Mother Teresa Catholic Primary School Newsletter

Term 2- Issue 3. 19th June 2020

Dates to remember:

  • Thursday 25th June

Semester 1 report emailed home (Please ensure your email address is up to date with the front office)

  • Friday 26th June

Last Day of Term 2

  • Monday 20th July

Staff Professional Development Day

  • Tuesday 21st July

Students resume

  • Friday 24th July

Darwin show day- public holiday

  • Mon 17th August-Thursday 20th August

Swimming Program

  • Mon 24th August - Thursday 27th August

Swimming Program

Message from the Principal - Mr Denis Graham

Dear Parents, Families and Friends of MTCPS

This great week has been capped off this morning with a wonderful presentation of prayer, music and dance from our highly talented ELC children. The creative future of the school looks assured with such emerging talent. I hope the photos and videos that we load onto Facebook, SkoolBag and ELC  see-saw  does justice to this very memorable prayer and assembly.

Congratulations to Mrs Lawless for coordinating such a successful book week and to all our parents who contributed to providing the school with a great outcome. Please read her report in this edition.

On Day One of next term the school begins the exciting challenge of mapping our strategic plan for 2021-25. Our goal: To work on embedding our Vision and Mission, ensuring we use this creatively designed building to its absolute maximum and delivering a curriculum that reflects global trends in education. As parents, your input into this process is crucial. Early next term we will be rolling out a survey to capture your aspirations of what you want MTCPS to be and ensure we are true to these aspirations. It’s all about developing a strong school culture. This was reflected beautifully this morning in our college song which was sung with such gusto.

Let’s hope that we can capture in this strategy of a global curriculum, the philosophy of the building design and underpin it with the Mother Teresa vision of ‘striving to make a difference in our world and to all humanity.’

 Denis Graham

Swimming program- Week 5, Term 3

Lost Property

Our lost property bin is overflowing at the moment with jackets, hats, lunch boxes and drink bottles with no names.

Please ensure ALL your child's belongings are labelled.

Book Fair and Library News !!

Nude Food Day- Thursday 25th June


Term 3 Calendar

2020 School Term Dates

Community News !!