eNewsletter Term 3 Week 2

From The Principal

Dear Members of the St Andrews College Community,

I hope that you have all had a wonderful break and are ready to go for Term 3. Looking at the Calendar it will certainly be an eventful one with a number of building works continuing, CAN, the Trial HSC commencing in Week 3. Please keep in your prayers our Year 12 group. We have also been busy developing some Inquiry Based Learning Projects across the College. They look great and will certainly engage and challenge the students. Have a wonderful Term.


 ‘It’s All About Learning’

Gospel Reflection:

Martha welcomed Jesus. She had a sister named Mary who sat beside the Lord at his feet listening to what he was saying…… there is need of only one thing.    ~ Luke 10:38-42 ~

Mary, don’t just sit there, do something!  

Martha, just sit there, do nothing!’ 

Although Martha welcomes Jesus, she has no time to sit and chat.  Mary is so enthralled with Jesus, she has forgotten about others who would also like to share in the experience. One could imagine another take on this story...  

Jesus gently relaxes Mary’s grip on his feet and suggests she go get Martha, take the saucepans out of her hands and then they sit together at Jesus’ feet.  Both Mary and Martha share in what Jesus has to offer.  

Now that would be real evangelization!  Not ‘me and Jesus’ but ‘we and Jesus’.

Do we give time to listen to our friends' needs, give attention to our child's tales of success or hear the plea of a stranger? Or are we caught up in our own busyness and/or straining piety?  We may miss an opportunity that may never come again - to be good observers, listeners, companions and sharers – to SEE Christ IN others and to BEING WITH Christ TO others.

If Mary is going to keep what she got from sitting at Jesus’ feet, ironically she is going to have to share it, give it away!  And that’s what Jesus may well have meant in saying ‘choosing the better part’. Since the time of St Augustine, Martha, has had bad press as the hyperactive one.  The same criticism could have been made of Mary, (the catatonic one), being too worried, fretting and distracted about when and where she would next see Jesus. 

Thomas Aquinas once said that there is no limit to the amount of love you can have or need for God, but there is a limit to the amount of ‘religion’ (prayers, etc.) that is good for you – that measure needs to be worked out for different personalities and situations. 

May God forgive us all when we compete and compare, when we think in terms of this and that - Martha and Mary! Comparison is the thief of joy.

Let’s stop thinking, stop trying to be perfect or more spiritual.  Instead may we be more prayerfully present - sitting and listening quietly, resting and relaxing at each other’s feet - doing it together - ‘we and Jesus’! We can be for each other, prayer friends/companions/coaches/directors.  Together, seeing, loving and following Jesus more dearly day by day, expanding and deepening God’s life and love in us. ‘Jesus said to them, ‘Come and see.’ They came and saw where Jesus was staying and they remained with him…’ (John 1:38-40)  

Philippines Trip

Thank you to Mr Gillogly and Ms Goldie for organising and facilitating a wonderful experience for our students. The students took part in social justice activities as well as playing basketball with sister schools. A full report is found further into the Newsletter. We will be offering this immersion again in 2020 and I would encourage every student to consider this life forming experience.

Fathers Day Breakfast and Mass 29th August

All fathers and significant males are invited to a breakfast and Mass on the Senior Campus in recognition of the wonderful contribution they make to the lives of their children and our community. Could you please reply to the invitation ASAP for catering purposes.

Staff Updates

We welcome back to the College:

  • Mrs Sabine (Principal’s PA) who was on Sick Leave all Term 2.

  • Mrs Kirby (Senior Campus Administration) who was on Sick Leave Term 2.

  • Ms Desira and Ms Mizukami both returning from Maternity Leave.

We also welcome the following staff to the College as replacement teachers for staff on Maternity Leave:

  • Mr Butler (TAS)

  • Ms Rujicica (English/Drama)

  • Ms Malonzo (HSIE/Religion)

Australian Mathematics Competition:

Congratulations to all students who participated in the Australian Mathematics Competition. I am looking forward to seeing the results of your hard work.

Japanese Visitors

Thank you to all staff and students for the wonderful time you have shown our Japenese guests. The experiences they have had sound amazing and a number of the students and staff have shared with me how grateful they are.

Interviews for Year 7 2020

Thank you to all staff who assisted with the interview process on Thursday. We are an extra class coming into Year 7 2020 due to the wonderful learning opportunities that are happening at the College.

New Gates and Security System

One area that I have not been happy with since I came to the College is security. This has taken some time to plan as well as get the required quotes but we now have an advanced security system on both campuses. This will inconvenience some parents and visitors when attending the College as they will have to buzz in to Reception to drive in or come onto the property. I do apologise for the inconvenience but we cannot compromise the safety of our students and staff.

Holiday Work

We have completed a number of projects over the holiday period to enhance the learning environment at the College across the College. 

  • Quotes in process for blinds. Looking at staff input for quotes/pictures/resources on blinds.

  • Security at both Campuses improved significantly through the electronic gate system.

  • Installation of cameras at the front of the Junior Campus and front and back of Senior Campus.

  • Asphalt Junior Campus area after removal of old garden beds in car park and in front of Hall.

  • Synthetic grass installed near Basketball Court on Junior Campus.

  • Installation of Laser Cutter on Senior Campus.

  • Repair nets on Basketball/Tennis Court Senior Campus before recoating surface Term 3 and surface new Court area.

  • Removal of old lockers and mulch near Maintenance Shed.

  • Cleanup of Maintenance Shed and Bus Shed (Junior Campus).

  • Removal of all louvres on the Junior Campus.

  • High pressure clean and gum removal outside canteen, F building, Lower Quad and Sacred Space/TAS Area and Shade Cloth.

  • A/C cleaning and maintenance on both Campuses.

  • Pest Control on both Campuses.

Chewing Gum

Gum is a banned item at school. I spoke to the student body on the Junior Campus at Monday’s Assembly regarding the expense that we have undertaken to clear chewing gum from the grounds. As a result I have instructed staff to pass on the name of any student that is chewing gum on College grounds and they will be added to a list. If we have to do the job again then the families of those on the list will be billed for the cost. 

PDSSSC Netball

Congratulations to our Netball Girls on the way they played all day throughout the Carnival last week. When I was observing the matches they looked like they were enjoying themselves, although there were a few sore bodies at the end of the day. Thank you to Ms Pett, Mrs Welch and Ms McKechnie who coached the girls on the day as well as our Umpires who did a great job.

Our focus at St Andrews College is to develop each student using the SPIRE Framework

Fidem in Christo

Stephen Kennaugh

From the Assistant Principal Students

Student Learning Conference

It was great to see so many families at the first Parent/Teacher/Student Conference on Monday night. I enjoyed meeting many parents and discussing the achievements of their children.

 These nights are very important in making the students and families aware of their academic performance. Getting feedback from teachers and discussing strengths and weaknesses allows students to analyse their performance and make adjustments to their learning to achieve the best that they can.

The second night of the Parent/Teacher and Student Conference is Tuesday 6th August. If you access the College Web page and go to the announcement section you will see the booking links to the night.  It is important that all families attend the evenings and anyone who missed the first night is welcome on the second night.

For the families that were unable to attend the evenings, please make an effort to contact your children’s teachers to discuss their performance at the College.  Either a phone call or an email is a simple way to contact the teachers. Please remember that the staff at the College are always willing to work with families for the best outcomes for your children.

College Uniform

Just a quick reminder about the College uniform.  It is the expectation of the community that a St Andrews student is dressed in the full College uniform every day.

The main areas of concern are lack of full uniform or added clothing because of the cold that are not uniform. If it is cold please add clothing under the uniform.

Jewelry, hair styles, facial hair and nails must be kept according to the College expectations. Please check the Student Planner or contact the Learning Advisor if you have any questions about the rules.

If a child is in breach of the College expectations they may be removed from class until it is rectified.


Three steps to better habits

It is very easy for us to develop bad habits and its difficult at times to break these habits. It is important to be able to identify the bad habits and make plans to change them into positive habits. The following is a three step way that you can change your habits.

1)     Identify what is holding you back. What is causing the problem, e.g. procrastination, fear, laziness etc

2)     Law of replacement. Choose a habit you want to change and replace it with a new one.

3)     Cancel, Cancel. Cancel out negative thought and replace it with a positive thought.

Once you start using a new behaviour you will find it easy to make this a new habit. Remember to stick with it at the start and it will become second nature.

What is in the Planner?

One of the key ideas is about being connected with families, school and friends. It is essential that we all feel like we belong to the groups that we are in. Social well-being is essential for a person's overall health. Being in isolation and feeling like you don’t fit or belong can negatively impact on a person’s health. A simple smile, saying “hello” or even including someone in an activity gives them a sense of belonging.

Some students tell us that they have lots of friends online but this is not what a friend is. We only see what they type not their expressions and personal connections. Social interaction is important face to face.

The key character strengths are Love and Hope. Love and Hope links into the family and social connections. If you have a sense of belonging it is easy to have and develop love and hope.

God Bless

Mr. Nicholas Thrum
Assistant Principal-Students

From the Assistant Principal - Teaching & Learning

How Students should respond to their mid year reports, class work and assessment feedback.

It is imperative that every student discusses their report with their parent and teachers. Your report and assessment tasks are an opportunity to receive important feedback to improve your learning achievement. Students should look at feedback as their friend and a golden opportunity to set personal goals and demonstrate improvement. 

I encourage all students to take note of the following:

Assessment as Learning

Assessment as learning occurs when students are their own assessors. Students monitor their own learning, ask questions and use a range of strategies to decide what they know and can do, and how to use assessment information for new learning. 

Assessment as learning:

• encourages students to take responsibility for their own learning 

• requires students to ask questions about their learning 

• involves teachers and students creating learning goals to encourage growth and development 

• provides ways for students to use formal and informal feedback and selfassessment to help them understand the next steps in learning 

• encourages peer assessment, self-assessment and reflection.

Make your learning count and take charge of your learning!


Year 11 - students who have not met HSC Minimum Standards in 1 or more tests

In Term 3 students who have not met any of the National Minimum Standards Tests in Year 11, will have the opportunity to practice the tests. The aim is for all Year 11 students to have all HSC Mimimum Standards Tests completed to the minimum standards in Term 4. 

Please encourage your child to apply themself to the practice tests during Term 3 conducted at school, and in addition each student is encouraged to consult the following.

HSC Minimum Standards Sample Tests and graded responses.

Demonstration Tests - please encourage your child to practice the test(s) they still need to complete. 

HSC MIn Standards Tests Explained

After Term 4 2019, students will have two remaining opportunities to achieve the National Minumum Standard in any test they have not achieved the minimum standard in, in Year 12. 

Year 10 - students who have not met HSC Minimum Standards in 1 or more tests

In Term 3, students who have not met the HSC Minimum Standard Test(s), will be given the opportunity to practice for a resitting of the test(s) in Term 4. Please support teachers by encouraging your child to complete the home demonstration practice tests in the links below. Students should carefully look at the sample achievement responses so they understand the level of achievement they are aiming for.

HSC Minimum Standards Sample Tests and graded responses.

Demonstration Tests - please encourage your child to practice the test(s) they still need to complete. 

HSC MIn Standards Tests Explained

Students will have two more opportunities in Year 11 and two in Year 12, however we want all students to achieve success so they do not have to repeat tests. 

HSC Trial Examinations

5th August  - 19th August

As you can appreciate, Term 3 is a very anxious time for HSC students as they complete assessments, some of which are major projects, and for the majority of subjects, complete the HSC Trial Examinations.

Students should have been working hard studying and working towards final assessments and submissions. It is imperative at this time, that students seek advice and support from teachers and parents. 

Term 3 will finalise student subject grades and ranks. After this time it is imperative that students in every class support each other. EVERY student in EVERY subject can make the difference in Term 3 to maximise HSC results. Every student’s effort, determination and focus makes an enormous impact on the final HSC results. For example, if a student, has not reached their desired rank in a particular class, the work that a student collectively does between the Trial HSC and the actual HSC Examinations, can make a significant impact to their results. 

It is therefore imperative to support each other and aim to hold each other accountable to achieving your absolute best as you approcah the HSC Examinations.

Year 11 Exams

The Year 11 Examinations will be held on 9th of September to 20th of September. Students should be working hard towards these final assessments. It is imperative to sustain diligence and enthusiasm to maximise skills and learning in the next nine weeks. 

Year 9 2020 Elective Subject Selection

The Year 9 Elective Subject Evening will be held on August 13 6pm-7.30pm. 

Students are expected to attend this evening in order to receive advice about course contents, skills and expectations. 

The Year 9 Elective Subject Selection booklet is attached. 

Remember to choose your electives based on YOUR interests NOT your friends.

Philippines Basketball and Volunteer Trip

On Friday the 5th of July four Year 12 students, Sela Crisafulli Kefu; Lauren De Mesa; Jemma France; Madelyn Irvine, Mr Martin Gillogly and Ms Dominique Goldie left Sydney for the Philippines. After a very early start and a long day of travel we arrived at the Kids International Ministries which was to be our home for a week.

On the first day we took part in an orientation and an introduction to the work of the Kids International Ministries. We then visited a little village a few suburbs away, where the students took part in bible studies and helped served food to the women and children of the village. After lunch we took a tour of the community and the school where we would be volunteering. We were shown the achievements of the volunteer groups before us and how we were going to continue the great work. Next we were off to visit a children’s home. This visit was an opportunity for our students to interact with children as young as nine months through to teenagers. We returned to the children’s home later in the week to donate toys and books which were brought from Sydney. After dinner we went for a walk into the community where they were staying for the week to check out the street food, however not sampling any, and meet some of the local kids. The community kids were very excited to meet our students encouraging them to join in their street games which included basketball using the hoops on the sides of some of the buildings.

Day two was a slow start as the heat was starting to take its toll on the girls. With water bottles in tow we joined a few of the residents, from the accommodation, to attend Mass. After lunch and a quick visit to the mall, we then went to watch a professional basketball game at the Philippine Colosseum. It is always a great opportunity to be able to immerse oneself in the local customs and culture, this was also an opportunity for the girls to take in some pointers for their game the next evening. This venue was the stadium where Mohammed Ali fought in the infamous “Thriller in Manila” fight in 1975. After the game we headed back to our accommodation to get dinner and rest before another jam-packed day ahead.

Day three began at 6.30am in the kitchen preparing food for our visit to Tent City. After breakfast we took a drive to the outskirts of Manila where the Philippines Government relocated people who had lost their homes in Typhoon Hyan. While in Tent City we were lucky enough to meet a local pastor who showed us their church and infant school room. It was an emotional time yet very rewarding knowing we were doing our little bit to help the people of the Philippines who have lost so much. After a stop for lunch and a complete change of pace, we were given an opportunity to visit Tanay Waterfalls with another group. The girls were able to have some fun, relax and cool off before their big game that evening. We arrived home for an early dinner and to get ready for the girls’ basketball game at Faith Academy. Both teams played well and demonstrated great sportsmanship throughout the game. We were excited to come away with a win of 39-29, with the assistance of a few locals.

After a very long and tiring day three the itinerary for day four included no travel and instead we focused on programs run close to our accommodation. We began our day at 6.30am once again in the kitchen preparing food. After breakfast we were guided through to Quattro Christian School by Principal Mark. Last year our group donated old St Andrews College shirts which some of the girls were wearing. Our next stop was to the pregnancy clinic, where women from the community come to get free check-ups and vitamins. The women are also given eggs as a source of protein. The girls were excited to hear the baby’s heartbeat through the ultrasound and to assist the nurse with her measurements. After lunch we had some quiet time to reflect on our first few days and talk about our experiences. We also met many people who were staying in our accommodation and contributing what they can to this community. One lovely couple (Alistair a teacher and his wife from Victoria) were kind enough to share with us their thoughts, experiences and what lead them to volunteering in the Philippines. In the afternoon we were given the job of painting one of the walls at our accommodation. A chance to give back a little – at times there appeared to be more paint spilt on the girls than on the wall, but we achieved what we could. The evening concluded with another visit to the Children’s Home to play with the kids and talk to the locals.

Day five, our last full day and night in the Philippines, we were up at 6.45am. After breakfast we headed up to the local school to teach Reading, Literacy and English to the students of fourth grade. We all had two or three students read to us and write down key words. This was so much fun and a great opportunity for the kids to practice speaking and reading in English. Our students then headed for the high school and donated the pencils, paper and school accessories which had been brought from Sydney. Principal Mark was excited to receive the donations and again mentioned the shirts and if we had any more for next year. We played our second game in the afternoon against Sienna High School. Their warm up was impressive with their girls moving very quick. Our girls once again played outstandingly well and managed to come away with another win 38-33. A fantastic effort for the girls!

Day six our last day, began with a little sleep in and breakfast at 8am before going out to the community for our last time to distribute food. This visit was one of the most confronting of the trip. The people in this little community built makeshift homes along the river and behind a factory. Approximately two months ago a fire swept through and wiped out most of their homes. Today you would hardly know that they were left with nothing, their resourcefulness to rebuild with what little they have and remain happy was truly amazing to see. On a personal note, I was able to give a couple of little boys a few cars that my son Blair had donated to the kids less fortunate than him. We had lunch, then walked to the local school to tutor the year four and five students in mathematics and again practice speaking their English. On our way back to our accommodation to pack, we stopped into the pregnancy clinic and were told that one of the mums we had seen a few days before gave birth the previous evening – both mum and baby were doing well and back at their home. A happy and exciting way to finish our trip.

We have been blessed to have had this opportunity to meet so many amazing people and be able to do our part to help those in need.

Dominique Goldie
Leader of Learning PDHPE Senior Campus


On Wednesday the 24th of July the PDSSSC Netball Gala Day was held at Jamieson Park Penrith.  Many schools from the Diocese attended to make it a wonderful day.  St Andrews College entered three teams: Seniors, Inters & Junior Girls.  

With only a trial under their belt and many of the girls had not played netball with each other, the girls represented the school with pride. 

The girls played 8 games and had wins in all grades however we were unable to reach the finals.  They were great sports on the court and gracious in defeat.  

We were very proud of all the players and look forward to coaching them again.

Simone McKechnie   Melissa Welch       Emily Pett
Junior Coach               Inter Coach          Senior Coach

Plenary Council

A SNAPSHOT OF RESPONSES TO THE QUESTION - What do you think God is asking of us in Australia at this time?

·         “To build a compassionate, welcoming, inclusive and courageous community where we come together to better understand Gospel values, how to live them and put them into practice — strengthened by ritual prayer so as to be open to the guidance of the Holy Spirit”.

·         “To reintroduce and promote the Third Rite of Reconciliation so as to encourage more parishioners to participate in the sacrament, as neither the First or Second Rites are attracting many parishioners.”

·         “God is asking us as a whole ‘Come back to me with all your hearts’. There is not enough passion and commitment in us Catholics following the teachings given to us in the Bible by Jesus (and even the prophets in the Old Testament) and God wants to invite all of us young and old back into relationship with Him to know Him as He truly is, to love Him with heart, soul and mind, and to serve (to give without counting the cost) only Him”.

·         “God is calling the teachers in schools and the laity to be better educated in the faith to then be able to pass on the faith to children. The laity need to be taught how to encourage children and lapsed Catholics to practise their faith”.

·         “Women need to be equal and their presence in all Church governance needs to be equal to the male presence. Women shouldn’t only be able to be acolytes but also deacons and, yes, priests. There’s a whole hurting humanity because some people don’t want to go to a male priest for reconciliation. We are all Christ bearers”.

·         “I have been a teacher for nearly 30 years in the same Catholic Secondary College … I have personally suffered much persecution for my Catholic/Christian beliefs at school. There have been and are teachers who openly criticize students who have a faith and practice it, live it out, speak up about social issues that plague Australian society. It seems it is okay to have a social/moral stand on poverty, homelessness and other social issues affecting Australia but you cannot speak up about sex before marriage, homosexuality etc. … Teachers like myself are few in number and many keep silent so as to not be found out for fear of reprisals”.

·         “To be compassionate to the marginalised. To be outspoken about injustice in all its forms. To be inclusive to all, irrespective of sexual disposition or marital status. To modernise with the times”.

·         “While lay involvement is getting better and the Church does listen, I would love to see a Church that involves the laity more [and] gives more of a scope for the laity to participate in the management of the Church”.

Source: Catholic Outlook

Kellie Robinson
Leader of Learning Religious Education


National Vocations Awareness Week

4th August - 11th August

August 4th  is the feast of St John Vianney, the patron of parish clergy.  Pray for your priests this day in thanksgiving for their ministry and presence in your community.  Next Thursday is the feast of St Mary of the Cross McKillop, our first Australia saint.  Pray for the religious who do so much in pastoral care, education, health care and many other ministries.  Pray also that these saints may inspire many vocations to consecrated life and priesthood, especially from your community.

Vocations come from families, communities and parishes.  Strong families and communities are the place where vocations are first nurtured.  In this National Vocations Awareness Week, let us pray for all families in our parish, and for those preparing for marriage.  Let us also pray that our community may always be welcoming and encouraging of vocations to marriage, priesthood and consecrated life.


William will be ordained a priest for the Dominicans on August 3 at St Mary’s Cathedral, Sydney. He has expressed his desire to celebrate his first Mass at St Andrews Parish on Sunday August 4 at 10:30am. This is a very significant event in the life of our parish family as one of our parishioners is being ordained to the priesthood and it is appropriate that we celebrate this in a very special way. I would like to encourage parishioners to become involved in the celebration as we thank God for the gift of Father William as he will be on August 3.


St Andrews College presents our Creative Arts Night (CAN) 2019 on 5th of September 2019.  Great Entertainment, Great Food and Beverage available for purchase.  Bring your fold up chairs or blankets and enjoy the entertainment.  Family, Friends and Community Welcome.  Tickets on Sale Now from Senior Campus Office and Junior Campus Office for $10.  No sales on the night.

See you all there for the biggest party in the West !!!!


Click on the Link to check it out !

From the Careers Counsellor

Open Days

Australian Catholic University

Canberra                     24 August

North Sydney              31 August

Strathfield                    7 September


Australian National University

Canberra                     31 August


Charles Sturt University

Albury-Wodonga       18 August

Bathurst                      4 August

Dubbo                         30 August

Orange                        6 September

Port Macquarie          25 August

Wagga Wagga            11 August


Central Queensland University

Sydney                        22 August


International College of Management, Sydney

Manly                          11 August


La Trobe University

Sydney                        22 August


Macleay College

Surry Hills                   24 August


Macquarie University

North Ryde                 24 August


MIT Sydney

Sydney                        24 August


National Art School

Darlinghurst                 7 September


SAE Creative Media Institute

Sydney                        11 August


Southern Cross University

Coffs Harbour          16 August

Lismore                     17 August


Torrens University Australia

Billy Blue College of Design   17 August

Blue Mountains International Hotel

Management School              7 September

Media Design School              17 August

Torrens University                  17 August

William Blue College of Hospitality

                                                   17 August


University of Canberra

Bruce                                31 August


University of Newcastle

Central Coast (Ourimbah)      3 August

Newcastle (Callaghan)           31 August

Newcastle City                        31 August

Port Macquarie                       15 August


University of Sydney

All Campuses                      31 August


University of Technology Sydney

Ultimo                                31 August


University of Wollongong

Wollongong                             3 August


UNSW Sydney

Kensington                              7 September

ADFA – Campbell ACT          24 August


Western Sydney University

Parramatta South Campus     18 August

Parramatta City Campus        18 August

Liverpool City Campus           21 September


Whitehouse Institute of Design

                                                    24 August


CEDP IT Traineeships

Students interested in commencing at career in Information Technology in 2020 are

encouraged to consider the CEDP IT Traineeship program. An information session will be

held at Aengus Kavanagh Centre, 59 Railway Street Mount Druitt on Tuesday the 6 th or

Wednesday the 7 th of August from 4pm to 6pm.

Interested students need to register their interest at

Automotive Apprenticeships

Autosports Group invite students interested in an automotive apprenticeship to an Information Evening on Tuesday the 13th of August. The information evening will be held in the Autosports Careers Centre, Lamborghini Showroom, 563 Parramatta Road Leichhardt commencing at 6pm and concluding at 8pm. 

The Information Evening is a great opportunity to speak with experts from the Autosports Group about a career in the automotive industry and sign up for an apprenticeship commencing in 2020.

To register for the Information Evening visit:


ATARs this year will be released at 1pm on Tuesday the 17th of December – this is the same day as the release of the  HSC results. The deadline for finalising preferences for the December Round 2 offer is midnight on Thursday 19 December 2019. This is the first major offer round for Year 12 students.

All 2020 courses from UAC’s participating institutions will be available on UAC’s website from Friday 2 August. Students who have already applied need to check their application to ensure their preferences are for those courses offered in 2020.

Students are advised that there is no rush to complete the UAC preferences. It is recommended that once students complete all their Trial Examinations they submit their UAC preferences. Early bird applications close at midnight on Monday the 30th of September, after this time the processing fee increases. Students are reminded that nothing is locked in at the September deadline - there is opportunity to change preferences after this time. 

UAC will be sending Year 12 students an email on Friday the 2nd of August to remind them of their UAC PIN. Students are reminded that the email address UAC will use is the address registered with  NESA. If students have applied to UAC and changed their email address then UAC will use their preferred email address. It is advisable that students register their personal email address with UAC so that they can continue to receive communication from UAC throughout the UAC process which concludes in February.

Students are reminded to also apply to the Schools Recommendation Scheme and if eligible the Equity Access Scheme. Students needing assistance with these schemes are encouraged to see Ms May. 

Western Sydney University Academy Global Leaders Program

Applications for the Academy Global Leaders Program (AGLP) at Western Sydney University are now open.

Western Sydney University believes that for students to gain a competitive edge when they graduate, they need to think differently, see things from multiple perspectives as well as anticipate, navigate and adapt to change.

The Academy Global Leaders Program will challenge students and expose them to the concepts of ethical leadership; community engagement; creativity; innovation; entrepreneurship; design and systems thinking; research methods; as well as mastering the uses of big data. Additional workshops, events and projects will also help students to become an agile thinker with practical experience and adaptable skills.

As a future leader you will receive:

●     An unconditional guarantee of a place at Western Sydney University before the HSC commences.

●     Automatic membership of The Academy

●     A $2,000 ‘Smart Start’ scholarship.

●     An overseas academic or leadership experience, sponsored by the University.

●     Immersion workshop series - featuring industry and community leaders, social change agents and leading thinkers.

Students wishing to apply need to:

●     Complete the online application at by midnight on Sunday the 8th of September.

●     Apply through UAC for your preferred degree at Western as your first preference by 22 September.

Coming Events

HSC TRIALS                                                                    5/8/19 - 19/8/19

BUSINESS SERVICE WORK PLACEMENT                    5/8/19 - 9/8/19



            RESEARCH EXCELLENCE AWARDS                 6/8/19

CONSTRUCTION WORK PLACEMENT                       12/8/19 - 16/8/19




Contact Details

Junior Campus

116 Quakers Road

Marayong NSW 2148

Senior Campus

50 Breakfast Road

Marayong  NSW 2148

PHONE:   (02) 9626 4000

