Newsletter Term 2 | Week 4

Message from Ms D'Aloia

Dear Parents and Carers,

The term is progressing well with students and teachers really enjoying ‘face to face’ teaching and interactions!  As the term unfolds, we hope that more school activities resume, however we will continue to be directed by the medical and government authorities to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all in our community.  I am very much looking forward to when we can be together for Assemblies, Sporting events and other school events like Book Week, Cultural Day. In the meantime please join us for our live streamed Assemblies, each Friday.  Masses and Liturgies will also be conducted using Microsoft Teams.  Information about these events will be posted on the school FACEBOOK page or Skoolbag. Whilst government restrictions are in place it is important that we continue with social distancing to ensure the safety of our students, staff and ALL parents.  Please note that some parents have raised concerns with the number of people in the school grounds – please continue to use the ‘kiss and drop’ area or walk your child up to the school gate.

We are all in this together

Students have continued to demonstrate resilience and independence!  I have been amazed to see the youngest of our students getting themselves organised each morning very independently and confidently!  Confident and capable learners are definitely everywhere to be seen here at St Joseph’s! 

I take this opportunity of also emphasizing the importance of punctuality.  School commences at 8:50 am.  Following prayer and roll call teachers are eager to commence the day with Literacy learning.  Students who arrive late often commence the day quite stressed as they feel they have missed important instructions and have started the day feeling rushed.

Just a thought:

If a child was to arrive 5 minutes late every day for 1 week they miss = 25 minutes of learning.

25 minutes x 10 weeks = 250 minutes missed each term OR 4 hours and 10 minutes!

God Bless,

Maria D'Aloia

Middle School

This year we have decided to organise the Year 4 – 6 students in Year level groups in English and Mathematics.  I have been meeting regularly with “middle school” teaching staff and have been impressed with progress to date.  Student feedback has been positive too!!  Additional teaching staff work with the class teachers during English and Mathematics instruction. This allows teachers to be able to provide students with more individualised attention or work with small groups of students assisting them to consolidate learning.  An additional benefit of this approach is also to prepare senior students for High School where students will have many teachers throughout each day. 

Orientation to School Programme

Next week the “Orientation to Preschool and School’ Programme will begin -  culminating in a liturgy on Wednesday 24 June.

It is so important for children to experience these rites of passage as they move from stage one to the next.  Just as significant is the rite of passage from primary school to high school and so on! 

I look forward to celebrating all these significant events with students and families.

School Fees

Generous remissions to school fees are available on request. Please do not hesitate to contact Karyn or myself either by phone, in person or by email. We are here to support you and your family in these extraordinary times. We are in this together!! 

Road Safety

I am aware that some parents have been issued with infringement notices recently.  As I’ve mentioned on other occasions, the local council regularly patrols the area surrounding our school to ensure that vehicular traffic adheres to traffic controls in place.  This includes no standing, no parking or parking across our neighbours driveways.  Parking inappropriately also results in traffic congestion which can increase risk for accidents to occur and therefore reducing safety for our precious children, staff and members of our community.  PLEASE, PLEASE take care around our school – EVERY child and member of this community depend on you!  If everyone adheres to this no child’s safety will be compromised! 

We are all in this together !!!

Please note the council has extended the white line on the school crossing which now makes 3-point turns illegal. Parents who perform 3-point turns at the crossing will receive infringement notices from if council staff are patrolling the area.

Learning Conversations will take place in Week 8 & 9.

This year due to COVID-19 parents and students are able to meet either by Microsoft Teams or in person. 

Interview times can be made in the usual way via SCHOOL INTERVIEWS. Can you please indicate whether you prefer to meet 'face to face' or remotely by Microsoft Teams. Teachers who meet face-to-face will be cleaning surfaces after each conversation.

Details will be available in the next newsletter. 



Sunday Mass - 10:30am

Mass Online with Fr Lancy & Deacon Michael

Every Wednesday - 6:00pm

Beginning with Rosary, followed by Mass, and concluding with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament

Email: for further information

Or access via Facebook Live:

As a response to the COVID 19 situation while Masses have been suspended, the Family and Parish-Based Catechesis Office has prepared liturgies with a focus on children.

Families can use these at home to reflect on the Gospel each Sunday.

This can be found at this link on the Archdiocesan website:

Laudato Si’ Week honours the fifth anniversary of Pope Francis’ encyclical on care for our common home. The theme of the week is “everything is connected.”

This week launches a year-long journey of transformation, as we grow through the crisis of the current moment by praying, reflecting, and preparing together for a better world to come tomorrow.

Installation of Patrick O’Regan as Archbishop of Adelaide

Patrick O’Regan will be installed as the 9th archbishop of Adelaide on the 25th of May at St Francis Cathedral. This is also the feast day of Our Lady Help of Christians, who is the patron Saint of Australia.

The ceremony will be streamed live on the archdiocesan website at 10:30am. You can also view a replay on Channel 44 at 5:30pm.

Mini Vinnies

Mini Vinnies has about 30 keen members from year 5 and 6. They met to discuss how they can continue to seek justice by helping others in times of social distancing.

They will be supporting the Vinnies Winter Appeal, by collecting donations of clean blankets, sleeping bags, beanies, socks etc that can be delivered to St Vincent de Paul’s to be distributed by Fred’s Van.

Another initiative that they are in the process of organising is cooking meals that can be frozen and also used by Vinnie’s Food distribution services. Over the coming weeks they will be working in groups of around 5-8 in the hall kitchen, supported by Ms D’Aloia and Miss Clark. They will be seeking any donations and will put a notice/poster up listing ingredients that they may need. We greatly appreciate the generosity of our St Joseph’s Community.

Class Masses & Liturgies

Please find links for our Liturgies and Assemblies that are being live streamed on the days listed below. This is an important way for our St Joseph’s School to maintain community.


Happy Volunteers Week!

Thank you to our wonderful volunteers!

Community Service

Senior students are involved in Community Service supporting various initiatives in the school, building responsibility and living out our school value of service.

Maggie wrote letters and sewed hearts (an idea that Ms Thom, Mrs Melis and Mrs Carter used last year) and sent them to some nursing homes and an organisation called "Postcode Love".

In all things love in ACTION!  Thank you Maggie!  

Congratulations to our Mother's Day Raffle Winners!

? Congratulations!

Congratulations to children who received awards at Assembly recently.

Classroom teachers select students who demonstrate our School Values: Respect, Compassion, Hope, Forgiveness and Service.

Week 2 WinnersWeek 3 Winners
Mila - RMJohan - RM
Christopher - RSEvie - RS
Zev - 1/2CAva - 1/2C
Mitchell - 1/2GMLotye - 1/2GM
Theo - 1/2RJake - 1/2R
Catherine - 4MCMax - 3T
Arsem - 4/5CShayla - 3T
Sophie - 5/6EDReshan - 4MC
Grace - 5/6TDPClass 4/5C

Bryce - 5/6ED

Molly - 5/6TDP

? Week 3 Assembly - Watch Live

Trick Challenge | Winners Announced! ?

Thanks to all the students who participated in the Trick Challenge, there were some fantastic entries! A special congratulations to our Finalists: Maggie, Jordan, Grace, Josh and Chace. 

Thank you to our students, teachers and families for voting! 

(?drum roll) Congratulations to our winners:

?  1st Place: Maggie

?  2nd Place & Teachers Choice: Chace

Ms Keller will present our winners with their prizes soon. Also, a big THANK YOU to Ms Keller for organising a great challenge.

Tuckshop Menu

The tuckshop is open for lunch orders only. Orders can be made via the Qkr! app. We will let families know once the tuckshop resumes over the counter trading.

Ideas for our New Playground

Preschool Air Investigations

We created balloon rockets with straws, tape and long thread. The air inside a balloon is squashed into a small space so it is at high pressure. As it rushes out of the neck of the balloon, it pushes the balloon in the opposite direction.

Preschool Wind Spinners

Earlier in the week the children created wind spinners that we have hung in the hut. They created a colourful spectacle as they spin and move when the wind blows.

The children have also been voicing their theories and sharing their ideas about how wind and air have energy to move things.

Preschool Investigations

Little Scientist House

Our Preschool was featured on the Little Scientists Facebook page!

Did you know our Preschool is an official Little Scientist House?! They've been exploring their world and are committed to discovering the joy of STEM together. ??

Our vegetable garden certainly has grown and is looking good!

OSHC Term 2 Update

We just want to give you an update to let you know how incredible your children have settled back into OSHC this term. In Week 2 we were focussed on making Mother’s Day crafts and in Weeks 3 & 4, the children have been focusing more on creative arts during Before School Care and spending more time playing outdoors during the After School Care.  We are very fortunate to have a team of educators who have diverse skills including sports, multicultural games, cooking, craft and so on.

Basketball, soccer and air hockey continue to be the most popular sports! Last week, the children also learned a multicultural game called Suzi which is played by children in Ethiopia. This week, one of our Year 2 students initiated an outdoor game called 'Washing Machine' and all the children from different ages loved it. Some of our children have been engaging in Math Prodigy, ICT project and Lego Masters. Snack time has included tacos, pizza, ham & cheese toasties, sausages & mashed potatoes, chips & nuggets. All snacks are served with fruit.

Please take a moment to flip through our OSHC Moments Book to see what activities your child has been engaged in.


Term 2 Highlights

OSHC Pick-up

Recently we’ve received some feedback from parents that they’re finding it difficult to collect their children from the Hall at night. With the days are getting shorter, from 5pm onwards, parents will now be able to pick up their children from the OSHC House.

Breakfast Club

We are incredibly fortunate to partner with Food Bank SA to provide breakfast to children in our school. We have been running breakfast club on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings.

We are looking for parent volunteers to support the breakfast club so we can provide for all children in the school who will need breakfast between 8:30am – 8:45am three days a week. An OSHC staff member will be there to support the parent helper.

If you're interested please contact Catherine, our OSHC Director.

Parenting Ideas

Parenting Ideas Article

Charting a new course for kids post COVID-19

This period of social isolation has provided a rare opportunity for parents to renew and refresh their children's lifestyles, and in some circumstances, reboot family lives as well.


Parenting Ideas Article

Establishing a personal learning centre at home

The choice of student home workspace is an underrated detriment of successful remote learning. A dedicated learning space will not only help kids learn but plant seeds for lifelong learning.


Upcoming Webinar for Parents

EVENT: Understanding techno tantrums: 17 June 8-9pm AEST

In this digital era, chances are we've all experienced our children throwing a techno-tantrum. Techno-tantrums are completely normal and often a result of the neurobiological changes that occur when kids use technology. But this doesn't mean that we have to simply accept that they're part of our modern parenting reality. In this webinar Dr Kristy Goodwin helps parents and carers understand why children and teens emotionally combust when they digitally-disconnect, and how to establish new, healthy technology habits.
