The P&F have had another very successful year and have achieved their goals of both fundraising and building social connection within our community. Thank you for all your generous donations and support of our fundraising events. The funds have gone towards sporting equipment for our students, line marking of the half court and playground toys. A significant proportion of the raised funds will also go towards the naturescape works on the oval- that will begin over the holidays. Our P&F has been very ably led by our president Michelle Cann. Thanks Michelle for everything you have done to ensure we have a vibrant and connected school community as well as raising funds to help support the education of our children. Thanks also to Fleur Dow who has been in the role of secretary this year and to all our members who have supported the work of the P&F this year.
The P&F have many ideas for next year and they are keen to hear from you as a parent community about the types of events you would be interested in supporting. It’s not too late to be part of the P&F so if you are interested please speak with Michelle or email her