Holbrook Public School

Quality education for all, in a secure and caring environment

ISSUE 9: Term 2, Week 9 - Tuesday, 23 June 2020

From the Principal's desk

Welcome to Week 9! - A massive thank you from myself, the teachers and all students to our six sports house leaders, Annie, Nick, Ava, Hayley, Ella and Justine. In line with COVID-19 infection control protocols, all sports equipment is required to be sanitised between uses. Our wonderful house leaders, with the support of a teacher, have collected and cleaned all equipment after each break to ensure all students can remain active and engaged at school during breaks. Well done, team!

Remote Learning Parent Survey

The remote learning experience, due to COVID-19, required us to do many things differently at school. We would like to capture your experience and feedback as a result, so we can capitalise on the opportunity and continue to improve our school. There are only three questions and it should take less than three minutes of your time. Please see the link directly after my report in this newsletter.

Positive Behaviour and Learning

We saw outstanding improvements in learning and behaviour during Week 8 and look forward to this continuing for the remainder of the term. All students have been working towards the school focus areas of kindness, listening and trying their best, to earn an invite to a whole school reward/event which will be held on Friday, 26 June. The students have voted for an afternoon movie (and popcorn) and a note with further details will be sent home soon. Students will be spread across multiple rooms in line with current health guidelines. Further information will be sent home on Wednesday. If you would prefer your child not participate in this experience to promote positive behaviour and learning, please let us know via email or phone call.  

Kindergarten 2021 Enrolments

Our 2021 Kindergarten enrolments have started to come in. Enrolment forms are available online or can be picked up from the school office. To assist us in processing the applications and to give us an indication of Kindergarten numbers for next year, we would appreciate it if enrolment application forms could be returned by Friday, 31 July. It is particularly important that you make early contact with the school if your child has additional health or learning needs, so that adequate support and a smooth transition can be planned for. Further information regarding our transition program, school tours and a 2021 Kindergarten parent information session will be provided before the end of term. 

ICAS Assessments

ICAS assessments are designed to recognise academic excellence. Students are assessed on their ability to apply classroom learning to new contexts using higher-order thinking and problem-solving skills. If you would like your child to participate in this year's tests, please see the information contained in this newsletter.

Farewell Miss Freeman

As you are aware, Miss Freeman will be leaving our school at the end of this term. She will be relocating to the Newcastle area and teaching at Kurri Kurri Public School beginning next term. Miss Freeman will be greatly missed at Holbrook Public School for her creative school videos, her soccer and basketball skills, Opera House recorder group, robotics and generally being a great teacher. Thank you Miss Freeman for your contribution to our school, and good luck in Newcastle!

Staffing Update

With Miss Freeman departing at the end of term, Miss Burton (Monday – Wednesday) and Mrs Bedggood (Thursday – Friday) will be sharing her 3-6 English and maths groups and other afternoon classes. Miss Burton is returning part-time from maternity leave and Mrs Bedggood will be switching roles. I am also pleased to welcome Kimberly Ross to our team for the second semester in a part-time role (Tuesdays and Wednesdays). Kimberly has worked primarily in the Catholic education system in Holbrook, Albury and Culcairn and brings great experience in the K-2 area. She will be taking over Mrs Bedggood’s learning support role, where she will work primarily with the K-2 classes. As part of the NSW Department of Education’s strategy to ensure continued employment for casual teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic, most casual employees were allocated to a school for Term 2. I thank Victoria Thompson for her support of our school during this time.

Opportunity Class – Aurora College

In 2021, for the first time, Aurora College will have an opportunity class for Year 5 students enrolled in rural and remote government primary schools.

Aurora College is NSW's virtual school, offering a mix of online and residential school classes for high potential and gifted students.

This is an exciting opportunity for Holbrook Public School students who will be in Year 5 in 2021. Applications for Year 5 placement in the virtual opportunity class in 2021 open on Tuesday, 9 June 2020 and close at 5:00 p.m. Friday, 26 June 2020.

Please read the attached information and let us know if we can be of any further assistance.

Drop Offs, Pick Ups and Meetings with Staff

Thank you to all parents and carers for adhering to my request via SkoolBag last week to minimise non-essential visits to the school grounds.  At any other time, we would highly encourage entry to the school and contact with our teachers and staff, however, current health guidelines do not allow this. Please continue to enter only through the office, if required. We have three exits for children in the afternoon which are all facilitated by a teacher, the front gate, back gate and bus area. The teacher on duty will make sure your child gets to you safely.


Please join us this Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. via Zoom for our P&C AGM. Zoom meeting details can be found in this newsletter.

Semester 1 Reports

Semester 1 reports will be sent home on Thursday, 2 July. They are a simplified version of our usual reports which provide information on each student’s strengths and areas for improvement in English and maths. A general comment addressing other learning that has taken place, as well as information regarding commitment to learning and attendance will also be provided. The 5-point achievement scale will not be used in the Semester 1 report. We will provide the opportunity for parent teacher meetings early in Term 3, however, under current health and Department guidelines, these will need to occur virtually. If you would like an indication of how your child is progressing before this, please call the school and speak with one of our teachers.

 AFL Long Kick Competition

Last week, we ran some kicking competitions for the boys and girls in each year group. It was great to see so many kids having a go, even if kicking a footy isn’t their favourite thing to do. Well done to Ollie, Will, Blake and Jasper who helped me with some coaching and the running of the competitions. What great young leaders they are becoming!

The winners of the long kick competitions were:  

Kindergarten – Evie Rangi (4m) and Orlando White (10m)

Year 1 – Brydie Laffan (13m) and Eddie Landale/Cess Lieschke (15m)

Year 2 – Darcy Heriot (21m)

Year 3 – Ada Ryan (18m) and Ollie Cardile (29m)

We will run competitions for the senior students this week!

In this digital age, are we reading enough?

How often do your children read at home? How often do you read to your children at home? How many minutes of reading would each of your children do each day at home? Should or could this be increased? Are there any barriers our school could help you with? Becoming a successful reader who can read with fluency and understanding is a vital skill that underpins all learning. It is the single most important aspect of our curriculum. Reading is not learnt naturally by listening and copying like speaking is. It needs to be taught explicitly and practised regularly. Children first need to develop strong phonemic awareness (identifying and manipulating sounds) and phonic skills (letter-sound relationships), before progressing to fluency (speed and accuracy), vocabulary (meaning of words) and comprehension (understanding the meaning and intent). What stage of this progression is your child up to? Are they still learning to decode (sound out) words, or are they building fluency, vocabulary and understanding? Wherever they are up to, practice, support and enjoyment are the keys to success. We want our children to love reading, but many children who have difficulty reading often say they don’t like it. This is usually because it is hard for them and they need our help. It is much easier to watch television or play a game online. The more you read, the easier it gets and the more pleasurable it becomes. I know very well that getting your child to read at home can at times create a challenging family dynamic, however, it is a lifelong skill that will pay dividends in all areas of their education and lives. It is no secret that the children who are strong readers are generally performing the best at school.  Encourage your child to persevere and become a reader, as ‘Once you learn to read, you will be forever free,’ Frederick Douglas.

One great way to promote reading at home is through entering your child in the Premier’s Reading Challenge - https://online.det.nsw.edu.au/prc/home.html.

School Leader Report

There have been lots of interesting things happening in our school over the past two weeks.

  • The students in Years 1-6 have been busily writing a story for the Write On Competition. The picture everyone is writing about is a boy sleeping with his dog. To all of the students working on it, keep up the great work!
  • Out in the playground, Mr Fisher has been holding a longest kick competition during lunch times. Well done to everyone who has had a go.
  • Something else exciting has been the arrival of our new school jackets for winter. Many students have been wearing them proudly and they look and feel great.
  • There has also been a Rubik’s cube competition being run by Ryder McKillop and Aiden Walmsley. Congratulations to Isaac Bennetts who won and thank you to the McKillop family who donated the prize.
  • All students are currently working towards being invited to a reward day. Students voted at Friday’s virtual assembly. Our school’s focus behaviours have been kindness, listening and trying your best (when learning).
  • We are all very appreciative of our sports house leaders who have been collecting and sanitising our sports equipment with the help of a teacher after each break. 

By Annabel Pincott

Cross Country

Our modified Cross Country event was due to be held this Friday during sport, however, we have decided to postpone it until Friday, Week 1, Term 3 so that it can be run more like a carnival. Unfortunately, parents still won't be able to attend. Keep building your endurance boys and girls! 

Nathan Fisher


The remote learning experience, due to COVID-19, required us to do many things differently at school. We would like to capture your experience and feedback as a result, so we can capitalise on the opportunity and continue to improve our school. There are only three questions and it should take less than three minutes of your time. Your feedback is extremely valuable to us and we thank you for your support.


Term 2 canteen roster

Please arrive by 9:20 a.m. wait at the office and we will bring the baskets to you. Please have orders to the Bakery by no later than 9:35 a.m. If you are unable to do your duty, please arrange to swap with another person on the roster. In an emergency, call Georgie Millard on 6036 2902 or 0409 325 955.

Do you have some free time in your calendar during Term 3? If so, we would really value your time to help with lunch orders on Monday and/or Friday mornings. The process is simple:

1.      Sign in and take the class baskets from the office to the canteen,

2.      The students will put their lunch orders in their class baskets,

3.      Sign out and take the baskets to the Holbrook Bakery,

It only takes around 45 minutes out of your day and your child loves to see you there. Please email Georgie Millard on gmillard75@gmail.com‎ to volunteer or if you have any questions.

DateOn DutyContact Number
Friday, 26 JuneRebecca Lindsay0417 816 886
Monday, 29 JuneSophie Hearn and Jac Snow0427 034 745 and 0417 524 860
Friday, 3 JulyPrue Pincott and Natasha Harbison0427 003 171 and 0417 410 169

Don't forget to use the attached menu from the Holbrook Bakery

When ordering lunches on Mondays or Fridays, please use this lunch order menu from the Holbrook Bakery. Remember to put the correct money in a brown paper bag with your child's name, class and order written on the front. Remember, 25% of all money raised from lunch orders is returned to our school.

How do I get home today?

To minimise disruptions during learning time, please ensure that your children know how they are getting home each day. We understand that on occasion, your plans may change and you will need us to get a message to your child advising such, however, some families have been contacting the school on a regular, if not daily basis requesting that we remind their children of how they are getting home. If your child has difficulty remembering how they are to get home, perhaps you could write "bus" or "pick up" for example on their hand or put it in a note to their class teacher. Some families also attach something to their child's school bag, for example their zipper, which reminds them how they are getting home on that day.

Lost Property

As the end of Term 2 draws to a close, our lost property box has once again ballooned to overflowing with an assortment of food containers, drink bottles, pencil cases, hats, a bicycle helmet and jumpers to name a few. Please check the lost property box, located in the office foyer before the last day of term. After this date, any named items will be returned to their owners, however the rest will be donated to the Op Shop or our second hand clothing shop.

Uniform orders

Please ensure that all uniform orders (particularly orders for the new weather-proof jackets) and embroidery requests are placed through the school and not directly with our suppliers.

We are now collecting Voluntary School Contributions

In consultation with the P&C, Voluntary School Contributions for 2020 are $35 per child, however, feel free to contribute more, if your budget allows.

That’s around 18¢ per child, per school day!

This money allows us to purchase teaching resources as well as writing books, stationery, art supplies and library books. All of which your child benefits from. Last year, through generous donations from parents, we were able to purchase the class set of djembe drums. Remember, every cent counts!

Thank you to those families who have already contributed to their child’s learning experience.

Tell Them From Me student feedback survey

Our school, like many other public schools in the state, will participate in a NSW Department of Education initiative: the Tell Them From Me student feedback survey, open for students in Years 4 to 6. The survey measures factors that are known to affect academic achievement and other student outcomes. The focus of the NSW-wide survey is on student wellbeing, engagement and effective teaching practices.

More information about the survey is available at: http://surveys.cese.nsw.gov.au

The survey is a great opportunity for our students to provide us with valuable and quick feedback on what they think about school life, how engaged they are with school and the different ways that teachers interact with them. More than 6,300 schools in Australia and around the world have used Tell Them From Me to survey 5.4 million students. Capturing the voices of our students will help improve how we do things at our school.

I want to assure you that the survey is confidential. The survey is conducted online and will typically take less than 30 minutes to complete. It will be administered during school hours between 22 June and 3 July. Participating in the survey is entirely voluntary.

A consent form and FAQs for parents/carers about the survey was sent home with students in Week 7. Copies of the form and FAQs are available from: http://surveys.cese.nsw.gov.au/information-for-parents.

The consent form and FAQs are available in 23 languages.

ICAS Assessments

ICAS Assessments are perfectly designed to allow students to demonstrate their higher order thinking and problem-solving skills. If your child is interested in participating in this year's ICAS Assessments, please complete the attachment and return to school with your payment by Friday, 26 June 2020.

P&C AGM via Zoom

When: Wednesday, 24 June 2020

Time: 7:30 p.m.

Join Zoom Meeting: https://nsweducation.zoom.us/j/63458169175?pwd=RnNtdjlWRWxldTVJR0E5aktybVVrZz09

Meeting ID: 634 5816 9175

Password: 378402

All Welcome!

Aurora College

WANTED: Milk bottle lids

We have a project a little later in the year that requires milk bottle lids. Although we cannot accept them just yet, we would appreciate it if you would start collecting them for us.

Premier's Reading Challenge

Don't forget, the Premier's Reading Challenge is on. Students can search for books to read, add books to their reading logs, and track their progress throughout the challenge. I am happy to log books in, if students have difficulty doing so. Students have until Friday, 28 August to complete the Reading Challenge.


Christine Biar

Pre-loved uniforms for sale at just $5 each

Uniform ItemSizes Available
Summer Uniforms
Short sleeve polo shirt4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16
Shorts8, 10, 12, 14, 16
Summer dress4, 6, 12, 14
Winter Uniforms
Long sleeve polo shirt4, 6, 8, 16
Fleece jacket4, 6, 8, 12
Long pants4, 6
Tartan pants12, 14
Tartan skirt10, 16
Windcheater6, 8
Sports Uniforms
Sports shirt6, 10, 12
Microfibre sports shorts10, 12

Term 2, Week 8 assembly awards

TeacherAwarded to
Miss Hemphill

Layla Pendrick: For always using her manners and approaching all tasks with determination

Tannah Steuart: Trying his best and making great progress with writing his name

Evie Rangi: Sportsmanship

Mrs Biar

Brydie Laffan: For working really hard on her word attack and getting her letters correct

Kasey Worldon: For showing a good work ethic and always doing her best

Clementine Heriot: Sportsmanship

Mrs Henderson

Grace Bennetts: For always trying her best to complete tasks to a high standard

Eddie Bull: For listening and following instructions carefully to complete set tasks accurately

Mrs Pargeter

Jasper Hartwich: Maintaining a keen interest in practical activities in mathematics and science

Hayey Vankerkoerle: Writing an entertaining imaginative text for the Write On competition

Mahleigha Jolly: Sportsmanship

Miss Lavis

Georgie Cardile: Taking responsibility for her learning and being self-motivated

Justin Nisbet: Patience and perseverance when problem-solving

Laycii Freund: Sportsmanship

Mrs Wedgwood

Annabel Pincott: Completing her health discussion to a high standard and spending time to help another student

Montanna Spencer: Always trying her best to improve in English and maths

Ryder McKillop: Sportsmanship

Mr Fisher

Ella Lieschke, Justine Naughton, Nick Robards, Annie Triggs, Hayley Vankerkoerle and Ava Wolter: For keeping our school safe by extensively cleaning our sports equipment

AwardAwarded to
Blue Star Cards

Eddie Bull and Ben Yensch

Yellow Star CardsAnabella Lindsay and Justine Naughton
Sustainable SamYear 1
First Class ReadyYear 5/6
Best Class AssemblyYear 2

Virtual Australian Challenge

Athletics Australia has today launched The Virtual Australian Challenge, an athletics program focused on getting Australians moving through virtual events spanning an eight week period.The Challenge built with the assistance of Athletics New South Wales, runs from May 11 to July 3, is open to a variety of age groups and can be competed in over four distances.Last week, Sport Australia released its latest Aus Play data which showed that 3.185 million adults participate in Running/Athletics, making it the most popular sport for Australians aged 15 plus. Overall, more than 3.4 million Australian adults and children participate in Running/AthleticsAthletics Australia Chief Executive Officer Darren Gocher said:“The news from Aus Play that Running/Athletics continues to see strong growth with well over 3 million participants in Australia is fantastic.“Off the back of the Aus Play announcement, we are really excited to see how many Australians get involved in the Virtual Australian Challenge, and we encourage anyone and everyone to have a go.To enter the Virtual Australian Challenge, participants simply register for free, complete a run, walk or wheelchair performance during the specified time and upload your results.Athletics Australia has also launched a community focused Strava Running Group, and welcome anyone to get involved.Two-time Olympian and Australian co-Captain at the 2019 Doha World Athletics Championships - Genevieve Gregson said:“It’s great that during this time when everyone is stuck at home that we have something that we are working toward,”“Anyone can get involved in the Challenge, I was lucky enough to run the Melbourne Tan track a few weeks ago in 11 minutes 54 seconds, so anyone who thinks they can challenge me are welcome to try.Rio Paralympian and two time gold medalist at the 2019 World Para Athletics Championships – Jaryd Clifford said:"We all miss racing. We miss the nerves and we miss the people. We miss that feeling of crossing the finish line with nothing left in the tank, knowing we gave it everything. And yet, with the power of modern technology, we can still live those experiences.“If you miss those feelings as much as I do, join me in running the Virtual Australian Challenge. We know the power of running, the happiness it can bring. During these times, our community must stick together. I look forward to seeing your times," Clifford said.  More details of both the Athletics Australia Virtual Challenge and the Strava Group, can be found through The Virtual Stadium or here.

Parenting Ideas

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

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