Blaxland Public School

Term 1 Week 6

Thought for the week

“Kindness can change everything”

Important Dates

Week 7

Monday 6 March

  • K-6 Assembly

Tuesday 7 March

  • Blaxland High School Open Night - Year 6 only

Thursday 9 March

  • AFL Afternoon Session

Friday 10 March

  • Soccer Skills sessions


    Week 8

      Thursday 16 March

      • AFL Afternoon Session


      Week 9

        Thursday 23 March

        • AFL Afternoon Session
        • K-6 Assembly

        Friday 24 March

        • Sydney West Swimming Carnival

        Permission Notes and Payments

        The School’s preferred method of payment is online via the School Website.

        For all notes sent home please see either the School Website or SkoolBag.

        Message from Mrs Ellis

        School Leadership

        This week, we held an extra ordinary School Leadership election to elect a School Captain. Congratulations and thank you to the Year 6 students who presented a leadership speech in the school hall on Monday. The newly elected leaders will be presented with their badges at the K-6 Assembly on Monday 6th March.

        Congratulations Niah on your election as School Captain and Abbey on your election as Vice-Captain.

        School Attendance

        We are committed to working with you to offer support and remove any barriers that may be preventing your child from regularly attending school.

        This is a reminder that all student absences must be explained within 7 days of the first day of them being away from school. Please contact the school promptly whenever your child is absent and let us know the reason for them being away. This allows us to provide the right support and make sure your child's absences are recorded correctly.

        In the event your child has repeated or ongoing unexplained absences, we will continue to try to contact you about each absence.

        We know that for our students every day of school matters.

        Days missed equals years lost. There’s approximately 200 days in a school year. When a child misses one day a week over a year, that’s 40 days of school, 8 weeks of lessons and 2.5 years over their school life lost. As your child’s education has already been interrupted through periods of learning from home due to COVID-19 over the last 2 and a half years, now is the time to prioritise face-to-face learning and making the most of every school day.

        If you have any questions or if you need support with your child’s attendance, please contact your child’s class teacher.

        Nut Awareness and Allergy awareness

        We are seeking your help to support the students in our school who are at risk of anaphylaxis.

        Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction that is potentially life-threatening. The most common causes of anaphylaxis in schools are food and insect allergies. The only way to prevent allergic reactions is to avoid being exposed to the allergen.

        Our school is supporting students at risk of anaphylaxis in the following ways:

        •         training staff,

        •         encouraging students with food allergy to wash their hands before and after eating,

        •         encouraging students to wash their hands after eating something their classmate/friend is allergic to,

        •         teaching students not to share food with friends who have a food allergy,

        •         teaching students the importance of getting help immediately if their friend with allergy looks sick,

        •         educating students about allergies and anaphylaxis, and

        •         teaching students that teasing someone with an allergy is not acceptable behaviour.

        Food allergy is now common in school aged children. Children can be allergic to any food, and it is not possible to completely remove all foods from our school. To help manage food allergies, our school is following the National Allergy Strategy Best Practice Guidelines (2021) which do not recommend banning foods as this is difficult to enforce and can bring a false sense of safety. We request that parents consider not sending nuts to school, for any child.

        As we educate our school community to help with the management of food allergy and anaphylaxis, the parents of the student with food allergy will continue to educate their child on self-management at a developmentally appropriate level.

        We ask you to support the school’s risk minimisation strategies outlined so that we can increase safety and provide an environment that meets the needs of all our students.

        Teacher Professional Learning

        Over the past few weeks, the staff have been participating in Professional Learning on giving and receiving feedback and curriculum implementation. All teacher professional learning has the learner at the centre of all that we do.

        Parent Teacher Interviews

        This year we will be holding Parent Teacher Interviews across two afternoons. K-2 Parent Teacher Interviews will be on Tuesday 28th March and Years 3-6 Parent Teacher Interviews will be on Wednesday 29th March. More Information will be sent out to you soon.

        School Maintenance

        The school continues to have maintenance programs onsite, the walkways and poles are in the process of being painted and once this is finished, we have a fresh coat of paint in all walkways and brightly coloured poles. 

        School Photos

        School Photo Day will be Thursday 30th March, all students will need to wear their summer uniform.

        ANZAC Service

        The school ANZAC Service will be held on Wednesday 5th April at 10:30am in the school hall.

        Fancy Hat/Easter Hat Parade

        This year, we will be holding the Annual Easter Hat/ Fancy Hat parade on Thursday 6th April starting at 10:15am. More information will be sent home on Monday 6th March. Students can make an Easter Hat or a fancy hat of their own choice. The P&C will also be holding a Easter Egg Raffle on the day.

        School Camps 2023

        This year, we have planned the following camps for students in Years 3-6.

        Years 3-4: Taronga Zoo Snooze September 14th and September 15th

        Years 5-6: Canberra Excursion October 18th- October 20th

        Safe Bus Travel to and From School

        All parents of students travelling to and from school are encouraged to sit and speak with the child/children about the safe way to travel on the school bus. All bus travel students have been reminded at school to do the following when travelling on the school bus:

        ·         Tap on and off with an Opal card.

        ·         Sit on a seat in the bus and face the correct way.

        ·         Speak quietly with your friends.

        ·         Respect the bus driver and keep each other safe.

        ·         Thank the bus driver when it’s time to get off at your stop.

        Staffing News

        Mrs Smith is now on leave, and we look forward to seeing her back at school soon, we wish her a speedy recovery. During this time, Ms Erin Tumeth Clarke will be the relieving School Administration Officer and we welcome Ms Isabelle Fogg as relieving School Administration Officer on Wednesdays- Fridays.

        School Photography Day

        School Photography Date: 30/03/2023

        Kindly see attached school photo day flyer on how to order and pay for school photos.


        NAPLAN Information Flyer

        Kindly read the attached NAPLAN information flyer for more information.

        Year 6 to 7 moving to High School

        To all Parent/carers of year 6 students.

        To enrol your child in Year 7 for 2024, you will need to complete an Expression of Interest for Year 6 to Year 7 transition. The Expression of Interest (EOI) lets you indicate which school(s) you would like your child to attend in Year 7. Kindly read the attached Year 6 to 7 Moving to High School note for more information.


        Library News

        Our Library is open on Thursday and Friday during lunchtimes. You can draw, read, play with our Library toys or play any quiet games.

        Most classes have their Library lesson on Thursdays,

        except for 5/6PS who have their turn in the Library on Fridays.

        Please keep bringing in your library bags to look after our books.

        There is a brilliant app that lets you see what books your child has on loan from the library. See the instructions below.

        Thank you

        Mrs Hall

        Teacher Librarian

        A Calendar of School Excursions and Events

        We have two calendars available to view our School Excursions and Events that are happening through out the year.


        To find the Events Calendar in SkoolBag:

        • Click our School Emblem - found under My Schools & Services.
        • In the blue bar at the bottom of the screen click Events.

        School Website

        For upcoming excursions and events on the School Website, they can be found either at the bottom of the Home page or on the Events page

        2023 Calendar

        Kindly see the attached calendar for 2023 Term dates.

        Year 6 Students

        In the Garden

        What a wonderful couple of weeks we have had in the school veggie garden. It has been flourishing and producing so well, with a generous supply of cucumbers and zucchinis. All classes enjoyed cucumber slices this week and KE and K/1C were treated to a yummy snack of chocolate zucchini cake. The recipe is linked below as well as displayed on the notice board. 

        I wish to thank the new families for coming along to our garden club, many hands make light work and there is always a lot of work to do in the garden. If you would like to join, we meet every Monday 2:30-3:00. I especially love seeing toddler siblings discovering and showing me what they find the in garden, they love to pick out all the bugs. We encourage everyone to wander around the garden and check out what is growing.

        Enjoy the photos and Happy Gardening. Theresa (parent volunteer)

        P&C News

        P&C Update

        The P&C have started planning our first events of the year. Our annual Easter egg raffle will be held after the Fancy / Easter hat parade on Thursday the 6th of April. We will be asking our BPS families to donate Easter eggs and sell raffle tickets. A note and raffle tickets will be sent home next week.


        The P&C AGM will be on Tuesday 14th March (Term 1, Week 8) at 7pm via zoom. All P&C positions (president, vice president, treasurer and secretary) will be made vacant and we encourage our BPS parents to nominate themselves to hold these positions. To nominate and vote you need to be a “financial member” of the P&C. To join the P&C costs $1. Please pay your membership ($1) and your contact details at the office.


        Contact Blaxland P&C via

        -       Blaxland Public School Families Facebook page

        -       Email us on

        The Fathering Project

        Dad Joke

        Why did the scarecrow win a Nobel Prize?

        It was outstanding in its field.

        Want to know more about the Fathering Project head to or join

        Thank you to the generosity of the local Box Divvy organisation for their donations of fruit and vegetables every fortnight. We greatly support your generosity. If interested, click on the website link to find out more information about Box Divvy.

        Blaxland Public School Proudly sponsored by