
Issue 2019 / 5


Stop Press

I am delighted to share the wonderful news that ACARA has identified Pittwater House as having demonstrated substantially above average gain in literacy and numeracy achievement, as measured by NAPLAN. We have been identified as one of only 60 schools across NSW with such an achievement. Improvement in student literacy and numeracy of this magnitude, as measured by NAPLAN is very significant and is resultant upon the wonderful work being undertaken by our Staff. This of course, is work done in all year levels in our School. We should be rightfully proud at the value add for all students.

As we conclude our term, I wish to pay tribute to all Staff and students for their focus and achievements across eleven very busy weeks. There has been an enormous sense of positivity in so many domains. 

ANZAC Day Services and Our Cadet Unit

It is fitting that we finish our Term with two meaningful ANZAC Day services on Friday. For those new to Pittwater House this year, these services are presented with the age and stage of students clearly in mind. We are most grateful to the students involved and our cadets whose support of 5 different ANZAC events is noted with gratitude and pride. And additionally, more than 60 cadets leave on Saturday for a bivouac. Several of our senior cadets are supporting Ceremonies of Remembrance at RSL Lifecare Collaroy (The War Vets), Glenaeon Village at Belrose, Manly Dam War Memorial Dawn Service, the State Transit Bus Depot Service at Brookvale held at 7am and the Collaroy Ex-Services Club Sunset service, in addition to our School services. The drill performed and the way the students support our Veterans is always commented upon most highly.

In anticipation, I extend my deep thanks to all involved for your community work at such an important time for our nation. 

Junior and Senior ANZAC Day Services

Friday 12 April 2019

Secondary Service:  11.30am - 12.45pm

Junior Service:  1.45 - 2.45pm

Major Production

When we return, Footloose, the Major Production for 2019 will be just days away. An event of this magnitude is the culmination of weeks and months of hard work from a large group of our students. The Staff, under the direction of Mr Hawkins and supported by the Music Department and the Dance staff have been at the centre of this preparation. They too have my deepest gratitude. I know that tickets have been selling well for the 2 evening performances on Friday and Saturday, together with the matinee performance on Saturday. If you have not yet got your ticket, please go to:

NAPLAN Practice Test

Our NAPLAN tests for 2019 will be online. Whilst most of our students undertook a trial run of this two years ago, all students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 undertook a trial last week. Students have been well supported and prepared for what lies ahead. 

Senior School Principal / Parent Coffee Mornings - Term 2

To be held on the Hall balcony or if  weather inclement in the Foyer.

Year 7                    Monday 6 May

Year 8                    Wednesday 8 May

Year 9                    Monday 13 May

Year 10                 Monday 27 May

Year 11                 Wednesday 29 May

Year 12                 Wednesday 5 June

Introducing the Mathematics Faculty

Having introduced the English and HSIE Faculties through this medium, it is my delight to introduce our Mathematicians. They are a magnificent team with lofty ambitions as you can see from their alter egos… Next term we will continue to introduce our other Faculties in new and creative ways.

And now, as we all focus on the Easter break, I wish you a happy and relaxing time with family and friends. Enjoy the opportunities of shared experiences and the chance for peace and reflection in preparation for the busyness of the term ahead.

With every good wish.

Mathematics Faculty


What's On - Events / Excursions



Year 11 Studies of Religion Excursion

Last Tuesday afternoon the Year 11 Studies of Religion class caught the B-line to the city to take part in a tour and workshop at the State Library of NSW.

The workshop was focused on locating and sourcing relevant and reliable research for the many topics in the preliminary and HSC courses. We finished with a tour of the reading rooms, the study rooms, the five levels of stacks (as only 1% of the holdings are on display) and the Mitchell library. The skills that the students learnt will not only enable them to be better Studies of Religion researchers but can be used for their HSC subjects and to their tertiary studies.

Click 'Download' button below to view Stage 6 Murray Awards


Decades Day

The Senior School came alive on Friday last week for Decades Day. From the double denim, to the miniskirts and the leg warmers as well as the crimped hair - there were many highlights. Prizes were awarded at Assembly for the best dressed student, best dressed student group and best dressed teacher.

Students were required to donate a gold coin, with all proceeds going directly to the Fred Hollows Foundation for working towards eliminating avoidable blindness in the world, especially third world countries as well as improving indigenous Australian’s eye health. Close to $700 was raised. Well done to all the prefects who organised the day and made Assembly such a highlight of the term.


From the Head of Junior Schools

After 11 wonderful weeks, Term 1 draws to a close this Friday. Yet in this final week, the ECC to Year 2 students still managed to muster the energy and joy to deliver another outstanding Easter Concert. ECC entertained with 2 songs, loving their moments on the stage, Kindergarten paraded their hats and delighted with a rockin’ tune. J1 danced and performed their original rap and P1’s poem had them searching for the golden egg, thankfully found. Year 2 were the hosts and delivered some enlightening information about Easter traditions as they search the world on their very own ‘Egg Hunt. Thank you to all parents, friends and family for your attendance and to the music, dance and class teachers for bringing this concert together so beautifully.

Also on Wednesday, Year 6 students had their first round of the virtual debating series for 2019. The debate was awarded to the opposition, St Catherine’s College in Singleton, in a very close contest.

On reflection the term has included many exciting events to start the year off at a cracking pace. The students have worked and played incredibly hard and are most deserving of the coming term break. Once again, we have had to plan for ANZAC Day at School earlier, as the students return to school from the break the week after ANZAC Day.  Please do join the Junior School students for their ANZAC Service in the Great Hall this Friday 12 April at 1:45pm. On display will be the remarkable commemorative presentations created by Year 6 students to honour the sacrifice of our service men and women.

This service has always been such a reverent occasion with students acknowledging the importance of this day in Australia’s history and in all our lives. To ensure that this respectful recognition continues, parents are reminded that students need to wear their correct summer uniform on Friday. The PE kit should be brought to school in their PE bag. If students have medals from a forebear, they can be worn on the right side of their tunic or shirt.  

Winter Uniform
Traditionally, Term 2 marks the beginning of wearing winter uniform, however, if the weather is still too warm for this in the first week of Term 2, students are able to wear their summer uniform with blazers. If the weather is cool enough for winter uniform then full winter uniform applies. Please see the uniform policy, on the website, and in the diaries in regard to this. Blazers must be worn to and from school as the outer garment by students in Year 1 and above. The full tracksuit is required for days when the PE kit is worn to school. The fleece or jumper is never to be worn as the outer garment.

Over the break would you please ensure that uniforms still fit properly and that all pieces are in smart condition with zips and blazer buttons in working order. 

Thank You
After 11 weeks of intensive company with their peers and teachers during Term 1, I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all the students for maintaining their exceptional work ethic and patience. I have loved the opportunities of visiting each of the classrooms from the ECC to Year 6 and noting the quality and type of work on display in each room. This is a true reflection of the dedication and pride exhibited in their learning by all the students. Finally, I wish you all a well-deserved and relaxing holiday period with your families. I look forward to greeting you all again on Tuesday 30 April.

Sport News

Pittwater House Sport News

For information on the following 'Sport News' items please click  the 'Download' button below. 

        • Swimming Age Champions 2019
        • Autumn Recess Program
        • Term 2 Nominations
        • Term 2 Academies
        • Sports Reports
        • Tern 2 Calendar Dates
        • Sports Office Contact Details

        Click 'Download' for Pittwater House Sport News


        Student Success

        Congratulations to Isla (C9), who competed at the NSW State Gymnastics Championships in Tumbling on the weekend, taking home a gold medal for first place in National Level 6.  Isla has qualified to represent NSW at the Australian Gymnastics Championships in Melbourne at the end of May.  Go Isla!

        Congratulations to Noah (P6), who competed at the State Swimming Championships last weekend finishing 2nd in 50m freestyle, 3rd 100m freestyle, 5th 50m breaststroke and 6th 100m breaststroke. Awesome results Noah and setting new PBs. 

        Congratulations to Analise (C9) who won gold medals at Aussies in the U15 surf teams and U15 board relay events. Well done Analise!

        The gallery of photos below are from the following events: NSW State Gymnastics Championships, CDSSA Netball, HICES Netall and the CIS Girls Soccer.

        From the Co-ordinator of PDHPE K-6

        K-2 Swimming Carnival House Points
        Before the last two races of the day the house points were all tied up and after the last ripple in the pool smoothed out it was very close.

        Final scores were: 1st Butterworth (181 points), 2nd Morgan (180 points), 3rd Orrock (152 points).

        Thank you to all the positive parents that turned out to cheer on their children. It has been wonderful to see the water skills of our students improve over the term and to see them all enjoy the carnival so much.


        Hot Off the Press!

        Two new books in time for the Autumn Recess:

        • The new wellness book by inspirational author and athlete and speaker – Turia Pitt ‘The Good Selfie’
        • The graphic novel of Margaret Atwood’s classic, haunting and disturbing ‘Handmaid’s Tale’. This adds to our other copies of her book.

        Borrowing over the Autumn Break

        Please remember that junior students cannot borrow books over the holidays, all books must be returned to us before Autumn Recess, non-refundable charges apply for outstanding resources.

        Senior School students can borrow over the holidays if their current books are not overdue. Please note that we have beautiful new books available to borrow over the holidays.

        PHPA (Pittwater House Parents' Association)

        Thank You from the PHPA

        A sincere and heartfelt Thank You to all parents and carers for your support of the PHPA this Term.  We think you will agree that it has been a long Term 1 and we could not have done it without YOU! From enjoying yourselves at the Welcome Drinks - kicking off the year the right way, to joining our first Community Team Information session, to keeping the students and staff fed and watered in the canteen whilst having a giggle or 2 along the way (and making our wonderful new manager feel very welcome!), to sharing and supporting our now sold out Mothers’ Day Lunch and of course everything else in between!

        You are a fabulous part of the PHPA Community and we wish you a wonderful and restful Easter break.

         See you in Term 2 for more fun!

         Kate, Connie and the PHPA Committee

        Mothers' Day Gift Bazaar

        Dear Parents,

        The PHPA,  together with a wonderful team of volunteers, will be holding a Mothers’ Day Gift Bazaar for the Junior School.

        Our Junior school students are invited to purchase a Mothers' Day inspired gift for their Mum, Grandma, Auntie or special friend.  Each gift has been carefully chosen and costs $15.

        If your little one would like to purchase a gift or 2, we encourage you to pre-purchase a voucher(s) via this link  

        We will deliver the voucher to the respective class teacher.  Alternatively, your child may also bring cash on the day. 

        There will be a poster with the selection of gifts displayed in each classroom, so the students can preview which one they would like to purchase.

        If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Petrina and Cameille (our gift elves) at

        Warm regards,
        Kate, Connie and PHPA Committee

        Fathers for Mothers' Day - SOS Team

        Dear Dads of Pittwater House, 

        The PHPA needs your help at the 2019 Mothers’ Day Lunch.

        As the PHPA Dad Liaison Officer this year, I need you to come along and help me Serve Obey, and Spoil our lovely partners, wives and mothers and keep them fed and watered during this fabulous Sold Out event.

        You’ll also have the opportunity to meet other parents, have some fun and help celebrate all the Wonderful Mums of the Pittwater House Community!

        Your services are needed on Thursday 9th May, 10:30am - 2:30pm.

        Please click on the link below and book your spot on the Fathers for Mothers’ Day SOS Team…

        Thanking you kindly in anticipation,

        Joe Jones


        Canteen Volunteer Roster

        Each week is allocated to different year groups however you can still volunteer for any shift during the year regardless of which year your children are in.

        To volunteer for a slot, please visit and put your name next to the time/date that suits you best.

        Canteen Manager is Amanda Corbett - Phone 9972 5718 after 8.00am

        Thank you for your support!

        Canteen Menu

        For the latest menu visit the Canteen folder on the Skoolbag app.

        Clothing Pool Opening Hours

        Tuesdays from 8am-9.15am and Thursday from 2pm-3.15pm

        Located next to the School Uniform Shop the Clothing Pool is run by volunteer parents.

        Please Note: Purchases cannot be charged to your School Account.

        The Clothing Pool has a 7 day Return/Refund Policy.


        School Uniform Shop News

        School Uniform Shop time change for Week 11 only:

        • Thursday 11 April: 10am-4pm
        • Friday 12 April: 8am-4pm

        Please Note: Students in Years 1-12 must have their blazer for Terms 2 and 3.

        To Notify the School of Student Absences

        Please download and use the Skoolbag app or Log in to the Edumate Portal or email

        Term Dates


        Edumate and Skoolbag Basic Training Sessions

        If you are interested in some basic training in Edumate and Skoolbag. Please call School Admin on 9981 4400 or email to book a half hour appointment between 7.30am and 3pm.