TOKSAVE - Term 1 Week 6 2023

Lihir International School and School to Mine Campus

Principal: Mr Gregory Neville

Deputy Principal LIS: Ms Catherine Langusch

Deputy Principal STM: Mr Kevin Collins

From the Principal

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

School Council

There will be a School Council meeting at 6pm on Thursday, 27th April in the year 9/10 room. All our Councillors are encouraged to attend. If you are interested in finding out more about the School Council, please give me a call or make a time to come in for a chat.

Parent / Teacher Interviews

Parent / Teacher interviews for all classes from Prep to Year 10 will be held between 3pm and 6pm on Monday the 27th and Tuesday the 28th of March. Parents will be advised when they can make bookings. Mrs Collins will advise Kindy parents of interview times.

LIS PNG Independence celebrations 2023

There will be a meeting for National parents in the undercover area of the school on Saturday, 18th March at 11am to begin preparations for the school's Independence Day in September. At this meeting, an organising committee will be formed to work with the school in organising the event.

Library and Textbooks

There have been some incidents of careless and unnecessary damage to school library and textbooks when they have been taken home. It is very costly to source and supply students with these resources on Lihir. We ask parents and carers to keep an eye on these school resources when used at home. Parents and carers will be charged replacement costs for damaged or lost books.

Absenteeism and Lateness

If your child is going to be absent from school or is sick, please give the school a call or send an explanatory note with your child upon return to school. If your child is away for more than two days, parents are required to contact the school.

Children who arrive to school in the morning after assembly begins are considered late. If your child is going to be late, please inform the school in advance, or send an explanatory note with your child. Parents will be contacted for unexplained absences.


  • The chewing of Beetle Nut is prohibited on school grounds
  • Parents are asked to refrain from bringing dogs into the school grounds
  • Parents are free to deliver lunch to their children, however sitting with your child and/or feeding them during lunch is not encouraged.


Mr Greg Neville         

LIS has zero tolerance for behaviour such as bullying amongst its students. Our VIP behaviour management process is an excellent way to positively reinforce inclusive behaviours among the student body.  The attached link to the Bullying. No Way! site has some excellent resources for parents and schools to use to address this issue.

Thank you to Ms Saua and the Year 1/2 class on their assembly about recount writing!

Term 1 Calendar


Term 1 Week 5 Principal Award Winners

Term 1 Afterschool Sport Activities

Soccer and Basketball sessions continue on Monday afternoon and Saturday morning for Primary and High school students. Saturday matches will run through to Week 7. 

All students are reminded to bring along their school hat and water bottle.

Thanks to Ms Saua, Mrs Exzil, Ms Savitas and Mrs Laien for supervising these sporting sessions.

Happy International Women's Day 2023!

Student Council Activities

Tabloid Sports

The last Tabloid Sports for term 1 will be on Week 8 Thursday afternoon, from 3.10-4.00pm. Participation is voluntary. Out-of-town students need to ensure they have organised transport to collect them at 4.00pm if they wish to participate. Tabloid Sports is for students from Prep-year 10.

Parents & Wantoks Committee


Canteen will commence next week. Please download the menu below. Orders are to be placed in the box on Wednesday morning and students will receive their order at lunchtime Friday. We ask that parents and carers try to submit the correct payment amount or use small notes if needing change.

Please see Mrs Romaso-Daimol in the office if your child needs a new canteen bag.


Dear Parents & Wantoks,

It’s time to dust off your baking trays and warm up your ovens - the P&W Committee will be hosting another “Bake Sale” at the end of Term 1; Thursday 30th March, 12:00 PM.

We will need lots of help to make this work, including donations of baked goods and volunteers for the day. A list of recommended Baked Goods and a Volunteer Roster will be placed on the P&W Notice Board for you to sign yourselves up in the coming weeks.

Kind regards,

Rebecca Daimol-Matson - P&W Bake Sale Committee


This year, at the end of term 2, LIS will be staging a whole school dance and drama musical production titled – ‘Travel into Space on Apollo23’. This production will involve all classes, Prep to Year 10, as well as the LIS/STM staff. It is a musical drama about the Solar System that not only involves dance and drama but planning and preparation as well.  Apart from it being fun and entertaining, being part of a production is an activity that boosts students’ confidence. This will be a great experience for our LIS students.

Thanks to Ms Patricia Yip for being our production director.

2023 Term Dates for Students

Term 1 Monday 30 January to Thursday 30 March

Term 2 Monday 17 April to Thursday 22 June

Term 3 Monday 17 July to Thursday 14 September

Term 4 Monday 2 October to Thursday 7 December 

Key Events and Activities

Key dates:

Naplan testing: Wednesday 15th - Friday 17th March

School Council Meeting: Thursday 23rd March, 6.00pm 

Parent Teacher Interviews: Monday 27th and Tuesday 28th March, 3.00-6.00pm

Long Run and Ball Games Carnival: Wednesday 29th March

Afternoon activities:

Monday: Basketball (High school) with Mrs Laien and Ms Savitas: 3.15-4.00pm

Monday: Soccer (Primary school) with Ms Saua and Mrs Exzil: 3.15-4.00pm

Tuesday: Swimming lessons at the pool with Ms Hannah Ilave (times as per lesson schedule)

Wednesday: Homework Class: High school with Mrs Laien, year 4 with Ms Tukata and year 5/6 with Ms Langusch from 3.15-4.00pm

Thursday: Tabloid Sports led by the Student Council from 3.15-4.00pm (Week 8)

Friday: STEM Club for year 5/6 students with Ms Langusch from 3.10-4.00pm

Saturday: Soccer and basketball games with Mrs Laien, Ms Savitas, Ms Saua and Mrs Exzil from 8.00-9.00am

From the Deputy Principal (LIS)

Year 8/10 Exam Preparation and Remedial Sessions

Exam prep sessions continue this Saturday for years 8 and 10 students as well as after-school remedial sessions for selected students on Monday and Tuesday afternoons. Thank you to the STM staff for facilitating these sessions. A note has been sent home to parents advising session times. Please contact Ms Yip if you have any questions about year 8 and 10 exam preparation.


Year 3, 5 and 7 students will sit the Australian Literacy and Numeracy tests (NAPLAN) in next week. Students will sit tests for Writing, Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation (Language Conventions), Reading and Comprehension and Numeracy. 

Testing will be from Wednesday – Friday (please note the change of days) with any catch-up tests on the following Monday. Students will not be sitting on-line tests as per Australian schools but will complete paper tests. Teachers have been working with students to prepare them for testing. No additional preparation is required by parents. We want to remind parents that these tests are not a need for concern for you or your child but are another measure to gather information about individual and class learning progress.

Why do students do NAPLAN?

NAPLAN assesses the literacy and numeracy skills that students are learning through the school curriculum and allows parents/carers to see how their child is progressing against national standards and over time. NAPLAN is just one aspect of a school’s assessment and reporting process. It doesn’t replace ongoing assessments made by teachers about student performance, but it can provide teachers with additional information about students’ educational progress.

How is NAPLAN reported?

Reporting for NAPLAN will change in 2023 from previous years. Individual student performance reports will have four levels of achievement:

·         Exceeding

·         Strong

·         Developing  

·         Needs Additional Support

Reports will also continue to show the national average, the range of achievement for the middle 60% of students in each year level, and a dot placement for the student comparing their achievement against these measures. Student reports are expected to arrive in term 2 and will be distributed on arrival to school.

How are NAPLAN results used?

Students and parents/carers may use individual results to discuss progress with teachers. Teachers use results to help identify students who need greater challenges or extra support. Schools use results to identify strengths and areas of need to improve teaching programs, and to set goals in literacy and numeracy.

For further information please visit or please do not hesitate to see your child’s teacher or myself.

Kind regards,

Ms Cathy Langusch             

From the Deputy Principal (STM)

This Friday, we welcome Elementary Teachers from around Lihir along with representatives from the Local Provincial Education Office for our Trupla Elementary Tisa Program.

Our FODE and Work Ready Trainees are continuing to progress well. On Monday our Work Ready Trainees did a Mine and Process Plant Tour; our sincere thanks to everyone who assisted with this tour in particular Dudley Thomas (Mine Geotechnical) and Mark Beggs (Process Services) for organising the day and sharing their knowledge with our trainees.

STMC staff are continuing to work closely with the Local Provincial Education Office to finalise new Lihirian Teachers' enrolment in the DWU Bachelor of Primary Education, ready for commencement of the program in April.

Friday of this week, our first cohort of Bachelor of Primary Education Upgrade will attend their graduation at Divine Word University in Madang. We congratulate all of the teachers on this achievement and wish them all safe travels. I look forward to sharing some photos of this special day in next week’s Toksave.


Mr Kevin Collins

Work Ready Program Mine / Process Plant Tour

Work Ready Program Profile

Name:                                                            Grace Kuliman

What village are you from?                         Lissel Village

What form of training have you previously done?

I completed Grade 10 at Lihir Secondary School and then did a certificate in Accounting at International Training Institute.

What do you want to do after you complete Work Ready Program

After I complete my training in Work Ready program, I want to work as an Accounting Clerk with Newcrest Mining Limited. 

Name:                                                             Nick Kombeng

What village are you from?                         Putput 1

What form of training have you previously done?

I completed Grade 10 at Lihir Secondary School and then did my upgrade with Nimamar Franchise University Centre.

What do you want to do after you complete Work Ready Program

After I complete my training in Work Ready program, I want to get a job in Newcrest driving big haul trucks.

VIP Champion!