Welcome back to school!
Our first 2 weeks of school have started on a positive note! I have enjoyed welcoming our new students and families to our school and community. As always, our first weeks back at school are very busy as we settle into new routines and re-establish familiar ones. A special shout-out to our 35 Transition students who are learning how to be at school for a full school day. It has been a pleasure working and playing alongside them in their double classrooms led by Miss Megan and Miss Louise.
Our Preschool Playground is finished!
I am very excited to announce that our Preschool playground is ready! I have completed the final inspection this week and it was so exciting to see the new water feature in action and be reassured that our students will be playing in a compliant and safe playground. Our Transition students will also have many opportunities to play in the Preschool playground as we love to share our spaces! Stay tuned for the official opening date of our playground!
Meeting times with teachers
We will have a ‘Meet and Greet’ afternoon on 11 February from 3 pm -4 pm at our school. This is an informal and relaxed way to get to know your child’s teachers and visit their classroom. I encourage you to make a formal meeting time with your child’s teacher early in the term so that we can all start the term with common goals and intentions. You can make a meeting time with your child’s teacher by emailing them or by ringing the front office on 8987 6366.
Alyangula Area school goal and actions
As part of our strategic plan, Alyangula Area School has set the following goal for 2020. This goal was collaboratively set, with the Department of Education’s priorities in mind as well as the actions set in place from 2019. During Term 1, our teachers will be involved in continued professional learning during staff meetings to enable their teaching to address this goal. This professional learning will also be accompanied by practical classroom teaching support so that students’ individual goals are relevant and achievable.
By the end of 2020, all teachers will plan (in their programs) and practice (in classrooms) a differentiated teaching and learning model for all English literacy lessons, through the practice of setting individual student goals, so that teachers are able to deliver targeted intervention and students are able to select learning activities and be assessed against their individual goals.
Where is Noella?
I am very pleased to lead our school as the Principal for Semester 1. I am privileged to be supported by a committed team of teaching and non-teaching staff, parents and community members.
In late 2019 (during my time as the Assistant Principal), I applied to a highly competitive Leadership for School Improvement Program run by Queensland Education Leadership institute (QELI). I was selected from a pool of 25 applicants, along with 4 other leaders from Top End Remote Schools. This is an 18 month course that supports leaders in the school improvement process through practical mentor support and networking, professional readings and targeted leadership coaching. Face to face workshops are also part of this course, and as a result, will take me to Darwin for the following dates:
17 & 18 March 2020 (Week 8, Term 1)
26 & 27 May 2020 (week 6, Term 2)
25 & 26 August 2020 (week 6, Term 3)
3 and 4 November 2020 (week 4, Term 4)
16 and 17 March 2021
10 June 2021
While my engagement in this course will result in some time away from our school, the course will directly benefit our school through its investment in my leadership and the distributive leadership amongst our staff. Please let me know if you have any questions about the program or my involvement in this course.
As always, please get in touch with our school office on 8987 6366, if you would like to arrange a meeting with me to discuss our school’s goals and priorities or your child’s progress.
‘TOGETHER we RESPECT ourselves, each other, school and community, strive for EXCELLENCE, show COURAGE in all situations and demonstrate SAFETY in all that we do.’
Noella Goveas