Beaudesert State School Newsletter

14th March 2023

Principal’s Report

Mrs Chant

Uniform policy

A reminder that the school uniform policy has been adjusted to include all male and female hair below the shoulders to be tied back at school in a neat and tidy manner. This change coincides with our Workplace Health and Safety considerations.

I have noticed students arriving to school in long, patterned socks. Our school expects students to wear white socks with their closed in shoes. Students should not be wearing knee high socks or any coloured and patterned socks at school. These are best left for fun dress up days throughout the year.

To access outside play, all students must have a school hat. Our lost property is now located under A Block for easier access for families. You are most welcome to look through lost property at your own convenience.

Most items that are lost in our school do not have a student name clearly labelled. This is imperative for us to return items we find around the school. Please help us by ensuring your child’s name is on all items that come to school, including lunch boxes, hats and water bottles.

Permitted jewellery include stud and sleeper earrings and a watch. Necklaces, bracelets and anklets are not permitted. Neither are piercings other than one set of earrings. Please no nail polish at school.

Toys and trading cards at school

I am seeing increased amounts of students bringing toys to school. Please remember, that toys are not permitted at school as they are often lost, stolen or broken. This also includes trading cards, specifically Pokemon and sports trading cards. Our teachers are encouraged to confiscate these items and bring to the office for parent collection at the end of the school day.


Cross Country Carnival

Our Year 3-6 school Cross Country Carnival will be held on Wednesday 29th March from 9:00am on our school oval. Parents and community members are most welcome to watch; however, all parents, families and community members must stay off the cross country course at all times. We will set up a clear zone for all guests to observe. A reminder that when taking photos on school grounds, you must only take photos of your child, even if you are a family friend. We encourage our students to remain at school after the school cross country carnival. Your child will need a hat, water bottle and closed in shoes appropriate for long distance running. Our students are welcome to dress in sun safe, sporting house colours for the day.

Please keep an eye on our Skoolbag app in case of a weather event that may postpone cross country. It always seems to rain at cross country time!

Welcome to our new P&C executives

This year I warmly welcome the new P&C executive team to our school:

President – Mitchell Rogers

Vice President – Chris Griffin

Secretary – Jessie Brook

Treasurer – position still available 

Uniform Shop - Sharee Crocker

Our P&C are a small group of dedicated volunteers who work alongside our school to provide exciting opportunities for our students. If you or someone you know are interested taking on the Treasurer role, we would love to have you on board. All parents are most welcome and we would warmly welcome new faces to our team. If you are interested in joining us, please see our secretary to organise a membership application. The next fundraiser for our P&C is the annual Easter raffle. Tickets are $2 each. The raffle will be drawn on Wednesday in week 10 and winners will be notified that afternoon. Please give the ticket form and cash to the tuckshop at your earliest convenience.


Tuckshop Convenor position

We invite all applications for the position of permanent part time tuckshop convenor in our school. Application packages, including information on the success criteria all applicants will write to, can be accessed through our front office staff. Please call on 5540 1111 or drop in to enquire.  Applications close on Wednesday 15th March at 3:00pm.


Staffing updates

This term we farewell Mr Rami Ahmed and wish him all the best at his new school. Mrs Judy Russell, a permanent staff member, will be taking Year 5D for the remainder of the year. Mrs Russell comes with years of teaching experience and is a very welcome addition to our school.

Ms Carla Bures will go on maternity leave at the end of Week 9 and we warmly welcome Mrs Amy Griffin to the Year 3B class. Mrs Griffin has been working as a Learning Enhancement Teacher in the Year 3 and 4 area this year and will be a wonderful addition to the Year 3 team.

Mrs Melissa Ainsworth will be working 4 days a week from Term 2 as she transitions into maternity leave with Mrs Lisa Wellnitz as the class teacher one day a week. Mrs Wellnitz will then become the Year 6B teacher once Mrs Ainsworth begins full time maternity leave towards the end of Term 2. Mrs Wellnitz is a highly experienced teacher and I have no doubt the two teachers will work together to ensure a smooth transition for the students. 

I thank Mr Ahmed and Ms Bures for their time at Beaudesert State School. Please join me in wishing them all the very best for the rest of their year.


Rocketeers program via Camp Australia 

In conjunction with Camp Australia, I am really excited to announce that our school will be providing holiday care via Camp Australia for the June/July and September school holidays. This is called the ‘Rocketeers program’. The operation times will be 6.30am - 6.00pm and the cost to families will be $58.00 per day, however, with the maximum CCS applied this can be reduced to $8.73 per day depending on each family’s personal circumstance. Please speak with Camp Australia to find out further information.

For the Rocketeers program to remain open we will need to have a minimum of 20 children booked in for each session. Camp Australia assure me they are working on a fun and exciting program for Beaudesert students to access.


Parent Teacher interviews

Our parent teacher interviews will be held on Monday 20th March from 3:00pm – 7:00pm. This year all teachers will conduct their interviews in the Hall together. Each interview will go for 10 mins. If you are running late, please send a message to your teacher to reschedule. We may not always be able to accommodate another appointment on the night. Please use the below link to organise a meeting with your teacher:

You may like to use these questions as discussion prompts for your interview. All teachers will be able to answer the below questions:

1.       What is my child learning?

2.       How is she or he doing?

3.       How do you know (how she or he is doing?)

4.       How can she or he improve?

5.       What supports can I provide and can you provide if she or he is struggling? When will we check in again?


Parking - Ecole street and vacant block

Please remember that our parent car park is located off Arthur Street. Parents must not park in the Ecole Street car park or drive into the staff car park off Eaglesfield Street. Parking in these areas endangers the lives of our children.


Easter Bonnet Parade

This year we will be having an Easter Bonnet Parade for Prep to Year 2 students on Wednesday 29th March. Students will be making their bonnets at school and showing these off on the oval from 2:30pm. Parents are welcome to attend.


Uniform Shop

Our Uniform Shop is staffed by P&C volunteers and, at times, needs to be closed due to availability. Please check the Skoolbag app for all messages relating to the opening hours of the Uniform Shop.


Parents please be aware that Year 3 and Year 5 students will be participating in NAPLAN Testing this Wednesday15th , Thursday16th and Friday 17th March.  Year 3 will also be participating in testing on Monday 20th March .  These tests will be during one session in the day and do not take the whole day.  Students should be attending school as normal on these days as all other activities including classroom instruction will take place as usual.

See you around school,


Deputy Principal Update

Miss Gauld


School attendance to date is 91.18% which is a massive improvement from previous years.  Attendance is incredibly important as your children cannot learn or improve academically or access support if they are not attending.

Please check your child/ren class attendance since the start of the term. Congratulations to 6A who are leading the attendance charge for the term!

Class data is shared weekly on parade and students are very excited when their class is the “weekly winner”.

If you would like to know about your child’s attendance or have any concerns please contact their class teacher.


School playgrounds are out of bounds for all children before and after school this is to ensure children are safe at all times.

When waiting for parents of an afternoon, students should be sitting on the deck or grass areas. They should not be running around or kicking a football as accidents may happen.  Thank you to all those students who are sitting waiting patiently for pick up.

Senior School Classroom Reports

Year 3

Year 3 students have started the year off right, with plenty of meaningful and engaging learning activities and demonstrating amazing behaviour in and outside of the classroom. As part of the senior school, it has also been wonderful to see our newest members of the senior school striving to be an example for the younger students to follow.

This term, students have been learning about persuasive texts and how to use strong words to convince the reader. They will be consolidating all this learning over the next fortnight as they begin to write their assessment task. This year, we have changed our English assessment topic to incorporate Indigenous perspectives into our curriculum planning which has now included “Saving the Wajin” (platypus). Students have thoroughly enjoyed writing letters to Beaudesert City Council using persuasive language features to try and save our native friends. Students have also been having lots of fun participating in activities within all of our key learning areas.

Year 3 Teachers 

Year 4

4A and 4B

What a fantastic start to Term 1 2023 it’s been! We have dived headfirst into both our English assessment and the swimming pool with a very busy start to the year. So far in English we have explored various poetry elements, with a focus on Limerick Poems. We have enjoyed creating poems with funny puns, silly spoonerisms and clever rhymes. In maths, we have been learning more about odd and even numbers and what happens when you add, subtract and multiply them. We are now enjoying investigating chance events, (impossible event – Zombies will rise from the dead, wearing pink batman costumes while recreating the song Zombie on top of the Eiffel Tower in the North Pole – Ella 4A) and collecting data in preparation for our last two maths assessments.

We have loved attending swimming lessons this term and have had an absolute blast at the pool. It was great to see the confidence of so many students grow as they listened and practiced with the instructors each week. Using the diving boards and playing the end of lessons game seemed to be a highlight by most.


4B have been amazing at keeping the fun alive in S Block with a Funny Friday joke each week.


4A have taken on the role of Eco Warriors for our school. We are proud to say that we have some very full bins for containers for change and we have done a fantastic job helping clean up across the school.


Miss Wood and Mrs Williams cannot wait to see what other amazing things Year 4 will do this year! Bring it on!

Year 5

Term 1 has seen Year 5 students start the year with a flourish, both mentally, within classroom lessons and physically, throughout extracurricular activities.  

In terms of learning, 5A, 5B and 5D have been building their knowledge of persuasive texts and working towards writing their feature article, which will be completed over the last weeks of term. 4/5C have been on a slightly different journey, and have enjoyed reading and discussing the narrative text, ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’. They will continue to work on their new chapter for this story as we head towards the Easter break. 

Outside of the classroom, Year 5 students have participated in swimming lessons this term, a welcome relief most weeks with the hot weather that has continued into Autumn. They have also enjoyed participating in Friday afternoon activities, and the Year 5 teachers have been pleased to see improvements in both attendance and behaviour as students strive to be part of these activities. We would also like to thank parents for their assistance in getting students to school, on time, everyday and supporting us as behaviour incidents arise. We look forward to working together throughout the rest of the year.

Finally, the year 5 teachers wish all students the best for their NAPLAN testing this week. We know you will give each test your best effort and are proud of the hard work that we have seen throughout Term 1. 

Year 6

This term in Year 6 science we have been looking at irreversible and reversible changes to different states of matter.  We love the opportunity to do some hands-on learning and experimenting.  Previously we have looked at the reversible changes that occurred when we mixed sand, sugar and salt in water.  We discussed how the sand would dry out if we tipped the water out but were not sure that we could reverse the changes to the sugar and salt.  We dipped a cotton bud in the salt solution water and drew a picture on a black piece of card.  The next day, to our surprise, we saw that the water had dried out and that there were salt crystals on the paper.  The sugar, we observed, didn’t recrystalise but we did notice that it left a shiny look on the paper.  We discussed how if you applied heat and boiled the water out of it then the sugar would crystallise again and it would also have a reversible change. 

 Last week we looked at the irreversible changes that happen when you make pancakes.  We looked at how the ingredients mixed together and could not be separated and put back into their original form.  We discussed how impossible it would be to put a raw egg back which had been mixed with the sugar and flour, back into the egg shell again.  We further investigated the changes that happened to the batter when we applied heat to it and how the chemical changes that occurred definitely made it so that we could not reverse the changes to each of the individual ingredients.  We couldn’t squeeze the milk out of the pancake so that we could put it back into the milk bottle.  Of course, after all of our observations and notes were written the only responsible thing to do was to eat the pancakes to make sure the changes could not be reversed in any way. Each class has enjoyed participating in these scientific experiments, especially the ones where they get to taste test the food at the end.

Office Info


BPAY IS NO LONGER A PAYMENT OPTION FOR SCHOOL INVOICES (please delete any saved BPay details from your records)

The preferred payment method is BPOINT which can be done online at , on your QParents app or by phoning the school on 55401111 and selecting option 2.



  • Outstanding swimming payments need to be settled immediately.
  • Year 1 Wild Rangers - $12 due 14th March 
  • Instrumental Music Levy due 28th March
  • Religious Instruction workbooks $5 due 28th March
  • Year 6 Camp - balance owing due 2nd May
  • Year 4 Camp - $50 deposit due now, balance owing due 13th June 

Please note, families with outstanding debts will not be eligible for future incursions and excursions until the amount is paid in full


Click attached file to download the 2022 Payment Guide

General Housekeeping


We are committed to providing a safe environment for students, staff and community members.  A part of this commitment includes a policy to manage vehicle access and parking within the school grounds and areas surrounding the school.

Below is a summary of our vehicle access and parking policy.  This policy outlines who can and who cannot use each of our carparks.  Your adherence to this policy will keep our students safe, and YOUR CO-OPERATION IS APPRECIATED.


  • All drivers are asked to observe the parking signs.
  • Please take care when merging into and from parks to ensure students are not in danger.
  • Observe angle parking signs.
  • Do not park in bus pick-up zones.
  • Observe crossing rules, and reduce speed when approaching crossings.

Crossing Supervisors are on duty before and after school on William Street and Tina Street.


ECOLE STREET AND EAGLESFIELD STREET CARPARKS: - Please note these carparks are for

o    Government vehicles

o    Staff

o    Visitors – Education Queensland

o    Groundsmen

o    Deliveries



If your child is going to be absent for a particular reason you can inform the school using one of the following methods:

❖ telephone the school on 55401111,

❖ send an SMS to 0416 905 687 or

❖ send a message through the BSS Skoolbag App,

so the appropriate adjustments can be recorded.


If it is necessary to arrange an early collection of your child/ren, you MUST attend the office FIRST to sign the child out BEFORE collecting the child/ren. All departures require a leave pass printed at the office.

If you are departing to attend an appointment with your child, but plan to return to school, you will need to be signed out and then present back to the office to sign in on your child’s return to school.


If your child arrives at school after 8.50am they will need to be signed in at the main office and late slip will be issued for the child to take to the classroom and give to the teacher.


If parents find it necessary to alter their child’s routine, please notify the class teacher of the change and ensure that the child knows exactly what is required.

If contacting the office to notify your child of a change, you must do so by 12.00pm at the latest so that messages can be passed on to both the teacher and the child concerned. Once the children have been dismissed it is difficult to ensure the message will be received by the child in time. N.B. WE ARE UNABLE TO GUARANTEE THAT MESSAGES RECEIVED AFTER 12.00PM WILL BE PASSED ON TO STUDENTS.


This is open Monday & Tuesday each week between the hours of 8.30am and 3.00pm for both students and parents to pay over the counter and receive a receipt immediately. You can pay either by Cash or EFTPOS and both Debit and Credit cards are accepted. This is staff intensive and we cannot accept payments over the counter outside of these hours. Any questions please feel free to contact us on 5540 1111.

Lost Property

As always, we have a mountain of lost property piling up at school. A lot of it is unnamed which makes it extremely hard to get it returned to the rightful owner. If your student has lost any items direct them to the lost property bins which are located under A Block Administration Building, or you're welcome to pop in for a look yourselves. Please check there if your children are missing any of their belongings.



If your child is born between 1st July 2019 and 30th June 2020 come along to register for our FREE program in 2023. See the attached flyer for details. You can collect a registration form from the office. Please see the attached documents below for more information.

KindyLinQ Fact sheet for Parents

KindyLinQ Registration Form

Important Dates

Important Dates

  • 15th - 21st March - NAPLAN
  • 20TH March - Parent Teacher Interviews Bookings can be made via 
  • 27th March - Strings Workshops
  • 28th March - School Photo Day
  • 29th Mar - Year 3 - 6 Cross Country
  • 29th March - Prep - Year 2 Easter Bonnet Parade
  • 31st March - Last day of term
  •  1st - 16th April - Easter Holidays (school resumes Monday 17th April)

*In the event we need to change a date, this will be communicated via our Skoolbag app. 

Term 4 Events Calendar

Click on the download link to see what's on this term
The SkoolBag app is the easiest way keep up with school events, last minutes notices, newsletters and all school communications.

Chappy Corner

Throughout the year I enjoy running a variety of group programs to help support students. One of these programs is the All Stars Friendship group. This group is often run with students in grade 4 to help them develop good friendship values. Each week we look at a different value and do some activities around that theme. One of the important values of friendship is being a good listener. This is something we can all work on. I don’t know about you, but I have caught myself before in a conversation and realising that I have absolutely no idea what the other person has been saying, my mind has been busy elsewhere. Or who of you have asked a question, only to realise that you didn’t even listen to the answer and then have to ask it again? It is awful to be on the receiving end of someone not listening to us and can be very frustrating when we can’t get our message across. Being a good listener is so important, especially in our roles as parents. If we want a good relationship with our children, it is so important that we show our children that we are interested in what they have to say. Really listening to your child opens opportunities for you to help them, to understand them and shows them that they are important to you. Next time your child is wanting to have a conversation with you, give them your full attention. Respond and reflect on what they have said, so that they know you were listening and that you are there for them.

Don’t forget, you are more than welcome to pop up to the chappy room on a Wednesday after 8.45am for a coffee and chat.

Sports Update

A massive congratulations to the following students who have made representative sport this term:

Beaudesert Zone Touch







Pacific District Touch




Beaudesert Zone Netball



Pacific District Netball


I would also like to wish all the students who are trialling for the Beaudesert Zone Rugby League team on Tuesday 14th good luck! I am sure you will all represent the school with pride.

If you have made a sporting team outside of school, please let me know so we can celebrate all our sporting achievements.

Sporting Achievements

If you would like your child’s school sporting achievements outlined in the newsletter, please contact the front office on 5540 1111. A reminder that the P&C offer school sporting sponsorships which can be applied for via the front office. The application can also be found on our school website under Support and Resources / Forms and Documents. 

Digital Technologies & STEM Team News

Digital Technologies

This term in Digital Technologies the year 4-6's have been exploring a range of digital systems. They have examined the main components of digital systems and how they work together. 

The focus for the year 4's has been input, output and storage devices, as well as hardware and software. 

Year 5 and 6 had a special appearance by Mr O'Brien, who led the classes through the internal hardware of a desktop computer. They have also followed the ethernet cables in the lab building to identify part of the school network and how it transmits data.


This year 11 students were invited to join the school's STEM program. The program is for students in year 6 who show consistent results in Science, Digital and Design Technologies and Maths. Mr O'Brien and I (Mrs Wallace) run the program, one day a week after school.

The students have been completing fun challenges that have increased their teamwork and communication skills, which will be of great value when we solve problems.

Their main task this term has been to design a space base in a program called CoSpaces. Once they have their designs completed and coded correctly, they will be able to turn them into virtual reality where they will be able to explore their bases using our VR goggles. They are coming along nicely, and I can't wait to see them in VR.

In week 10 the group will be attending a robotics workshop and competition at Beaudesert High School with students from around our district. 

The Arts

Performing Arts

This term year 4-6 students have been exploring popular music and dance styles from the 1920s to the 2020s. They have learned about the evolution of different dance genres, including the Charleston, disco, and hand jive, and what made these dances popular. As well as genres of music including jazz, disco and rock and roll. To apply their learning, students have been choreographing their own dance routines, demonstrating their creativity and collaboration skills.

Dance Team

Our Dance Team is currently busy working on three exhilarating dance performances, which include dances choreographed by some of our talented students. They are all putting in a great deal of effort and commitment each week, and we cannot wait to see our Dance Team perform their amazing routines and showcase their talent to our school community. Stay tuned for upcoming information about performances. 


We are excited to announce that our school choir has grown this year and we are currently working on three new songs. These songs consist of a whole choir song, a junior song, and a senior song. Our choir is looking forward to sharing their enthusiasm and hard work to so stay tuned for more information on when and where you can catch their performances!

Camp Australia - OSHC

Please click on the link below to find out what's been happening at Camp Australia OSHC.

It's free to register

To attend our program, you must register your child. You can register an account with us at Camp Australia - Parent Portal or by downloading our Camp Australia smartphone app from the Apple App Store or on Google Play. Once registered, it's easy to make bookings and manage your account.

Community Noticeboard

South East Region 2023 NAIDOC Art Competition

Each year, South East Region hold an art competition as part of their NAIDOC Week celebrations. The 2023 competition is now currently open for all students attending a state school in this region. Students MUST include the 2023 NAIDOC theme wording, “For our Elders” and both the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags within their artwork to be considered for judging. Please see the attached flyer for more information and details regarding how your child can enter the competition. 

Please click on the attached download link for more information and details regarding how your child can enter the competition. 