
Issue 2019 / 3


We are officially at the mid-term hump. It is an understatement to report on how busy the first half of the term has been; but now we need to focus on the further important learning to take place in the remaining half. With the scheduled year level meetings, parent teacher interviews in the Junior School and cocurricular activities well entrenched, all students need to keep their goal setting front of mind.

Research shows goals are important for enhancing performance. When setting goals, students are encouraged to set stretch or challenging goals, rather than ‘do your best’ goals. When this is undertaken across all subjects, we hope that the students will self-monitor their progress and when asked, will be able to provide evidence they believe demonstrates they have achieved their goals. Knowing your strengths and being able to pinpoint areas for improvement, is an important part of the learning journey. 

Whilst Peter Drucker’s SMART goals have been in vogue in business for decades, they make good sense for students. Writing the goals down, as the Staff have encouraged with their students, will ensure they have a far greater chance of attainment.  Of course, goals need to be constantly reviewed and sharpened and reset as success occurs, or clarity needed where achievement has not taken place. The constant cycle supports the student to keep their focus, supported as they are by their subject and pastoral teachers and provides an excellent reference point when additional mentoring takes place.

I am sure that those who attended our launch of Family Zone last week gained immeasurably from the information shared. Coverage of key cyber safety risks is an area that all families must constantly keep abreast of; for these complex issues are facing all families globally. The eight top issues identified and discussed were: pornography/sexual content, excessive use, cyber bullying, grooming and online predators, digital footprint, privacy and settings, games and gaming behaviour and sexting. If you were unable to attend our presentation, I urge you to seek out the latest coverage of these areas from: We need to work with you as parents and with your children as our students for the best support of our community. 

My best wishes to you all.

What's On - Events/Excursions Weeks 6-7



Years 7 and 10 Food Technology

Year 7 Food Technology are learning about the 'Essential Nutrients', they have created a caterpillar with each circle explaining and defining each nutrient. The verbs Explain and Describe were taught and applied in the task.

Our Year 10 students are currently learning about 'Food Equity and Globalisation' (the haves and the have nots). In these photos students made 'Insima' a Zambian dish that is eaten in a circle and shared with the community, eaten using fingers too. (we did a little role play) . Discussion was had on why this particular dish is eaten (easy storage, fuller for longer).

'Express Yourself' Exhibition

Two of our Year 12 Visual Arts students: Sean and James, have had their Bodies of Work chosen for the 2019 ‘Express Yourself’ Exhibition at Manly Art Gallery and Museum located at the West Esplanade Reserve Manly. Sean has produced a striking video in time-based forms titled 'Limitless' using drone technology and James’ collection of works features both still photography and a video with a focus on skate culture. This exhibition showcases diverse bodies of work including multi-media, digital, sculpture and drawing, and celebrates the creativity of emerging artists in this region. The exhibition is curated by Ross Heathcote and Katrina Savage. In conjunction with Express Yourself, three awards are granted annually to students featured in the exhibition; the Theo Batten Bequest Youth Art Award, the Manly Art Gallery and Museum Society Youth Art Award and the People’s Choice Award. The exhibition runs from Friday 22nd March to Sunday 28th April. We wish both boys all the best at this exciting time. 

Year 7 Immunisation

Immunisation Consent packs will be sent home via your child this week. Please read the information and return the consent forms as soon as possible to your child’s Form Teacher if you choose to have your child immunised at School. The Year 7 immunisation clinic dates for 2019 are April 11 and November 26. If you have any questions about these clinics or do not receive a pack please contact Sr Ingrid Scouller, RN or Sr Karen Brocklebank, RN at the Health Centre on 9972 5734 or

Year 7 Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews

The Year 7 Parent/Teacher/Student interviews will be held from 3:30 – on Tuesday 26 March in the Hall. Students are expected to attend with their parents. Students are to be  in full school uniform. These interviews are an essential part of the feedback process and it is strongly encouraged that all parents attend. 

An email has been sent to all parents with instructions on how to book.   

Go to and enter the code contained within the email.

Interviews are strictly 5 minutes and spaces are limited.  If you require more time, please contact your teacher directly to make alternative arrangements. If there are any teachers absent on the day, they will undertake to contact each of the parents as close after the event as possible.

Parents can change their interview bookings, any time prior to 1pm on Tuesday 26 March, by re-visiting the website, and using the event code contained in the email sent to all parents. Remember to use the same name and email address, you used when you made your original booking. If you would like any more details or have any questions please feel free to contact me on, or 9972 5774. 

Mr James Walmsley, Deputy Principal


From the Head of Junior Schools

HICES Swiming Carnival
A small but strong team of 25 swimmers represented the Junior School at the HICES Swimming Carnival at SOPAC on Wednesday 6 March. We look forward to hearing the results.

Social Media Hoax
I would like to draw your attention to an invasive and insidious social media prank doing the rounds at the moment, called the Momo Challenge. The Momo Challenge is a hoax about a non-existent social media challenge that was spread on Facebook and other media outlets. It was reported that children and adolescents were being enticed by a user named Momo to perform a series of dangerous tasks. This game involves a frightening looking character and this is impacting our students. It is not to be distributed at School or circulated amongst students.

Year 4 Kimbriki Excursion
As part of their unit of work on sustainable practice, Year 4 visited the Eco Centre at Kimbriki Tip yesterday. The students experienced firsthand the impact of waste on the world and learned about simple yet thoughtful ways to reduce, reuse and recycle. Hopefully we will see their passion for their work reflected around the School with their encouragement.


From the Co-ordinator of the ECC

This year the Early Childhood Centre has taken a giant leap and opened its doors from 7:30am to 6pm, offering our families the opportunity to avail themselves of our excellent educational program with the convenience of a longer day, 48 weeks of the year if they so wish. The children are loving arriving for breakfast, sitting with their friends, enjoying a nutritious unhurried bowl of cereal , some toast or a yoghurt cup with fruit. Our parents really appreciate that this facilitates a faster morning routine in their efforts to get where they need to be!  It is so important in our collaborative partnership with our community of ECC families, to support them by providing a service that meets their needs.

With the program now incorporating these meal times, the children are becoming extremely invested in the food preparation including the cleanup routine, often suggesting menu items for late afternoon tea that they would like to help prepare or cook. 

Our longer days enable the program to flow with little time constraints, allowing for lengthier periods of engagement where the children are able to complete tasks, follow their interests and satisfy their curiosities without the concern of not finishing what they have begun.

We are all so excited to be part of this new chapter in the journey of our Early Childhood Centre. 


Years 3-6 Swimming Carnival

On Thursday 14 February our Junior School Swimmers gave it their all at our annual Swimming Carnival. The weather was glorious, the atmosphere electric and the supporters encouraging in what was a most exceptional day of Swimming. It was great to see so many people dressed up in the House colours and the constant chanting of support was heard throughout the School.

 A HUGE congratulations goes to Noah, Sadie and Emma for breaking very long-standing records in the 50m freestyle, 50m breast stroke and 50m backstroke respectively.

 After all the laps were finished and results counted Morgan won the day with 568 points, Butterworth were 2nd with 480 points and Orrock 3rd with 458 points.

 The top two swimmers of each race and age division go on to HICES. For every stroke except freestyle the ages are 10 and under, 11 years and 12+ years. Congratulations to the following athletes who will be representing Pittwater House at our HICES carnival at SOPAC on Wednesday 6 March: Heath, Alexander, Millicent, Matisse, Jack, Blake, Sadie, Ellaline, Alex, Kyran, Grace, Finlay, Noah, Timothy, Georgia, Adele, Broghan, Zak, Emma, Chloe, Charlie, Alexander, Antigone, Blake, Adam, Charlie and Finlay.

Sport Reports and Achievements

For information on the following Sport Reports and Achievements please click  the Download button below. 

  • Basketball
  • Hockey
  • PISA Sport
  • Softball
  • Surf Life Saving
  • Tennis
  • Touch Football
  • Water Polo

Click here for Sport Reports


Below is a gallery of photos from recent achievements in the following sports: Softball, Surf Live Saving, Tennis, Touch Football, All Schools Triathlon and Water Polo.  

Term 1 Nominations

For information on when Nominations are due for the following sports please click HERE

  • Basketball Pathways
  • Golf
  • Hockey
  • Netball
  • Peninsula Cup Netball Competition
  • Snowsports Raceweek
  • Soccer  Pathways
  • Penisula Cup Soccer Competitions
  • Softball
  • Swimming
  • Tennis Pathways
  • Triatholan Pathways
  • Volleyball Pathways
  • Water Polo 


Cadet News

The Pittwater House Cadet Unit is conducting a Training Bivouac at Picton on April 13th, 14th and 15th. The dates for Annual Camp are planned to be September 21st to 25th at Webb’s Creek.

Senior cadets will be supporting the local community with ANZAC ceremonies on April 12th (Pittwater House), 18th (War Vets , Narrabeen), 24th (Glenaeon Village, Belrose) and 25th (Manly Dam, Brookvale Bus Depot and Collaroy Beach).

Capt.(AAC) McClean

Join Cadets

All students who will turn 13 or older in 2019 are able to join the cadet unit. Enrolment forms are available at Reception or click here.


NSW Premier's Reading Challenge

The Premier’s Reading Challenge has officially started, and they have launched an amazing new student portal! This makes the searching and logging process so much easier for everyone:

Last week, Years 1-6 students were sent home with a reading log in the back of their diaries. At the top is their login details. If these details are blank it is because your child is relatively new to Pittwater House and I am waiting on their login details to arrive. This is also why reading logs have not yet been given to Kindergarten students. If a student didn’t receive their reading log, they will by the end of next week.

Years K-2 students will be working towards completing the challenge at school in their class or during library time. However, if you want to support the challenge at home, please do!

For Years 3-6, although the Premier's Reading Challenge is not compulsory, I do challenge the students to at least try. In the past, the PRC website has made the logging process quite difficult which has deterred students. Hopefully the new website will be more engaging and helpful.

As a summary, the rules for the PRC are as follows:

  • The challenge runs from Mon 4 March – Fri 30 August 2019.
  • Years K-2 (read 30 books: 25 from challenge list and 5 personal choice).
  • Years 3-4 and Years 5-6 (read 20 books: 15 from challenge list and 5 personal choice).

For more detailed rules, particularly relating to book series, please follow the link below:

Coming Soon! Weeks 8 and 9

Opening Times are 8.00 to 8.25am, Lunch 2 and 3.25 to 4pm daily

HSC Study Guides

The Library has a brand new range of HSC Study guides!

These are just some of the fantastic titles available that may be borrowed for up to 2 weeks.

PHPA (Pittwater House Parents' Association)

Network Parent Information Morning

Network Parents and parents keen to volunteer in 2019!

Please come along on Friday 8 March at 8.30am and find out all the exciting news and events coming up and how you can support the PHPA Community in 2019.

Best wishes

Kate and Connie

Canteen Volunteer Roster

Each week is allocated to different year groups however you can still volunteer for any shift during the year regardless of which year your children are in.

To volunteer for a slot, please visit and put your name next to the time/date that suits you best.

Please click on image below for days where a volunteer is still required.

Canteen Manager is Amanda Corbett - Phone 9972 5718 after 8.00am

Thank you for your support!

Canteen Menu

For the latest menu and to find out the weekly specials visit the Canteen folder on the Skoolbag app.

Clothing Pool Opening Hours

Tuesdays from 8am-9.15am and Thursday from 2pm-3.15pm

Located next to the School Uniform Shop the Clothing Pool is run by volunteer parents.

Please Note: Purchases cannot be charged to your School Account.

The Clothing Pool has a 7 day Return/Refund Policy.


School Uniform Shop News

Years 5-12 Girls Navy Trousers (worn in Terms 2 and 3)

If you would like to purchase these please pop in to the School Uniform Shop for a fitting.

To Notify the School of Student Absences

Please download and use the Skoolbag app or Log in to the Edumate Portal or email

Term Dates


Edumate and Skoolbag Basic Training Sessions

If you are interested in some basic training in Edumate and Skoolbag. Please call School Admin on 9981 4400 or email to book a half hour appointment between 7.30am and 3pm.