Welcome to Education Week!
A little bit different this year! Classes have been working hard this week on activities to share with families online via google classroom or Dojo on Thursday.
A big thank you to the parents who are helping to keep our community safe by waiting outside the school gates and standing at least 1.5 m apart. Your cooperation during these unprecedented times is appreciated. Thank you!
Thank you to everyone who donated on PJ day last term. $159 was raised to go towards asthma research.
This Friday is Jeans for Genes Day. Students may wear jeans in exchange for a gold coin donation to go towards genetic research. School shirts and jackets are still to be worn.
P&C meeting this Wed August 5.
Zoom invitation: https://nsweducation.zoom.us/j/69139288010?pwd=NXlaeVN3SVRHSm9kRmlzZmk1VnhXZz09
A reminder to keep your children at home if they are displaying any cold/flu symptoms. If any of the staff display cold or flu symptoms they are required to be Covid tested. The results usually take 2 days and casual teachers are not always available (as happened last week with 4/5). It would be in the best interests of staff and students to avoid any contamination, no matter how minor. Thank you!
As part of our PD/H program all students will be attending the Life Education Van on Monday 17th or Tuesday 18th August. Fee for this program is $10 per child or $20 per family and will be added to school accounts. Details of programs and available merchandise will be in next week's Newsletter.
Although our school does not set regular homework other than reading, there are many opportunities available for students to further their learning at home if required. Reading Eggs, Mathletics, Typing Tournament, and a range of books available in bookshops.
The CWA is also running a competition available for all students. Students have until November to design a travel journal, poster, postcard or power-point presentation related to Ecuador. Please contact me if you would like more details.
Sadly, we are still having unwelcome visitors after hours in the school. Over the weekend they kicked in the roller door to the sports shed and 'trashed' the cubby house.
If you see anyone in the school grounds after hours could you please ring school security on 1300 880 021. If you have any information that may be of help, could you see me or ring Maitland police. Thank you!