As the students came off the buses following their long journey home from the Year 10 snow camp, their smiles were wide… and they cheerily helped unpack all the bags before greeting their parents. This small detail encapsulates the week. This was a group who, with the extraordinary support of their teachers, had challenged themselves in many ways, and succeeded.
I am immensely proud of the students, and simply in awe of the Staff.
Word from the Staff, and Lands Edge, the company running the trip, was inspiring; the teamwork shown and the way each student worked to support each other in good moments, and when spirits were flagging, made the trip, special. We need to remember too that these students have missed out on our outdoor program over these COVID years. The development of key skills across Years 7 to 9 is important, as the Year 10 program is the pinnacle of challenge. Hence, the achievements were even more significant this year.
The week comprises two elements, one a backcountry journey where the students sleep out for two nights, having trekked in cross-country skis carrying a 22kg pack. Yes, in below-freezing conditions! As Ms Burke shared… “every fall meant the pack had to come off, someone had to help you back up and back on with your pack…”. The sense of achievement of this, coupled with those who may not have skied or snowboarded before and who, after lessons, negotiated the T-bar and conquered their apprehension, gives new meaning to ‘community’ and why we are so passionate about such experiences for our students.
There were 12 Staff with the group. We need to acknowledge this special group, and I did note the parents who expressed their gratitude to these wonderful people before taking off with their sons and daughters. I hope that those who did not give a word of thanks, will reach out to the Staff in some way. Please remember that these staff are caring for the students for 24 hours each day. They are the constant presence, and their responsibilities are even greater than when we are all on Campus at Collaroy. Additionally, they have families and responsibilities at home that they must organise to ensure they can be with the students. And they do this as part of our time-honoured profession. It is too often forgotten in an age where more and more is expected and where sadly, social media will be used to criticise schools and individuals, that quite extraordinary roles are carried out by our Staff.
So, if you see any of the following staff, please acknowledge them for their incredible work last week:
Ms Burke, Ms Brady, Ms Sumpter, Mr Blackwell, Mr de la Fontaine-Clarke, Ms Biddolph, Ms Sutton Ms de Ceglie, Mr Gemmell, Mr Donohue, Mrs Thomas, and Mr Heath.
I hope everyone enjoyed one or two long, hot showers and the comfort of their own bed on Friday night… and that the weekend allowed both students and staff some time to restore their strength in readiness for many a tale to be told in the days and weeks ahead.
It is wonderful to have all students back on campus now that the HSC Trial examinations have concluded. For the HSCs, results from the Trials provide their final ranking. For the rest of the Term and until the examinations conclude, the students work very much in team, supporting each other to make the best result for the cohort. An individual focus now shifts to a combined one. And the Class of 2021 are very much a cohesive team whom, I am sure, will find what is needed for the home strait.
On a personal note, it was so good to meet face to face once more with colleague Principals last Sunday and Monday. No zoom meeting will ever capture the opportunities to share the challenges and joys of our roles!
I look forward to all the coming weeks offer.