What a great last two weeks!
This year’s Harmony Week activity for the week was on Peg Your Pledge! Students decorated a card with a focus message on a pledge with a way to create harmony at our school and community. This is linked with the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination and our PBS Kindness focus. It is always such a great day when everyone wears orange clothing or cultural dress across the school as a way of celebrating and respecting cultural diversity.
Wow!!! What amazing swimmers there were last week at the CPS Swimming Carnival! It was great to see so many children just have a go and be so proud of their achievements. Huge thank you to Mr Marshall for organising the carnival and to the parents and staff for their help on the day, great teamwork!
Yesterday, we saw the extremely artistically talented side of our students through the Sculptures by the School. The whole school was decked out like an outdoor art gallery. The art works and imagination of the students was incredible. Accolades to Mrs Cockerill for getting this massive event up and running again this year, to the students who presented individual art pieces, and special thanks to Gemma Taylor for giving her time so generously to the children so they could make the giant dragon!
We have been working with students and a focus group of staff and parents to develop a new design that represents our change of name from the 9R shed to the Eco Shed. The signs were installed this week, and they look fantastic! Thanks goes to Ms Samsa, who applied for a grant so we could do this, and the focus group who helped with developing a sign that represents who we are.
Officially, Kindy enrolments for 2024 will begin early May, however, you can place an application into the office before this time. We will be advertising the full details of the enrolment process through the Newsletter and Skoolbag in Term 2.
We have had an increased number of families taking lengthy holidays during the school term. While each reason is assessed on a case by case basis, I do not have permission to sanction leave under the School Education Act 1999. Lengthy absences from school impacts students learning and social emotional engagement with their peers. Teachers will also be unable to provide set schoolwork for children who are absent. Please ensure an email is sent to Kim.Fraser@education.wa.edu.au informing of any leave in term time. The Departments brochure on this provides more detailed information.
A heartfelt thank you from my family to the many families who have been so generous in donating and supporting the Kids Cancer Support Group, I know they will be incredibly thankful as their stocks are low. My family will be delivering your donations during the school holidays. Your personal thoughts and well wishes for Bonnie have been so appreciated, kindness goes such a long way, thank you.
Thank you to a number of parents who have also shared their expertise and keenness to support research and awareness to communities of this disease. One of these is a Bone Marrow registry recruitment drive. Registering is now done by a simple swab test. If you are interested, you will find lots of information at the Strength to Give initiative.