Welcome to Term 3, 2022. I hope everyone had a wonderful break and were able to relax, get away and maybe even stretch out with a good book. I am excited for what the new term brings. Term 3 is always one dedicated to our Year 12 cohort with trials, final grades, feedback, and preparations for the HSC, whilst a new future for them is just around the corner. Year 11 are also in their final term before starting the HSC in Term 4. We wish all the students and staff a healthy and productive term.
New Staff
Congratulations to Ms Shona Yu who will be joining our Mathematics faculty this term. Ms Yu brings a wealth of knowledge to Beverly Hills Girls High School with a PHD in Mathematics and expertise in Numeracy. Our girls will indeed benefit from this appointment
Staff Development Day
Thank you to Mr Ashok and his team for the enormous amount of work they have undertaken in upskilling our staff with numeracy skills. His team has been working tirelessly with the NSW Department of Education Strategic Support to ensure that Beverly Hills Girls High School will reach our strategic target in raising numeracy. The staff spent the day working on numeracy skills and revising teaching and learning programs to ensure we all contribute to building numeracy skills for our students.
Incredible results for our Year 9 2022 NAPLAN students. The students at Beverly Hills Girls High School achieved results above the state and similar schools for Reading, Writing, Vocabulary, Grammar, and Punctuation. In Numeracy we achieved excellent results and were above similar schools. The results achieved in Reading have been the highest we have seen since prior to 2010. Analysis of Year 7 data show that our Primary schools have worked hard with excellent results in Writing and Spelling that are above state and similar schools. Congratulations to the students and staff of Beverly Hills Girls High School.
Stay Healthy HSC advice for your HSC students
With the HSC taking place this term and next, now is a good time to remind your students undertaking the HSC of the department’s Stay Healthy HSC hub and the wealth of resources available to them to help them prioritise their wellbeing over what is a very stressful period for most.
Students can also access this year’s HSC Study Guide for tips and stories on how to succeed during their exams.
NAIDOC Assembly
The school celebrated NAIDOC week with a whole school assembly on Tuesday 26th July, coordinated by our Aboriginal students. It was a celebration, focusing on the theme of ‘Get up! Stand up! Show up!’ Thank you also goes to our Aboriginal coordinator Mr John Klironomos.
School Works
Considerable work has been done for the cooler classrooms project, LED light program and renovations to our new Canteen. The Canteen will be operational as of Monday 15th August 2022. Special thanks to Mr Jenkins who gave up considerable amount of his own time to ensure all work was carried out smoothly. We are currently seeing the growth of our new Yarning Circle as an additional outdoor learning space. Critical shading has also been a focus this year with the installation of 4 new shades in the senior playground.
Year 10 into 11 subject selections
This term we held our annual Year 10 into Year 11 subject selection evening. Thank you to Ms Pangis and her team for organising the event. This was the perfect opportunity for students and parents to ask questions and see what subjects are being offered for 2023. All students will submit subject preferences at a later date. I highly recommend that students choose subjects they enjoy as this is the best chance, they have in doing well.
COVID Smart Measures for Schools Information for Families:
We know that being together in the classroom is the best thing for our students’ learning, growth and welfare. This term we will continue to implement several measures to allow us to prioritise both the wellbeing of our students and a consistent and productive learning environment. Stay Home:
- If your child is unwell, you must keep them at home. If they are displaying even mild COVID-19 symptoms, they should take a COVID test and isolate.
- Your child should only return to school once they have returned a negative test and they are symptom free.
- If your child tests positive to COVID-19, register the positive result with Service NSW, isolate for 7 days and follow NSW health guidelines.
- Students identified as close contacts can attend school providing the school is informed and they return a negative COVID-19 test result each morning before attending school for 5 school days.
- Rapid antigen tests should be used if your child is displaying even mild COVID-19 symptoms, or daily if they are attending school as a close contact.
- Mask-wearing is strongly encouraged where possible for all staff and students in mainstream school settings, particularly in indoor spaces and other instances where ventilation and distancing is not possible
Vapes are electronic devices designed to deliver vapourised liquids into your lungs when you breathe in. Vapes are not water. The main ingredient in vapes is propylene glycol, vegetable glycerine or glycerol, and they often also contain nicotine, flavours and other chemicals. Vapes may contain harmful chemicals that aren’t listed on the pack. The biggest misunderstanding about vapes is that they are harmless compared to cigarettes. This is not true. Vapes are not safe.
We continue to monitor vaping at our school. Staff spend considerable time in the playground and toilets to keep our students safe.
Please take the time to look at the information at the end of this newsletter to identify vapes and monitor our girls at home.
Screen time vs Green time
Most of us own devices such as smart phones and some also own wearable technologies such as smart watches. Technology is part of our daily life, but we need to ensure it does not ‘become our life’.
An Australian Communications and Media Authority report into how Australian children are using mobile phones advised that in 2020:
- 46% of 6-13 year old have or use a mobile phone
- 71% have used the phone to play games
- 79% of the children that own a phone have used it to send a text message
It is timely reminder that we need to work with our family to set screen-time limits. Each family is unique and coming up with a right amount of screen time can depend on the age of your child, the content they see or hear, their learning needs and your family circumstances. It is a balancing act.
Too much online time can have negative consequences on the mental health of your child. If you notice signs of tiredness, not doing well at school or changes in eating patterns, it may be time to have an open conversation to help them balance screen time with green time.
Ms M Iemma