Caves Beach Public School Newsletter

Term 3 Week 10: 21st - 25th Sept 2020


Our playground extension has taken shape after some hard work from Dave Reed and the high school skills group pictured below. This Wednesday will see the edging go in and then the whole set will be painted and made ready for the soft fall. The Yrs 3 -6 playground will hopefully begin construction in the holidays. This project is expected to take 6 weeks to complete.

Pat Conroy

Last week Mr Pat Conroy visited our school to address our Yr 6 students as they are unable to visit Canberra this year. Both the students and Mr Conroy enjoyed the experience. Many questions were answered and the students were provided a clearer understanding of the working of our Australian Parliamentary system.

Mobile Phones

Please remember that students are not permitted to have or use their mobile phones on school grounds. Students are to check their phones in at the office as they enter school in the morning. Their phones are secured in a labelled bag in the office for the school day. Students collect their phones after the dismissal bell. If a parent needs to contact their child or a student needs to contact their parent during the school day, they are to do so through the school office.

Kindergarten 2021 Information Video

This week is our scheduled informal information session for the parents of Kindergarten students for 2021. Due to current restrictions Mrs Nebauer has developed a video which will be sent out to provide information to help us provide a smooth transition to school for our new Kinders. We have also included a questions Google doc in this process and encourage new parents to ask any questions that they may have. The answers will be collated onto a Facts Sheet which will be distributed to all parents. Any individual questions will be responded to personally.


We have begun to plan class structures for 2021. Thank you to those parents who have let us know their plans for 2021. This information is vital to class planning for 2021 and will help with a smooth transition into classes next year. If you have a Kindergarten child starting in 2021 and are yet to enrol please contact our school office immediately.


As you are aware, as the parent of school age students you are responsible for ensuring your child is enrolled in a government or registered non-government school. The Department of Education conducts regular checks on school attendance data to ensure students are attending and following the Student Attendance in Government Schools - Procedure. The Home Schools Liaison Officers become involved with families to support student attendance at school. Some parent responsibilities as stated in the procedures are as follows:

Parents must ensure:

- Their children who are enrolled at school attend every day the school is open for their instruction

- They provide an explanation for absences by means such as a telephone call, written note, text message or email to the school within 7 days from the first day of any period of absence.

- They work in partnership with the school to plan and implement strategies to support regular attendance at school, including communicating with the school if they are aware of issues impacting on their child’s attendance or engagement with school.

It is understood that at times children become sick and in this event contact needs to be made with the school, but apart from this students are required to attend school every day.

I wish everyone a happy and relaxing holiday and look forward to seeing everyone safely back at school Monday 12th October.  

Mrs Sue Gibson, Principal

Upcoming Events

Week 10

  • Tues 22nd Sept - Celebration Assembly
  • Fri 25th Sept - Pie Day in Canteen
  • Fri 25th Sept - Out of uniform day - last day of Term 3


Week 1

  • Mon 12th Oct - First day of Term 4

Week 2

  • Mon 19th - Fri 23rd - Book Fair & Book Week

Weekly Feature Class...2R

It has been an enjoyable term for students in 2R!

We have been busily studying persuasive writing in English, mixtures in Science as well as researching countries all over the world in geography. The students have also enjoyed building their fitness by completing circuit training for  PDHPE. 


Merit Awards

Congratulations to the following Merit Award recipients:

KMCooper C & Ry TKTEmelia S & Violet TK/1GCooper H & Lilah B1PHeath C & Indi W
1JJake C & Indie W1NFlynn L & Blake J2CMichaela S & Isabella-Mai K2RLuisa-Rose F & Nixon H
3TCorben B & Alana L3/4BZac B & Alexis J3/4DRuby S & William C4WMaddison P & Kaden H
5JSummer O & Joshua T5PElla H & Drake B6CIsaac P & Brielle M6EKaya D & Tom S

Gold Awards

Congratulations to the following students who have achieved their Gold Award:

Finn P - 3T

Other School News

Book Week 2020

STEM Resources

As part of our STEM classes next term we are collecting all recyclable items to reuse.

We would be grateful for any donations of shoe boxes, old cd/dvds, clean straws and paddle pop sticks, newspapers, string, cardboard, plastic soft drinks bottles, paper/plastic plates, old cars, Lego of any size.

Due to allergies please do not sent containers that have had egg, any form of nuts, milk, pineapple or kiwi fruit in them.

Thank you!

Band News

Band Term 3

Due to updated DoE guidelines, all group singing (choirs) and/or other chanting activities, as well as the use of wind instruments in group settings, are not permitted.

Tutors will still be teaching lessons as per normal timetable.

Although we are experiencing challenging times, our school is committed to providing every opportunity possible for your child to continue in band. We appreciate your patience and flexibility as we work through this together.  

Band members have been arranged into Stage groups and will meet one morning per week.

Stage 1 (Year 2)

Tuesday morning  8am-9am

Stage 2 (Years 3 and 4)

Wednesday morning 8am-9am

Stage 3 (Years 5 and 6)

Friday morning 8am-9am

Due to restrictions, your instrument is not required. Please bring your music folder. Mrs Scott will continue to provide band focused lessons.

Please contact Mrs Scott or Mrs Thurston if you have any further questions. We will continue to keep you updated.

Many thanks,

Mrs Scott and Mrs Thurston

Library News

World Book Web

Login ID:     cavesbeach

Password:  cavesbeach

Canteen Chatter

Last Day of Term - Pie Day!

A reminder that all orders for Pie Day this Friday must be in by 9am tomorrow, Tuesday 22nd. This will allow time to place orders. No late orders can be accepted, sorry.

Please place orders via the Qkr! App, using the "Last Day of Term Menu" selection, NOT the normal "Canteen Lunch Menu".

Please note also there will be no other food available on Friday. 

Custard Cups

Custard cups are now available in the canteen.

Orders to be placed via the Qkr! App - no over the counter sales. 

Uniform Shop News

Term 3

Caves Beach Public School

A caring, supportive school promoting high academic standards.

Respect | Responsibility | Integrity | Acceptance | Care & Compassion | Honesty & Trustworthy