Tomerong Public School

Be Safe - Be Responsible - Be Respectful - Be Your Best

Wednesday 14 October, 2020 - Term 4 - Week 1 - Issue 32

Principal's Report

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

We hope our students have had a lovely break, it’s hard to believe Term 4 is already upon us. Term 4 is traditionally a very busy term with a number of large scale whole school events, culminating in our presentation day at the end of the year. There have been some changes to COVID guidelines for schools, however, we are still awaiting advice around a number of activities that are traditionally held towards the end of the year. We will obviously keep you informed as information comes to hand.


Last year our inaugural Colour run was a big success and I’m excited that after submitting a COVID plan to our Director, we have been approved to host the event again this term. Unfortunately, we still are unable to have parents on site, so our staff will run the Colour Run this year. We’re excited that we are able to offer this fun-filled event to our students. Please see information below from Mrs Raymer.

COVID Guidelines and Kindergarten Orientation

Key restrictions remain in place from the end of last term, including not having parents on site without prior approval. We’re most grateful that our parents are adhering to this restriction.

Additional hygiene measures remain in place, including increased cleaning, hand washing and sanitising.

Our Kindergarten Orientation sessions will be able to proceed which is great news for our incoming students and families. While parents are able to drop off and pick up their children, unfortunately we are unable to host face to face parent information sessions. Correspondence will be sent to families over the coming week outlining some zoom sessions for parent information sessions. 

School Photographs

Our school photo day will be held next Wednesday 21 October, 2020 (Week 2, Term 4). Individualised order envelopes have been sent home with students.

Parents/carers are able to order photographs online with MSP Photography using the student’s unique shootkey. Instructions on how to do this is detailed on the order envelope. Please note THIS IS NOT A PARENT ONLINE PAYMENT ACTIVITY, payments go directly to MSP Photography.

Please read the information provided carefully and if you have any questions about the packs, please call MSP Photography on 4261 3009. Order envelopes for sibling photographs are available from the office. Sibling photographs are for students who are enrolled at Tomerong Public School only.

Order envelopes must be returned to school on photograph day. Students should wear their full summer uniform and Year 6 students are invited to wear their Year 6 shirt. We remind parents that if you need to purchase new uniform items for school photo day, orders are now done online through School Locker (see link below). 

If your child will be absent on school photograph day, please contact MSP directly on 4261 3009 to discuss alternative arrangements.

Teacher Professional Learning

This week a number of our teachers are participating in online professional learning which has resulted in casual teachers covering some classes. One of the valuable professional learning activities taking place is around the Zones of Regulation, a program we have found invaluable in helping students regulate their emotions.  More information about The Zones can be found here. Please feel free to talk to myself or our Learning and Support Teacher, Mrs Brett Baxter, if you would like further information.

New Playground Equipment

Our amazing P&C have been working feverishly in planning for the installation of fantastic new playground equipment. As you can imagine this is a significant expenditure for our P&C. The proposal will be discussed during the P&C meeting via zoom at 6pm on Tuesday 27th October. We welcome your feedback on the proposed design, keeping in mind voting rights at the meeting are given to paid members. If you would like a copy of the proposed design, please email the P&C at

Have a great week,

Rod White


Achievement Awards

Value of the Week

This week's value is  -  Use good manners



My name is Jack and I am five years old. My little sister is three years old.

At school, I liked when our class wrote The Spooky Eyeball story. I also enjoyed the soccer clinics.

At home, I like to play hide and seek with Mum, Dad and my sister. I play soccer on weekends but it is finished until next year when I am in Year One.

 When I grow up I would like to be a soccer player.

P&C News

Next meeting

The next P&C meeting will be held on Tuesday 27th October (Week 3) at 6pm via Zoom. See the link below:

Meeting ID: 358 622 1347

Password: 7GfDzd


Tomerong P&C

Sports Shorts – Exciting News for Term 4!

This Term, students from Kindergarten to Year 6, will participate in an AFL Sporting Skills Program. The program will commence in Week 2 on Thursday 22 October and run for 8 weeks.

Sporting Schools provides a program for primary schools which aims to:

  • Improve children’s fundamental movement skills to encourage lifelong participation in physical activity
  • Increase the awareness of the value of sport in schools
  • Engage children in high quality sporting programs
  • Connect children with sport in their local communities
  • Develop the capability and capacity of sport to drive nationwide participation growth

Please note the following uniform change during the AFL Sporting Schools program.

For this Friday, students are to wear their sports uniform as normal.

From Week 2 of this term, students will be required to wear their full sports uniform on Thursdays and their regular summer uniform on Fridays. This means that during the delivery of the AFL sports program, Thursdays will become our school’s official sports day.

Please also note that due to current COVID circumstances, Leisure Sports will not be going ahead this term.

Mr Munn

Run4Fun Colour Explosion

After the success of last year, we are excited to announce that the Run4Fun Colour Explosion is happening again this year on Friday 20th November (Term 4 Week 6). Sponsorship forms have been sent home with your child today and can be downloaded using the link below. We encourage all fundraising to be conducted online due to the pandemic. 


Mrs Raymer


Canteen News

Hi everyone!

Our summer menu has now started with the exciting news of Sushi being back on Tuesdays only.  You can download the new menu from the link below. Please make sure Sushi orders go in the basket in the office foyer on MONDAYS please.

Also a reminder there has been some price rises, so please check on the menu before ordering.

Thank you.

Hope you all had a fun-filled holiday.



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