St Peters Lutheran School Newsletter

Term 2 Issue 3 - 30 May 2019

From the Principal - Mr Mark Rathjen

St Peters War on Waste

Over the past month we have, as a whole school, been waging our own little war on waste. You would have seen some Facebook and Seesaw posts and newsletter articles from Bronwyn on this. The students have been amazing. It got me to thinking about our new strategic focus and theme ‘GROW with us’.  So much of what staff and students are working on with this project is a great example of what our plans are all about – Forward focused and helping students to be prepared for the world they are  entering.

This sustainability project addresses the 4 strategic pillars so very well.

God in all Things - In Genesis, God commands us to keep and care for the earth but God’s edict to have dominion over the earth doesn’t mean to have complete domination and exploitation of it but sadly, this is what has happened; we continue to be thoughtless about how we treat the earth and burn through its resources. This is the only place that we have and if we choose to abuse it, it will be a choice we will live to regret. This is an important starting point for our students.

Relationships - There have been wonderful connections being made; student to student, staff to student, parent engagement and the connections we have made with Toby Moulton (Groundswell Education). I think this is just the beginning to many other relationships that will form as we learn to better care for our environment.

Ownership - The students are taking ownership. Under the care of staff, students have been so proactive in working out how to sort our waste.  They are showing exceptional ownership and responsibility or what we sometimes call ‘Agency’, as they come up with ideas and collectively as a school take action.

Wellbeing - Finally, there are many aspects of wellbeing involved in this. Students gain confidence, grow in healthy relationships with others and are contributing to the well being of others in the community and even globally.  They feel empowered know they are making a difference in their corner of the world.

We thank you for engaging in conversations with your children about sustainability and encourage you to make changes in your own home too.

GROW with us in this project!

The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, 
the world, and all who live in it; Psalm 24:1

Mark Rathjen, Principal 

World Environment Dress Up Green Day Wednesday 5 June

World Environment Day is a celebration of our natural world and raises awareness for the protection of our environment.  It is held annually on June the 5th.   We are asking students and staff to wear green for the day.  Students come completely in green clothes or accessorise their PE uniform.

If you choose to wear green for the day please bring a gold coin donation (or more) to help raise money for school chickens, compost bin and a worm farm.

Thank you.  
The 3/4 Eco Experts

We are putting the band back together

Over the past month we had a few longer staff absences, and from this and next week The Band should be pretty much back together again.

It has been good to see Pastor Kevin back with us after a few weeks away following arm surgery. While sporting a sling, he is resuming full duties and we look forward to him leading chapel once again this Friday.

Our Business Manager, Karen Howell has been out of the office for most of the past few weeks also. Her husband had a full knee replacement and she has been caring for him while working from home. Karen hopes to be back in the office next week.

We are so pleased to have Mary-Ann Mickan back with us again this week. Mary-Ann has been travelling the world the past few weeks on Long Service Leave.  We are thankful that Alex Speed could cover Mary-Ann’s role while she was away.

Principal's Tour

Our next Principal's Tour is scheduled for Wednesday 12 June, starting at 9am.  If you know of anyone looking at ELC and/or school for this year or beyond, please encourage them to come along for this tour or, if this time doesn't suit, to contact the school office to arrange an alternative time.

Term 2 Chapel Offering Project and School Partnership

This term students and staff have chosen to help the Tucker family (Garry, Haniar, with Kayla and Stefan) as they support the Rising Star Indonesia (RSI) school. Garry and Haniar came and spoke to our students at chapel two weeks ago and told us of their important work there in Sumatra. Haniar and Garry are supporting the school’s curriculum development, ICT, and teacher mentoring.  They also serve a local church and the community, through helping with English and sharing life together.  Some of our Indonesian classes have begun trading letters with students of RSI. You may get a brochure with more information at the front office, or speak to Haniar or Garry if you would like to keep in touch with the news of their service and family.  The Tuckers will most likely be returning to Indonesia before the end of term. We are excited to see how this partnership can grow in the months and years ahead.

Grandparents’ and Special Friends’ Day Friday 7 June

Our annual Grandparents’ and Special Friends’ Day is almost upon us – the students are greatly looking forward to it.  A letter with all relevant information has been posted on Skoolbag. Please read and note all that is required for the day. An additional reminder that you RSVP (via Skoolbag) on behalf of those you know are visiting. 

From the P&F...

We will be providing morning tea for our grandparents and special friends next Friday 7 June.  Families with surnames beginning with A-M are asked to bring a plate of savoury food and families with surnames beginning with N-Z are asked to bring a plate of sweet food. In support of our school's renewed focus on sustainability, please try to minimise plastic waste and bring food in reusable containers. We will also need lots of volunteers to prepare and cook food in the morning, starting from 8.30am. If you can help, please let Heather Stevens know on 0450 398 729 or email Thank you for your support.

Pedal Prix Sponsorship Opportunity

There is an opportunity for any families or friends of the school to have their business sponsor our Pedal Prix team once again this year. If you would like to help our team, please contact our team manager Nathan Tothill (contact details via the front office). Sponsorship can include advertising on the vehicle as it races around the track in front of thousands of people.

Cheese Toasties Special Lunch Thank You

Last Friday we were treated to some delicious cheese toasties for lunch. Thank you to our very energetic Parents and Friends team for filling our tummies.  We raised over $300 which will be added to our Nature Play kitty.

From the P&F...

Thank you to everyone who ordered lunch for Toasted Sandwich Day last Friday.  We hope you enjoyed your toasted sandwiches :)
Thank you to those who loaned us their sandwich presses. They definitely made our job a lot easier. A special thank you to all our wonderful volunteers who helped make and cook toasted sandwiches on the day - Rachelle Miller, Claire Baldwin, Julie Purdie, Belinda Willson, Monique Gray, Jane Mellen and Dianne Carr.


Despite the cooler weather please ensure hats are at school each day. Even last week we experienced days above the UV level of 3 which is where we set our no hats no play policy. 

From the PYP Coordinator - Bronwyn Wilson

Primary Years Programme (PYP)

Sustainability at St Peters Lutheran

The action continues…!

In the PYP, it is believed that education must extend beyond the intellectual to include not only socially responsible attitudes but also thoughtful and appropriate action. An explicit expectation of the PYP is that successful inquiry will lead to responsible action, initiated by the student as a result of the learning process.

Action can happen at any time throughout a unit, not only at the end. A good question to pose to encourage action is, “Now that we know and understand this, what are we going to do about it?” Hart, in his ladder of participation, outlines 8 levels of participation that helps us to understand our participation in action and decision making. The goal for us as teachers is to guide the children in our school towards level 8 of this ‘ladder’ which states that children and adults share in the decision making about what can be done as a result of our learning.

This is certainly happening in our school at the moment! Led by the passionate and able Year 1/2s, our school is taking some significant action when it comes to looking after our earth and making sure there is enough for everyone forever.

Most recently the school has ordered new bins that allow us to separate our waste thoughtfully. Around the school you will see new indoor bins- mixed recycling, soft plastics and landfill. In the toilets we have organic bins for the paper towels. Very exciting changes happening!

Bronwyn Wilson
PYP Coordinator

Parents and Friends

Save the date

We will be having a Bunnings BBQ fundraiser on Saturday 6 July from 9am-4pm. This will be run by the P&F and parents from Miss Geue's Year 5 class.

We will need lots of helpers on the day, so if you have children in that class, please add your name to the roster that is in the classroom. If you don't, please come along and support the fundraiser by buying a sausage, and invite your family and friends to do the same.

Thank you for your support.

School Fundraiser

Are you interested in finding out more about essential oils but haven’t taken the plunge yet?

Come along and find out how doTERRA essential oils can be used for cooking, cleaning, basic first aid, emotional support and more.

50% of the profit from purchases in June and July will go to St Peters Lutheran School.

You can purchase by:

  • Contacting me directly and stating that you would like your purchase to support St Peters Lutheran School
  • Attending my Winter Wellness Class on Saturday 22nd June or Saturday 13 July from 2-4pm in Craigburn Farm (address supplied on enquiry)
  • Hosting a class with family and friends at your place or mine (50% of the profit from all purchases on the day will go to the school) 

For more information please contact Tina Fahy on 0438 854 741.

General Information

Public Safety - Parking Control around Schools, Kindergartens & Child Care Centres

City of Mitcham has forwarded to us some information regarding their enforcement of parking restrictions around schools and kindergartens.  To inform drivers about public safety and provide for student safety around roadways at school drop off and pick up times, any breaches of the Australian Road Rules 1999 observed by Community Safety Officers may result in the issue of an expiation notice.

Please click on below link for brochure provided by the City of Mitcham regarding parking regulations.

City of Mitcham - Children, Schools & Traffic


Diary Dates

For important dates and information regarding upcoming events, please go to the Events page of our Skoolbag app.