Pigeon Post

2022 Volume 2 Issue 6


For students who are isolating...

Acknowledgement of Country...

From the Principal's Desk...

Looking for Extra-Curricular activities for your child? Here's what is currently offered at our school...

Well done to all our Zone Cross Country representatives! Huge CONGRATS to our students who will be competing in the Sydney East PSSA Regional Cross Country Carnival on 15 June!

Congrats to Marco M, Marium S, Nina B and Sharanya D, for winning our in-school Multicultural Public Speaking competition. These Stage 2 and 3 students will now represent our school in the next level of the competition! 🏆🏆🏆🏆

Our library now has a collection of books in languages other than English. Most of these books have both languages and the focus is on well-known tales. Thanks, as always, to our P&C!

Connect with Balmain PS...Wonder what's goes on at our school? Follow us on Instagram for daily content, both through posts and stories...

The week that was...

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Keep up with what's happening @ Balmain Public School


IF YOU SEE A COLOURED CIRCLE AROUND OUR EMBLEM, DON'T FORGET TO TAP ON IT, FOR OUR LATEST STORY...you've got to get in quickly, as it disappears after 24 hours!


To see what else we've been up to this week, head over to @balmainps!

School Resource Fees

School Resource Fee

Link to Google form here:



SkoolBag is our main comms @ Balmain PS...

***SKOOLBAG IS OUR MAIN FORM OF COMMUNICATING WITH YOU***In case of urgent/important communication, notifications via the Skoolbag app on your phone will keep you informed***

To ensure you receive all communication via SkoolBag, please have the app downloaded on your phone, with the notifications turned ON.

Although the school pushes out notifications via the app and email, there may be times when an important message may be missed as emails may sometimes not be checked regularly.

If there were to be an emergency, (hopefully not), information would be pushed out via SkoolBag.

If you need assistance downloading the app, please see below...


From the Office


Every FRIDAY (weather permitting) - AWARDS ASSEMBLY

Please leave your furry friends at home...

Every FRIDAY - Uniform Stall

Order items online here

The best way to order new uniforms is online and they will be delivered to children's classrooms each Friday morning.

Come to the uniform stall if you need to try items on for size.

Second Chance items are available the first Friday of every month during the school term. 

If you would like to volunteer to help, please either email us at balmainpsuniforms@gmail.com or sign up via the link

Located on top floor, via Miss Pauline's Garden entry.

Every FRIDAY - The School Canteen

Mon 13 June - Queen's Birthday - PUBLIC HOLIDAY

Thurs 30 June - Reports go home

Fri 1 July - LAST DAY OF TERM 2


Mon 18 July - School Development Day - NO STUDENTS

Tues 19 July - STUDENTS RETURN - Term 3 commences

Fri 16 & Sat 17 September - ART SHOW - Save the Date

PSSA (Primary Schools Sports Association)



Senior A Team

Captain: Nea T

We played really well today with a win of 8-4. The team we versed had tough defence, but we pushed through and came out with a win.

MVP: Lauren F

MIP: Emmie B

Senior B Team

Captain: Harriet J

Today we lost 2-4 against Nicholson Street Public School. The Balmain B’s have improved a lot in their shooting and passing.

MIP: Ella W

MVP: Alex K 

Senior C Team 

Captain:  Rosemary A

Today was a really good game. Although we lost 3 - 9, I think we all tried our hardest. We versed Annandale North. Even though we lost, I think we did really good for the school we versed.

MVP: Summer W

MIP: Alina L

Junior Team

Captain: Sophie W

Today we won 21-2 against Nicholson Street Public School and I think the Balmain Blueberries did amazingly!

MIP: Halle 

MVP: Mila



Senior A Team

The A team played an amazing game, which resulted in us winning. Personally, I feel that we could have cheered on our team more, but we still had a great game. I would like to award man of the match to Luca L; he played exceptionally well, with one assist and one goal.

Captain: Henry S

Senior B Team

We won the game, but I feel the positioning and talk was something to be worked on. Saying that, we preformed very well with a 6-0 win, so it wasn’t all bad. Finally, for MVP I would like to award it to Matthew; he always kept position and was a very good defence throughout.

Captain: Charlie F

Senior C Team

We won the game one nil. We did a good job at defending, which is why the other team didn’t score any points, though we need to work on our aim in kicks. In the end, there was one obvious MVP. I would like to award it to Amelia, for being a great tackler and always doing her best.

Captain: Nikki A

Junior Team

The team was really good and listened to my advice. Next time we need to pass more. Other than that we did a really good job.

MVP: Miles

Captain: Hamish D

PCYC (Police & Community Youth Clubs)

🧘‍♀️ 🕺 🥊

🥊 Boxercise 🥊

Captains: Billy T and Angus B

We played a game called 'Ship, Shark, Shore'. We practised punching on the punching bags, like uppercuts, jabs, and 1-2 hooks.

Angus thinks that Billy helped people and practised everything really well.

🕺 Dance 🕺

Captains: Amelie W and Vivi B-N

Today we played a game where you touch coloured buttons, and we did a dance with poses and it was a dance routine to 'Levitating' by Dua Lipa. 

We think Sonja was the most valuable dancer, because she had to go twice in the button game, which was tiring!

🧘 Yoga 🧘 

Captains: Vivienne R and Thomas A

We did a bunch of yoga games, where we got 5 poses and we made them into a story, like 'Simon Says' but it was 'Yogi Says'. Mostly, we practised old poses and it was fun and really quite relaxing. 

Lachie took part in his team and they ended up making an AMAZING story that was really entertaining and he worked really well with them. 



Balmain Public School children are expected to wear full school uniform, including a school hat, every day. All children are required to wear full school uniform when representing the school on excursions, at sporting events or at cultural activities.



K Beluga - Ms R BonneyEvelyn Rtaking risks in her learning by sounding out unknown words in her writing
K Guppies - Mrs L Goodridge & Mrs F BowmanDarcey Pher effort in the role of photographer to find examples of 2D shapes in our classroom environment
1/2 Bluebottle - Ms L BurkeLeo Shis confidence and focus in our Maths lessons this week
1/2 Cultivate - Ms F ChiangTobiah Mworking hard in spelling and reading, and smashing his learning goals!
1/2 Jellyfish - Ms L JennettMacy Wher dedication and enthusiasm towards NESTigations, particularly her character creations - super hero bunnies!
1/2 Penguin - Ms S Parsons & Ms A DavisZoe Aoutstanding progress with her writing goals 
3/4 Channichthyidae - Ms A CooperLeo Yan exceptionally well-thought out and resourced island
3/4 Pufferfish - Mrs A PitmanEvie Rher effort and achievement during our 'Time' lessons
3/4 Wrasse - Ms K WithersHalle N-Wher dedication, craft and candour in the Multicultural Perspectives Public Speaking Competition
5/6 Betta Splendens - Mr S BaumannEron Jbeing an amazing Kindy buddy
5/6 Flying Fish - Ms N FergusonZiggy Sbeing an attentive and respectful learner!
5/6 Koi - Ms K BarcenillaBilly Ttaking risks and opportunities to extend his understanding in Maths!
5/6 Rock Lobster - Ms R ReedyClara Nher effortless cheer and positivity!
5/6 Sunfish - Mrs A SunAddie Nactively displaying solution-focused thinking to support her learning
Art K-2 - Mrs F BowmanCharlie N KBalways trying his best in the art room
Art 3-6 - Mrs F BowmanBilly T 5/6Khis focus and creative dedication to art
Music K-2 - Ms L MacdonaldLucrezia F 1/2Palways doing her best in music lesssons
Music 3-6 - Ms L MacdonaldVivan N 3/4Pdemonstrating knowledge of note and rest values
STEAM K-2 - Ms L MacdonaldDarcey P KGbeing able to recall the attributes that define a living thing
STEAM 3-6 - Ms L MacdonaldLuca S 3/4Pincorporating sound into his stop motion film


K Beluga - Ms R BonneyJasper Hbeing a calm and considerate member of K Beluga!
K Guppies - Mrs L Goodridge & Mrs F BowmanIndi SBeing a wonderfully responsible student who responds calmly to the ups and downs of classroom life
1/2 Bluebottle - Ms L BurkeZachary Bdemonstrating increasing self-regulation skills in class and on the playground
1/2 Cultivate - Ms F ChiangMaya Salways thinking before she speaks or acts, and by being considerate
1/2 Jellyfish - Ms L JennettDylan Mstaying on task and working with focus
1/2 Penguin - Ms S Parsons & Ms A DavisPoppy Bworking hard on her writing goals
3/4 Channichthyidae - Ms A CooperRose Wdisplaying sensitivity and kindness towards her peers
3/4 Pufferfish - Mrs A PitmanJuma Mapproaching school life in a cool-calm manner
3/4 Wrasse - Ms K WithersGiselle Pmaintaining her positivity and self-confidence, leading to a brilliant speech this week!
5/6 Betta Splendens - Mr S BaumannDante Sovercoming challenging circumstances when delivering his amazing speech
5/6 Flying Fish - Ms N FergusonEmmie Bdisplaying her emotional maturity and social awareness
5/6 Koi - Ms K BarcenillaJessica Rmaintaining positive interactions with her peers and positive intentions with her choices
5/6 Rock Lobster - Ms R ReedyRupert Hactively working toward achieving his social goals
5/6 Sunfish - Mrs A SunAnthony Hmaking efforts to maintain his emotions, when faced with challenges

And the winner is...(drumroll please!)


Thanks to Ms Burke, who organises the collection and distribution of the Gelatissimo ice-creams, as well as takes the fab photos!

Positive Pete Winners! Week 4...

...and Week 5 winners!

Spotlight on...


This week in geography, 3/4 Channichthyidae has been learning about settlement patterns, and why settlements exist where they do. We learned that places need access to resources, and Ms Cooper (inspired by 1997 real-time strategy video game 'Age of Empires') asked her students to create their own island. Students had to take into consideration: the *purpose* of their island, the *resources* their island had and how they were used, the *climate*, and any potential *trade routes* between their island and a friends'.

My Island Zeely - Claudia I created an island that has a tropical climate. It has a volcanic mountain and volcanic soil. I used some of the base of the mountain to create a house. I also used wood to make a structure. I traded farm animals, food, materials and gems with Nina and now I have a stable for my horse that I made out of wood. I have a healthy diet full of protein, fish and fruit. Everything is going well (probably until the volcano erupts). I ride my horse everyday for exercise, her name is Daisy. My island is the best.

My Island - Ivy My island is called Ivyland. Ivyland is famous for its riches and gold. Ivyland has access to wood, gold and gems, stone, animals such as cows, horses, fish, monkeys and birds. Other resources that are included are metal to make pickaxes.

Eva's Island - Eva My island has lots of trees, crops and fruit. It has a giant village and all the houses are crafted with fine wood. Then we have a big mine with gold, emeralds, rubies and diamond. We also have a big boat dock. Also pigs, chickens, cows, fish and horses.

The Anyalands - Anya My island is called The Anyalands. It is made up of lots of little Islands and one big island. It's very hot but when the rain comes, it is very refreshing. My islands have lots of animals such as toucans, peacocks, cows, chickens, monkeys, fish and pelicans. The plants are mostly palm trees. On one of the islands there is a volcano and when it erupts they escape on to the safety island.

Also, a big congratulations to Imogen J and Nina B, who made it through to compete against 3/4P and 3/4W in the Multicultural Public Speaking Competition. Nina has also made it through to the next stage! Well done, you two!