The Punchbowl Press

2020 Term 1 Week 5

Important Dates

Tuesday 12 February to Tuesday 7 April - Sports Pro Gymnastics Program (Preschool-Year 2) 

Monday 2 March - Ranger Jacquie visit to Preschool

Friday 6 March - Ranger Jacquie visit to Preschool

Tuesday 3 March - Stage 2 and Stage 3 Swimming Carnival

Wednesday 4 March - PBL Launch Day

Wednesday 18 March & Thursday 19 March - School Photos 

Wednesday 18 March - Paul Kelly Cup

Wednesday 18 March - P & C Meeting

Wednesday 25 March - Stage 3 University Program

Thursday 26 March - Harmony Day

Thursday 26 March - Year 2 Smart Start CommBank Incursion

Friday 27 March - Year 1 Start Smart CommBank

Principal's Message

Welcome back to the 2020 school year! It’s been a terrific start for us at Punchbowl Public School - children are settled into their new classes, and learning has once again commenced. One of the wonderful things I love to do in my role as Principal is spend time with the children each day and discuss with them what they’re learning and more importantly, why they’re learning it. I’ve been very impressed with the conversations I’ve been having so far with students in the preschool right up to our student leaders in Year 6.  I look forward to another year of working closely with our students and community for the benefit everyone.

In this edition of the newsletter I’d like to raise a few matters that we’ve been dealing with in the school and ask that you read my comments carefully. If there are any issues you’re more than welcome to come and discuss them with any member of the school leadership team.


It is a legal requirement that all students attend school every day unless they are sick or have a valid family reason. As a school we regularly monitor attendance rates and ask that you have your child/ren to school every day, on time. We’re monitoring absences, including students who are arriving late, on a weekly basis. Where there are patterns of lateness, Teachers, Assistant Principals, Deputy Principals and I will be contacting parents to see if we as a school can offer you some support.

Please, if there are any issues that affect your ability in getting your child/ren to school on time, we are here to assist where we can. For more information about compulsory school attendance, please visit:

Court Orders

Unfortunately, relationships sometimes break down and court orders are necessary to outline the contact parents can have with their children, or the role they play in making decisions about their children’s education.  These can be Family Court Orders or Apprehended Violence Orders. Parents can also reach agreement about issues such as contact in a parenting plan.

If this happens it is important that you provide the school with a copy of any court orders or plan that could impact on your child’s education.

In the absence of any notification to the contrary, the school will assume that both parents continue to retain a shared and equal parental responsibility for their children and should be involved in making any decisions regarding their children’s education.

This means that the school will recognise that each parent has equal duties, obligations, responsibilities and opportunities in relation to matters involving the school.

If any changes occur in your family relationships which have the potential to impact on the relationship between the school and your family, please advise the school immediately and provide a copy of any court orders that may be obtained.

These orders will be stored securely and only accessed by staff who need to see them in order to plan for your children’s learning and support and related issues.

Communication between Home and School

At Punchbowl Public School, our staff are committed to open and transparent communication across the community. From time to time we understand that parents will need to discuss matters regarding their child’s education with us. In 2019 we developed our Punchbowl Public School Communication between Home and School Procedures document which I encourage all parents to read in full. As a summary, I have copied a table for parents below – if you have a compliment or a complaint, please discuss with the appropriate first point of contact below.


Child’s progress

Class Teacher


Behaviour issues in class

Class Teacher


Behaviour issues on the playground

Assistant Principals


School organisation

Deputy Principal/Principal



Deputy Principal/Principal


General enquiries (School contributions, charges and payments)

Office staff


Schools as Community Centre (SaCC) enquiries

SaCC Facilitator/Community Liaison Officer


Actions of a staff member

Assistant Principal/Deputy Principal/Principal


Child protection / misconduct issues



Road Safety, including parking and collecting children

We all have a responsibility to ensure that everyone who arrives, enters and leaves the Punchbowl Public School site does so in a safe manner. You will have received at least 3 notifications via SkoolBag, Facebook and SeeSaw in the past couple of weeks reminding the community about various matters including road safety, crossing the road and parking legally. Please ensure that you are complying with all requests as no one wants to see any of our community hurt because of carelessness.

Until next time, I hope you are all keeping well. Take care of one another and I will see you in the school yard at some point.

Dace Elletson Principal


SaCC News - Parent Workshops

Punchbowl Schools as Community Centre (SaCC), in partnership with local service providers, facilitates a wide range of programs and activities for the local school community throughout the year.  These include playgroups, transition to school programs, homework centres, refugee programs, parenting courses, parent groups, health promotion projects and adult education programs.

Earlier in the term we facilitated workshops to support parents with accessing the SkoolBag app. This is just one of the many ways we support our families to know about our school and support student learning. 

Download the SaCC planner for Term 1 below. 

For more information about this service, and the programs it offers, contact Asenati Mareko, SaCC facilitator, on 9750 8906 or 0449 195 181. 

Term 1 SaCC Planner

Download the Term 1 SaCC Planner. 

Contact Asenati Mareko in the SaCC for more information. 


P&C Meeting - AGM

The P&C Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held in Week 8 - Wednesday 18 March at 9:15am in the hall. At this meeting elections will take place for official positions for the 2020 P&C. 

  • President x 1
  • Vice Presidents x 2
  • Secretary x 1
  • Treasurer x 1

If you are interested in running for a position please visit the P&C Federation website to review the roles and responsibilities of each position. 

All members of the school community are invited and encouraged to come along. If you would like to have a voting right you will need to make sure you become a financial member of the P&C by paying the $1 fee and registering with Asenati Mareko in the SaCC PRIOR to the meeting in Week 8. 

Canteen News

The Canteen is privately operated by Kathy. We are pleased to announce that Kathy has been busy developing Meal Deals for special events and Excursion Packs for students attending excursions.  Crunch & Sip packs are available in the morning before school every day. The full canteen menu and price list is available in the Canteen section on SkoolBag. 

The first Meal Deal offer will coincide with the PBL Launch Day on Wednesday 4 March.  Attached is the special menu for this event. Please order at the canteen directly by Monday 2 March. 


Second Hand Uniforms

Thank you to all parents who have donated second hand uniforms for resale at the second hand uniform store. The P&C Uniform Committee  have raised just over $500 from sales and the great news is that lots of uniforms have also been reunited with their owners. Make sure that all uniforms including hats and jumpers are labeled with your child's name.

Uniform Sales will continue every Thursday morning from 9:00am in the Infants playground.

Community Volunteers

We have had a number of community members express interest in volunteering their time to support teaching and learning programs at our school. Volunteers can assist in a number of way including listening to children read, assisting in maths or literacy activities, helping with the preparation of classroom resources, helping with art and craft activities and a whole lot more.

We are currently gathering information from people interested in volunteering so that we can coordina...te this across our school. If you are interested in volunteering your time please follow the link to complete the online form.…

You will be contacted in the coming weeks to attend a group induction and information session.

Extra help from volunteers makes a real difference to our children's education. We actively encourage all members of the community, including people from multicultural and diverse backgrounds to get involved.

Eleni Kontakos Deputy Principal - Student and Community Engagement

Meet the Teacher Afternoons

Over the next 2 weeks parents are invited to come along to our Meet the Teacher afternoons. The sessions have been organised across different afternoons to accommodate for families with more than one child. Please check the table below to locate the time and date for your child’s class.

At these sessions parents will be provided with general important information about learning programs and routines relevant to each stage. This is a group information session. Sessions will take approx. 30-45mins.

If parents wish to make a separate appointment to discuss their individual child, these will need to be made with the class teacher directly. More information is available on SkoolBag.


The preschool children have spent the past five weeks getting used to their new classroom and playground environment, becoming familiar with the routines, and having lots of fun engaging in play-based learning with their new friends. They are also learning about the Punchbowl Public School values of being learners, respectful, and safe during play.

Four of the classes have started gymnastics lessons, and the other four classes will have their turn from Week 7. The children have been practising basic gymnastics moves, whilst using equipment including the mini trampoline, balance beam, and wedge. It has been a great opportunity for them to develop their gross motor skills.

We are also excited to be starting a gardening program across all classes. Ranger Jacquie came and showed us some worms for our worm farm, and over the year we will be planting and growing a variety of plants, some of which we will use in cooking lessons. 

We are looking forward to having a productive year, with a focus on learning, inclusion, and getting ready for Kindergarten! 

K6-Kookaburras and K6-Owls

K6-Kookaburras and K6-Owls have had a great first few weeks back at school and have been busy settling back into our school routines. 

Each week we are lucky to have Miss Clare come and help us with our own special garden behind our classroom. This week we were very grateful for the donation of our worm farm that Miss Clare was kindly given by a member of the community. We are very excited about feeding and caring for our worm farm, which will also keep our plants and soil very happy. 

Early Stage 1

ES1 students are participating in gymnastics this term. Gymnastics is an excellent vehicle for teaching basic motor skills and promoting health related fitness in children. Students are learning the quality of sharing and building friendships through teamwork. Most importantly, they are all enjoying their sessions and are being great gymnasts! Check out their amazing rolling, landing and balancing techniques using their gross motor skills.

Some of the many statements we heard from the students:

K Blue: “I love gymnastics.” - Parishay

K Red: “I love Fridays because we have gymnastics!” - Wahiba

K Yellow: “I really like jumping on the trampoline and landing”. - Affan

K Green: “I know how to do the motorbike landing, pencil and star pose”. - Musa

Stage 1

Stage 1 have had an exciting start to the year with celebrating ‘World Read Aloud Day’ and engaging in a lot of shared reading experiences. ‘World Read Aloud Day’ provides people around the world with an opportunity to celebrate the joy and importance of reading. Stage 1 classes came together to listen to different stories being read to them by teachers across the school. Students shared what they love about reading and listening to stories being read to them:

 “I love learning new things and new words.” - Jamaima 1 Angelfish

“I like listening to teachers read because it teaches me how to read properly.” - Robert 2 Sharks

“I love when teachers read crazy and funny books that make us laugh.”  - Danya 2 Gemfish

How often do you read to your children at home? 

Stage 2

This term 3/4 Success have been highly engaged learning about the science unit Night and Day. Students have been investigating how the Earth’s rotation on its axis causes regular changes, including night and day. We have been describing the shapes of the Sun, Earth and Moon and compare the relative sizes between them. Students have had a practical component where they used 3D objects to model the distance between the Sun, Earth and Moon, using peppercorn, marbles, basketballs and handballs. They thoroughly enjoyed discovering how shadows occur and how they change and move throughout the day. 3/4 Success enjoyed a challenging game of ‘Shadow tag’ with 3/4 Victory.

Stage 3

This term Stage 3 have been playing Soft Ball during PDHPE. They have been practising skills such as sprinting, catching, throwing and batting. They have been working up to play a full softball game using these skills.

"I learnt how to hold the bat. You need to have your feet shoulder width apart." - Naba and Izaan, 5/6Supernova

"Pitching is hard. You have to swing your arm backwards and pitch it flat." - Princess,  5/6Supernova

"The glove is big and it is hard to move all over the field to try and catch the ball. But it is fun learning to play a new sport." - Hawraa and Ayesha, 5/6 Earth

"It is good getting outdoors and being social and working as a team. I like working with my class mates." - Ali Sleiman, 5/6 Earth



Student Leaders 2020

Meet and greet our 2020 Punchbowl Public School leaders, we are looking forward to a great year ahead and will be attending the National Young Leaders Day held next week. We have some great ideas to put forward this year in the hopes to make Punchbowl Public School a better place for all. Be sure to come and say hello as we are always here to help you all in matters that you may be facing.

Fatat Eladawie: "I am looking forward to representing our school."

Reanna Mourad: "I want our school to look amazing, so please do not throw your rubbish on the ground."

Zeinab Risk: "Never give up."

Ibrahim Ibrahim: "I am looking forward to being a great role model and helping younger students to be kind."

Omar Arja: "I’m looking forward to being a student leader and representing our school at excursions."

Ali Sleiman: "Hi I’m Ali, my advice to you this year is to never give up."


Library News

Book review by Sarang Lee

“Heat Waves and Wildfires”

The amazing book cover caught my attention because it was new, the image was cool (usually this gets my attention) and the font was different. I really like non-fiction because I get lots of information and learn new things from it.

From this book I learnt that bushfires could cause break downs in transport systems, power supplies and ecosystems. Before, I never thought fires could have any good that comes from it afterwards because it is so disastrous. I was surprised when I learnt from this book that Sequoia trees and other conifers rely on bushfires to release seeds so that new growth can happen.

I invite you to read this book because it has lots of information that will have you wondering.

Ebooks and Audio books

At Punchbowl Public School we have a great selection of ebooks and audio books that have been added to our collection for our students to enjoy. During student library sessions they have been shown how to access the ebook collection. One of the amazing things about ebooks is that students are able to customise their reading experience. Students can change the size of the writing (font), line spacing and background colour of the pages. This may help students maintain their focus and read for a longer period of time.

Many of our students have expressed much excitement about this new addition to our collection. Parents, if you could provide your children with the opportunity to share the ebook experience with you I’m sure that you will all enjoy it. One of the keys to a successful education is read, read and read… please help your children along their path to becoming successful readers.


Below is a step by step guide of how to access the ebook collection. If you have any questions please see Mrs Matthews in the library between 3-3:30pm every day except Wednesdays.

1.       Click on the web link

2.       Click on the sign in button which is on the top right hand side of the screen.

3.       You will be asked to sign in again. The sign in button will be on the lower left of the screen.

4.       You’ll be prompted to provide a user name and ID. This is the same user name and ID that your child uses to log on to computers at school.

Alternatively you may wish to download the app.

To download the app:

1.       Go to your app store.

2.       Search for the ePlatform app.

3.       Find your library by typing in Punchbowl Public School.

4.       Sign in by using the student user ID and password.

5.       Enjoy a different reading experience!

STEAM Update

Stage 3 students are testing their creativity, engineering and coding skills. Their challenge is to design a device which could perform a specific task in a Recycling Plant. 

Visual Arts

So far this term students have been diving deep into their creative side.

Students in 3-4 Creative have demonstrated, true to their name, wonderful creative artworks. The children created a collage using scratch paper and blue textured paper to complete these artworks.

This activity was highly engaging and enjoyed by all students. Most students just didn’t want to finish this activity as, they continued to add until their lesson was over.

Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519) once said: “An artwork is never finished just abandoned”.

PBL in the Preschool

Our whole school PBL Focus the past few weeks has been for students to remember to wear their hats in the playground.

Preschool have been busy learning to keep their hats on during outdoor play. We also teach children to apply sunscreen for sun safety before they go outside.

Children have been learning to use the bikes safely around the bike track. We are learning the school value “We are Safe”. Children wear a helmet when they ride a bike and must be wearing their shoes.

Road Safety

The beginning and end of the school day are busy times for pedestrians and drivers outside our school and the safety of all our students is very important. Our school community has access to 2 street entrances being Viola St and Rossmore Ave. There are 'No PARKING' zones clearly marked in these areas.

What does it mean? You are permitted to park for no more than 2 minutes to drop-off/pick-up and you must stay within 3 metres of your vehicle. Why is it there? To provide a safe place for children to be set down and picked up without endangering other children.

You need to take extra care when driving and parking in school zones. Please ensure that you understand the road rules and that your child understands how to behave safely around school zones. Please be a good role model for your child’s pedestrian and future driving behaviour.

Police and Rangers will regularly patrol our school and fines will be imposed on drivers not following the law.

We are SAFE at Punchbowl Public School.


Have you downloaded the updated SkoolBag app? All users on the old platform will have been prompted to download the new version. Skoolbag is our main form of parent communication at Punchbowl Public School. This app can be downloaded free from your app store by following the instructions below.Stay up to date with school and community events, access the newsletter and send absentee and permission notes online.