannot help but feel excited about the way the year has commenced.  We are finally returning to most of the normal routines and ways of operating.  There has been a wonderful buzz in the air at all recent school events, especially during our parent interviews over the past two weeks – it has been so rewarding having the opportunity to engage with you (in person) again. 

Term 2 Curriculum Grids

We are pleased to share with you can overview of the content being covered in term 2 via our curriculum grids. There are pdf copies included in this newsletter and they can be accessed at any time on our website.

Woolooware Public School WEBSITE LINK

P&C News

In week 9 we held our P&C AGM.   We have a new team of enthusiastic volunteers, excited to lead our parent body this year.  The new committee consists of:

President: Julia Baker

Vice Presidents: Yet to be filled

Treasurer: Jen Rainbow

Secretary: Renee Amor

Fundraising Coordinator: Emma Tognolini

Communications: Yet to be filled

I would like to thank our outgoing committee members: Kate Cooper, Geoff Baker and Jua Cilliers.  Kate’s leadership of the outgoing team has been exceptional and has seen so many successful events and opportunities for our community.

The new team is passionate and excited about the future of parent engagement in our school.  As you can see, there are still a couple of gaps in the new committee and I know they would love to hear from anyone interested in finding out more.  Feel free to get in touch via email on pandc.woolooware@gmail.com They would also warmly welcome you to the next meeting on Monday 15 May at 7.00pm.

Colour Run

What a fantastic event for our school community!  Thank you to our wonderful team of parents for organising and running the event and to you, the Woolooware Community, for supporting it.  $25,000 was raised and this will contribute to the playground upgrades planned for later this year.  There are some great photos included in this newsletter.

Staffing Update

This week we say farewell to Mrs Tahlia Ferguson as she heads off on maternity leave.  We wish the Ferguson family all the very best as they prepare for the arrival of their newest family member.  5/6DF will be excited to welcome Mrs Brooke Raper back to WPS, returning from maternity leave two days per week.  From next term 5/6DF will be known as 5/6DR. Of course, the lovely Mrs Deacon will be continuing with the class, ensuring continued excellence in this great classroom!

Uniform Expectations

This term we have been talking a lot about what our community expects in the way of correct school uniform.  We ask that parents support us by ensuring students come to school with the correct shoes and socks.  Please use the holidays as an opportunity to ensure your child is equipped with the correct uniform pieces.

SHOES: are to be all black with no logos or brands.  Boots are not considered correct school shoes

SOCKS: must be visible, are to cover the ankle, be the correct colour and have no branding or logos.  Students wearing the checked school uniform wear white socks, students wearing grey school shorts wear grey socks.

Stage 3 Trip

We had a wonderful three days in Canberra last week.  Our students learnt so much and were well behaved and engaged in the activities. A BIG thank you to our staff team: Miss Greenstein, Mr Griggs, Mrs Deacon, Miss Ansell and Mrs Fleming for attending and for the planning and preparation to make the trip happen.  Our students had a wonderful time and I know lifelong memories were made. We acknowledge the support of the Australian Government through the PACER contribution, providing a subsidy of $30 per student. 

Parent Reps

We are very grateful to the parents who have volunteered to be a liaison between class teachers and parents of that group.  At our last P&C meeting, we  discussed protocols for the role just so everyone is clear about what parent reps do and don’t do.  In brief, they are a support to the class teacher in getting small reminders out and a contact point for families to connect.  The class rep is not supposed to be the source of all information and parents are still encouraged to speak to teachers directly and/or contact the school when unsure about expectations.

School Holidays

This Thursday the end of Term 1 for 2023 and I know that everyone is looking forward to the school holidays.  The staff will return to school on Monday 24 April for a Staff Development Day.  Students in K-6 will return for the start of Term 2 on Wednesday 26 April.

We wish all of our students and families a very happy and safe autumn break.

Jason Ezzy

PLEASE NOTE: The contents of this message are intended for families of students at Woolooware Public School. Unauthorised sharing of this message is not permitted

Curriculum Grids Term 2

Early Stage 1 Kindergarten Website link

Stage 1 Year 1 and Year 2 Website link

Stage 2 Year 3 and Year 4 Website link

Stage 3 Year 5 and Year 6 Website link

Colour Run Gallery

Student Representative Council News


Please be advised that the SRC meet every fortnight on Monday mornings at 9.15am in 3B classroom.

Term 2 meetings:

Monday 1 May (week 2)
Monday 15 May (week 4)
Monday 29 May (week 6)
Tuesday 13 May (week 8 - Monday Public Holiday)
Monday 26 June (week 10)

Parents and Citizens Association News

P&C Election BBQ

P&C Membership form


Uniform Shop News

The uniform shop is open THURSDAYS!


Parents and carers may attend the uniform shop on site from 9am-10am (approx.) to purchase uniform items. 

Our uniform shop is located on the far left end of the blue classrooms along the verandah. 


If you still wish to order your uniform through the office please email your completed form to woolooware-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au (pdf preferred - no photos). Please put 'UNIFORM ORDER - family name' in the subject field. Uniform fees will be emailed to families with an online payment link. Uniforms will only go home with students once they are paid for. 

Sending your order through by 3.30pm Wednesdays will be the cut off each week for orders to be processed on Thursdays. Late orders will be carried over to the following week. 


Our uniforms are also stocked at Claudine Schoolwear at Caringbah and their prices and opening times can be found on their website.

Families with overdue uniform fees are asked to please pay for your uniforms ASAP.

Thank you. Order form below

Team Kids

School Bytes Online Payment 'Parent Guide'

Please follow the link above to view the Woolooware Public School Website where you will find information on enrolment procedures, school events, forms and notes, live streams and much more. 

Canteen News

Flexi Schools for Canteen Orders - ORDER BY 9AM

Scholastic Book Club Online Ordering