Dear Parents and Caregivers,
We hope our students have had a lovely break, it’s hard to believe Term 4 is already upon us. Term 4 is traditionally a very busy term with a number of large scale whole school events, culminating in our presentation day at the end of the year. There have been some changes to COVID guidelines for schools, however, we are still awaiting advice around a number of activities that are traditionally held towards the end of the year. We will obviously keep you informed as information comes to hand.
Last year our inaugural Colour run was a big success and I’m excited that after submitting a COVID plan to our Director, we have been approved to host the event again this term. Unfortunately, we still are unable to have parents on site, so our staff will run the Colour Run this year. We’re excited that we are able to offer this fun-filled event to our students. Please see information below from Mrs Raymer.
COVID Guidelines and Kindergarten Orientation
Key restrictions remain in place from the end of last term, including not having parents on site without prior approval. We’re most grateful that our parents are adhering to this restriction.
Additional hygiene measures remain in place, including increased cleaning, hand washing and sanitising.
Our Kindergarten Orientation sessions will be able to proceed which is great news for our incoming students and families. While parents are able to drop off and pick up their children, unfortunately we are unable to host face to face parent information sessions. Correspondence will be sent to families over the coming week outlining some zoom sessions for parent information sessions.