World Environment Day is celebrated on the 5th of June every year, and is the United Nation's principal vehicle for encouraging awareness and action for the protection of our environment. Our SRC leaders are ready to take up the challenge of tackling the waste and recycling issues around our school. Our leaders know they have the support of their classmates, teachers and parents and they are keen to encourage more environmentally friendly attitudes and actions in all parts of the school.
The first project they plan to tackle is the recycling and reuse of paper waste in all areas of the school. On the 25th June they will participate in a “Waste Warriors” workshop led by the Bournda Environmental Education Centre. Students have raised concern about the amount of litter our school has to deal with and are keen to investigate ways to encourage wrapper free lunches and reusable keep cups. Our students are excited about leading the whole school towards taking ownership and pride in place with a litter free playground.
Our students hope to one day incorporate sustainability into everything we do. For now we know that small changes can lead to a big difference for our school and the community. Our students are keen to show us how to truly be “valuing the future”.
Clare Pritchard