WPS Community eNewsletter

Create Inspire Succeed

2020 eNewsletter | Term 3 week 6

Wyong Public's eNewsletter Format

This edition has been optimised for reading on digital devices. To access online please visit

our website: https://wyong-p.schools.nsw.gov.au/

or view our skoolbag app on apple and android. Search Skoolbag

Don't forget to follow us on 

Facebook: @WyongPublicSchool

Instagram: @wyong_ps_icentre

Upcoming Events

Date Event

28/8/2020    Stage 3 Wyong Public School Athletics Carnival

31/08/2020  Ordering cut-off for online Fathers Day stall

4/9/2020      Stage 2 and 8 year olds from Year 2 Wyong Public School Athletics Carnival 

Click the button above to view our school calendar. PLEASE NOTE: All dates are subject to late change. Also please be aware of payment dates on permission notes, as no late payments will be accepted.

School Awards

Principal Awards

  KT-  Frazzier V.  1B-  Lyla H.  2D-  Vian H.  K/6G- Damian.B

Merit Awards

KN- Lionel B, Karsten W, Callen W.  KS-  Bailey H, Zane R, Sean H, Indianna B-H.  KT- Mikayla H, Kealee R, Soane T, Mason M.  1B- Serena M, Lachlan D, Ryder McC.  1R- Ariana G, Hannah W, Bailey M-N.  1P-  Amelia S, Hudson W.  2D- Hanah D, Kingston P. 2G- Piper r, Keegan H-B.  2P- Amiah B, Hari M, Harrison S. K/6B- Ciara.S  K/60- Elliott.P

Avatar Awards

6S- Katelyn P, Tevita T. 

Principal`s Report

Welcome to Week 6, Term 3.

Good afternoon Parents and Carers, we hope this newsletter finds you safe and well.

We have had an eventful past 6 weeks here at Wyong Public, and we look forward to what the remaining few weeks will bring.

Just to recap, some COVID-19 restrictions remain in place within the school setting. These are as follows; no non-essential adults permitted on the school grounds. Drop off and pick up procedures remain the same. No attendance permitted at school assemblies or events. Inter-school events cancelled. Excursions cancelled, and all choir and wind instrument groups cancelled as well. In regards to Kindergarten 2021, at this stage we are looking into alternatives to engage parents and children to prepare them for the transition to school. This will be communicated accordingly.

Please note the following Department updates below;

During the COVID-19 pandemic, anyone with symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, loss of taste, and loss of smell), even mild symptoms, should not be at school.

 If, after testing negative, the person has ongoing symptoms which persist beyond 10 days, the student / family should arrange to see their doctor.  The medical assessment should consider whether the symptoms are typical for that person (for example seasonal, allergic rhinitis), and provide documentation for the school if this is the case.  If there are new symptoms at any time, the person should be tested again.

 Isolated incidents of sneezing or coughing may not indicate that a student is suffering from an illness. Where a student is unwell arrangements should be made to send them home. 

  Schools will encourage parents to arrange for any student who is unwell to be tested so they can return to school as soon possible once their symptoms have resolved to minimise the absence from school. For people who are unwell with respiratory symptoms, a negative COVID-19 test result must be received and sighted by the school.

 COVID-19 testing for students with complex health or disability may be challenging. In these situations, schools are to ask the parent/carer to have their child assessed by their medical practitioner. Where a medical practitioner determines that a COVID-19 test is not indicated, a medical certificate must be provided to the school to confirm that the student does not have symptoms that warrant a COVID-19 test. The certificate must also indicate that the student is able to return to the school environment.

 Schools have reported concerns with obtaining COVID test results from some families. In these situations where a parent/carer is unwilling to allow their child to undertake a COVID test or provide the school with a negative COVID-19 test result, the student is to be excluded from school for a 10 day period. Additionally, the student must have been symptom free for at least 3 days before returning to school.

 It is also important to note that with tighter restrictions in place, in order to minimize COVID-19 transmission within schools, until further notice all visitors are required to sign in. A signature in the ‘external visitors’ register, each time they visit, even if it is just to collect a sick child. This acts as evidence that the visitor is aware of, and will abide by their obligations to comply with the health advice of the day, including hygiene and distancing requirements.

As you are aware we have had multiple maintenance projects happening around the school over the past few weeks. Good progress has been made and the grounds and buildings are looking refreshed. The toilet in the unit is coming along nicely and will be complete soon, and the front entry pathway and carpark are complete and are looking fantastic and most importantly are more accessible. The electronic sensor gate will be arriving prior to the end of term as well. The interior painting of the hall has also begun. This is wonderful, however it has meant that we have had to postpone our Planetarium Incursion that was planned for next week (Week 7). New dates will be announced shortly through our communication channels.

Unfortunately, the annual swimming/water safety school scheduled for Term 4 also had to be cancelled this year due to the current health advice. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

We as a school were lucky enough last fortnight to have the Message stick handed over to us from Tacoma Public School. It made its way around all of the classrooms here, delighting students and teachers alike. On Monday we held a short assembly to forward it on to the Principal of Wyong Creek Public as it continues its journey through the Ngarra AECG schools.

This week we recognise and celebrate SAS Staff Recognition Week. All of our SAS staff work tirelessly behind the scenes, ensuring our school runs smoothly at all times. From our office admin staff to our SLSO’s and to our wonderful GA, we say thank you for all that you do to support us. We couldn’t do it without you.

Lastly, please be reminded that our wonderful P&C committee are holding a virtual ‘online Father’s Day stall’. Orders close on Monday the 31st August, so make sure you get your order in soon to secure something special for Dad or that someone else special in your life. I hope all the Father’s in our community have a wonderful day. 

Other School News

School Debating Team

On Tuesday 25th August our two Wyong Debating teams the Wyong Strikers (Year 6 OC) and the Wyong Spinners (Year 5 OC) competed in round 2 of the 2020 Premiers Debating Challenge for 2020.

The topic for the debate was ‘that we should ban primary school kids from having phones.’

Both teams had incredibly well thought out arguments and rebuttals and after hearing both sides to the topic, the negative team Wyong Strikers came away with the win.

 Well done to Harlan, Cassidy, Tolkien & Jet-James (Year 6 OC) and Ethan, Layla, Henry & Hayden (Year 5 OC) on a very unique debating experience using zoom and showing flexibility in how it ran.

School Debating Team

The Message Stick- Aboriginal Education

The Ngara AECG Message Stick commenced in 2019 each year it begins its journey at Kanwal Public School. 

The Message Stick moves across the Wadalba and Wyong Learning Community of schools celebrating Aboriginal Culture, always moving forward and working together.

 The Message Stick is handed back to Ngara AECG each year in term 4 at the Ngara AECG Assembly of Excellence at Wyong High School. 

 All classes have learnt about the significance and history of the Message Stick before it was handed over to Mr Ireland, the Principal of Wyong Creek Public School, earlier this week. 

Passing forward of the Message Stick

Kindergarten discovering Life Cycles

Kindergarten have been extremely busy learning about living and non-living things in our Science unit. We are learning about life cycles and are nurturing many living things of our own! Have a look at how exciting our classrooms are..

 TADPOLES- Mrs Whitehouse brought in some tadpoles from her farm! We have watched them grow from tiny tadpoles, to froglet and tiny frogs.

MEALWORMS- Check out our creepy-crawlys! We have a had fun experimenting with them. Our experiment was – out of black and white paper, which colour would the worm be more attracted to?

BEANS- From little things, big things GROW! Our seeds have been watered everyday and are growing spectacularly! They grew root systems and now have stems and leaves!

CHICKENS-  Our chickens arrived on Monday! Kindergarten are very excited to watch them hatch and grow. On Tuesday afternoon we got to watch our first lot of eggs hatch…. It was so EGGCITING!

From the very busy,

 Kindergarten Team

Kindergarten discover Life Cycles

Education Directors visit Wyong Public School

Excitingly, we also had Mr Tim McCallum the Executive Director Regional North Operations, and Mr Jason Baldwin, the Director of Educational Leadership, Central Coast from the Department of Education come to visit our wonderful school through the week. They were very impressed with what they saw and even got to meet some new additions to the Kindergarten rooms. 

Education Directors visit Wyong Public School

SAS Staff Recognition Week

This week we have taken time to show our appreciation for our wonderful SAS Staff. Our SAS staff work tirelessly behind the scenes to make our school run smoothly everyday. From our amazing office admin staff, to our SLSO's supporting your children to our wonderful GA, we say thank you for everything that you do. Special thanks to; 

Mr Adams, Mrs Ball, Mrs Booth, Mrs Bundy, Mrs Byrne, Mrs Ferguson, Mrs Fiene, Mrs Hillmann, Mrs Jones, Mrs Kroemer, Mrs McGeever, Ms Miller, Mrs Parlato, Ms Sheather, Mrs Shorrock, Mrs Smith, Mrs Stevenson, Mrs Sullivan, Mrs Talbot, Mrs Wall, Mr Wilkes, Mrs Wiltshire & Mrs Wright. We couldn't do it without you. 

Our wonderful SAS Staff

Kindergarten 2021 Enrolments

Enrolments for Kindergarten 2021 are now open. Please visit our office to pick up an enrollment form. If you know of any families or friends with children that will be due to start school next year, spread the word.

Our Leap into Learning Transition Program is scheduled to start in Term 4. If you have any questions regarding enrolment please do not hesitate to contact the office, we will be happy to help. 


Scholastic Book Fair is back on! Term 3, Week 9 & 10!

Please return all overdue library books to the iCentre ASAP.

The theme for CBCA Book Week 2020 is CURIOUS CREATURES, WILD MINDS! Start thinking about your costumes WPS students and teachers!

Book Character Parade - Friday October 23rd (more information to come)

SCOPEIT (rescheduled) - Term 3: Thursdays Week 8, 9, 10

Great Choice Canteen

Fantastic news! 

Our very own Snack Shack Canteen has been awarded a 'Great Choice Healthy School Canteen' Award for the second time now. This means that the menu meets the Government requirements of what is deemed a healthy and balanced approach to your child's dietary needs. Well Done Wyong. 

Canteen Menu Term 3

Flexischools: The online Lunch Ordering System

flexischools logo

Our Canteen Online Ordering System!

Flexischools is the fast, convenient and secure way to order and pay for canteen orders at ‘The Snack Shack' from home or on your mobile. Flexischools makes our school canteen service available to you 24/7.

 Getting started with Flexischools…

You can set up an account online – it only takes a minute. 

  • Register for Flexischools by visiting flexischools.  Add your student, their school and form class to get started.
  • Top-Up your account via Visa, Mastercard, PayPal or direct deposit.
  • Make an order by selecting from the range of options made available by your school and proceed to make payment for the order listed in your order pad.
  • Review Orders by logging back in to your Flexischools account. You can set recurring orders, view transaction history or cancel orders via your Flexischools login.

    What does it cost?

    Online Canteen Ordering Fee $0.29 per canteen order

     Account Top-Up Fees -Direct Bank Deposit (2-3 days) - Free

                                                     Visa Credit/Debit Card $0.05 + 0.7%

                                                     Mastercard Credit Card $0.05 + 1%

                                                     Mastercard Debit Card $0.05 + 1.25%

                                                     PayPal Surcharge (immediate) $0.07 + 0.9%

    Parenting Ideas Advice

    Friends of Wyong Public


    Cancer Council Healthy Lunchbox

    For a one-stop-shop for everything you need to know about healthy lunch boxes visit our website healthylunchbox.com.au

    Central Coast Health

     We have a NEW webpage for Kids and Families which we update each fortnight with news/ information about current health and wellbeing matters.

    To access this page , click on the link below.   
