Dear Parents, Guardians & Carers,
Welcome back to Term 2. We hope you all enjoyed the break and time together.
We have a very busy term ahead, with things happening in the school, around the school and in the community and parish.
School Review: Every 4 years schools undertake a review process. Our last review was held in 2016, and due to COVID-19 restrictions last year we will be having our review this year. During the year staff will be completing a number of modules in regards to the organisation of the school, Teaching and Learning, Catholic Identity, Leadership and Child Safety.
This is an opportunity for all members of the school community to have a say in helping to form the Strategic Intent for our school moving forward. Students will be consulted during the year on areas that are directly related to them. Parents will have an opportunity to complete a survey which will come home shortly. If you are lucky enough to receive an envelope we would be very appreciative if you completed it for us. The survey can be completed online or via hard copy and returned to the school office. The information gained from it is extremely valuable to us in making decisions regarding the Strategic Intent of the school over the coming 4 years.
Building Project: Over the holidays, preparations for our future building works commenced.
The existing Senior Building will be transformed into a new learning space. Including; 4 classrooms, library, breakout areas and toilets. Works are due to commence later in the year. Please see above diagram for the new layout of the building.
The Sacrament of Confirmation: Due to cancellations last year we will be inviting last year’s Grade 6 candidates to join with this year’s group. The Commitment Mass will be held on Sunday 2nd May, 9:30am at St John the Baptist Church. The actual Sacrament of Confirmation will be held later in May. Full details will be forwarded to families later this week.
Enrolments: Tours and interviews for 2022 enrolments have begun. If you know of anyone who is thinking of sending their child/ren to St John’s please remind them to make contact with the office.
Mother’s Day Breakfast: We are pleased to announce that with additional precautions and restrictions, Mother’s Day Breakfast will go ahead. Further information and booking details will be provided via ‘Operoo’.
Uniform Term 2: A reminder that winter uniform is to be worn during Term 2 & 3 (boys may continue to wear shorts), hats are not required and proper school shoes are to be worn (runners are only permitted on sports days). A note to the teacher is required for any instances of children being out of uniform.
Chris Dortmans, Principal