
Week 3 Term 4

Principal: Mr Geoff Jackson,

Deputy Principal: Mr Patrick Baiwan,

Head of P-6: Mrs Wiki Thomas,

Head of 7-12: Mrs Rachel Baiwan, secondary

Student Wellbeing Guidance and Counselling: Mrs Wendy Boas,

School Address: P O Box 211, Kavieng, New Ireland Province

School Telephone Number: (675) 984 2128

School website address:

From the Principal

Another week and another batch of students undertaking their National Examinations. The Year 12 students are underway and seem to be handling the process well. A lot of experiences and learning has happened in their life …. since enrolling in Prep in 2010 or there about!!

Assessment tasks across the year groups P – 11 are underway. I have observed a lot of creative assignments making their way to school for submission along with classroom based assessments being sat.

It is also that time of the year where planning for the following year gets underway. The Board of Management has set the fees for next year. There will be no increase in fees for 2023. Continuing enrolment forms were sent home recently.  If you have not returned the form, please do so as soon as possible. We require student numbers to assist us in class allocation, staffing and budgeting. Just like all organisations and families, OLSH will need to be creative in balancing the Budget for 2023, particularly with the rising cost of goods and services. We are committed to continue delivering a quality and affordable level of education. We will need the support of all to pay fees on time so we can deliver the programs we have planned for. The Early bird discounts are now available for full year fee payments before 04/11/2022.

Please continue to pray for all our students and staff at OLSH, that they will finish the year strongly, maintain good health and also that we will receive continued rainfall.

Best regards and God bless you,

Mr. Geoff Jackson

2022 Term Dates

Important Calendar Dates

From the Deputy Principal

2023 Fees

 At its last meeting on the 31st of August the School Board approved the school fees for 2023 to remain unchanged. (Find below the school fees schedule) Parents and care givers can now take advantage of the early bird fees discount.

 Please call in to the office or send us an email at for an invoice if you are interested in the early bird discount offer.

 Parents are also encouraged to attend to outstanding 2022 fees in order for the school administration to run a high performing school.


Mr. Patrick Baiwan

2023 School Fees Schedule

From the Head of 7-12

Year 10 Work Experiences

The Year 10 students are doing work experience this week and will continue into next week. They will be placed with different organizations around town. I would like to extend our thanks to those organizations for allowing our students to have a feel and gain experience of working.

The work placements are Kavieng General Hospital-Pathology and Physiotherapy Sections, NFA Mariculture- Nago, Wildlife Conservation Society, NFC Library, Kavieng Village Resort, Live and Learn, NBC Radio Station, NIPG-Media Unit and OLSH Front Office.

Guest Speakers

The Year 10 students had two days of work experience preparation which included site visitation and attending guest speaker sessions. The students were privilege to have Doctor Kelep Malpo-the PEB Chair lady and Miss Stephany Lavarabin from IRC as inspirational speakers.


Some students think that work experience is the hardest and the most terrifying part in one’s life, and because of that idea they fled from school and avoided work experience.

My preparation before work experience was filled with mixed feelings. I was placed at the school’s front office. I always thought that work experience helps us to follow the pathway of our dreams, but in my case it didn’t. My dream was to become a marine biologist. Now it seems that I’d be working in an office then.

On my first day of work I was so excited for no reason. I thought of all the expectations required of me so I went early to work, forgetting my work experience ID card. I was welcomed with smiles from the staff and that, made my day go well.

The working environment was so quiet but busy. I had a lot to do. The officers helped me with the things I didn’t know. I even had a 30- minute lunch break. After the break there was still more things to be done. During my day, I did a lot of photocopying, scanning, printing and typing. One of my lessons learnt was how to answer a phone call. And that, lead to the worst part of my day.

All in all, work experience is exciting. I got to learn what it’s like in the work force, the expectations and that requirements must be followed. As of yesterday, work experience had given me a memorable day and I hope today and onwards will also be memorable.  


Year 12 students are sitting examinations this week. Year 8 teachers are preparing Year 8 students for their examinations next week.

Count Down to 2022 Final National Examinations:

Year 10: 0

Year 12: 0

Year 8: 3 Days

 Unit Outlines and Assessment Schedules

Unit Outlines and Assessment Schedules were issued to Parents during the Parent Teacher Interview. Students whose parents did not attend the meeting received their unit outlines and assessment schedules on Friday 7th October.

Assessments have already started and parents are encouraged to monitor your child’s assessments and provide support wherever you can. If you have questions regarding the document, please call the school or visit us and we can attend to your queries.


Year 10 Work Experience

All Year 10 students are required to attend work experience program after exam on Monday 17th to 27th October. The program was sent out to all Year 10 parents with the consent form last week.


With reference to the OLSH Uniform Policy, we are sending students home who come to school incorrectly dressed to fix themselves before coming to school. Boys with beards or funny hairstyles are asked to trim their hair and shave their beards at school, which should not be the case, as they should already be properly groomed before coming to school. Parents; please make sure your child looks presentable at home before he or she is sent to school.

Importantly: a student in OLSH uniform is an OLSH ambassador and should not violate any school rule/policy whilst in school uniform-inside or outside of school.  

 Let us all encourage our students, your child or children to take pride in their appearance and presentation each and every day.

 Study expectations

Please assist your child in making sure that he or she spends time studying at home. Your child can only better himself or herself with continued practice. Thus, let us all work together to help your child achieve the best possible result this semester.

 With that, to all and especially the students:


(Unknown Author)

 Mrs Rachel Baiwan

OLSH Home Study Expectations

Uniform Policy

From the Head of P-6

Hi everyone! We are nearing the end of another busy and challenging week. We never forget that success is achieved through partnership with all our partners and so again we say thank you so much to those involved.


P-6 sport time has been moved to every Friday – 2:00 – 3:00

Parent/ Teacher Interview

Parents, you are our most important partners so we continue to invite you to come to school and see you child’s teacher about his/her learning progress. Our gates are open and you can come on Monday- Wednesday 3:00 – 4:00.

 3 As - Appearance

  • Please ensure your child is correctly attired when leaving home for school. There has been increase in the number of children coming to school not correctly dressed without notes explaining why. Please remember to write notes to teachers to explain why your child is in incorrect uniform.
  • Hair-cuts. Ensure your child’s hair is trimmed in a neat and student like style and hair must be combed neatly.
  • Attendance and punctuality is important for every child’s learning.

 Dry Spell

Every child must come with a water bottle from home and we encourage every child to have a hat to use when they are out in the sun and please ensure they eat properly and have plenty of fruits.

Mrs Wiki Thomas

Year 4 English: Topic: Exploring and examining Text

In this lesson, the students are studying traditional stories and examining them to determine the different text structures of narratives; Orientation, Complication, Solution. Then they will identify which part of this text they like /dislike and then make changes to make the story their own version.

The aim of the activity is for the students to know and experience how authors use their imagination to make changes to text to make it their own.

Around OLSH this week


School Times

Our Lady of the Sacred Heart International School

 Governor's School of Excellence

 Continuing the mission of the MSC Sisters