Lismore South Public School Newsletter

Week 9 & 10 Term 3

Principal Message

Dear Parents and Carers,

The end of term is closing in fast and it seems like everyone is excited and ready for a well earned break. I wish to thank all families for their ongoing support of our school throughout Term 3. This week we farewell Mrs Karina Offley, who will be leaving us at the end of the term. On behalf of all families I wish to thank Mrs Offley for her dedication to the students and families at South. We will miss you.

At this point, we are unsure as to what the restrictions will be in place for Term 4. The Term 4 guidelines for NSW public schools should be released very soon and will be based on the most up to date information from NSW Health and NSW Department of Education. I will send a Skoolbag announcement when information is released to schools.

Thank you to the LSPS staff for all of their efforts this term, we are lucky to have such a dedicated and hard working team who go above and beyond to ensure that our students are known, valued and cared for.

On behalf of all of the staff, I would like to wish all families a safe and relaxing holiday break. We look forward to seeing you back at school for Term 4 on Monday 12th October.

Kind regards,

Larissa Polak 



We are proud to be part of The Rivers Academy of STEM Excellence ~ RASE. The Rivers Academy of STEM Excellence (RASE) is a collaborative project between local public high schools, primary schools and industry, and is designed to provide our students with access to innovative and real-world learning experiences. In addition to providing strong foundational knowledge in STEM, students will have opportunities to develop the key skills of problem solving, communication, collaboration, creativity and critical thinking through an inquiry learning model based on the design thinking process. Please follow RASE on Facebook to see the wonderful work happening in our local public schools.

STEM Mentoring

STEM Action

Over the past two weeks 4/5 and 5/6 classes have had a chance to learn about engineering and the design thinking process from university student mentor Joel Polak. Students discovered that the same design thinking skills could be applied to their Cardboard Arcade projects.  It has been wonderful to see students problem solving and making improvements to their arcade games. This week Stage 2 and 3 students also worked with Mr Van den Berg, Head teacher of Science from The Rivers Secondary College to learn about electrical circuits. Many students are feeling inspired to add a solar power feature to their cardboard arcade games. 

Talented Artists

A beautiful collaborative painting created by many students to brighten up Mrs Polak’s office. Thank you to all the talented artists that have added to this fabulous masterpiece. 

2021 Preschool Enrolments Now Open

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

Stage 2 & 3 Major Excursions

We are staying optimistic that these excursions will proceed with a few variations.  Due to the border closures the venues will be within New South Wales and the dates changed to Term 4.  This will also depend on the Department of Education Guidelines for Term 4.  If the excursions are unable to proceed you will have the option of a full refund or the money can be held in advance payments to be used at a later date eg uniforms.

Please Note:  Full and final payments need to be finalised by:  Stage 2 (10th September) and Stage 3 (24th September).

Absences / SMS Messages

 We are using our Sentral text message system to confirm absences. If your child is absent from school you will receive a text message requesting an explanation for this absence.

The message will read: Lismore South PS: Your {son_daughter} {student_first_name} {student_surname_initial} was marked absent from school {date of absence}. Please provide an explanation by replying to this message.

If you have more than one child away, you will receive a message for each student. Please respond to each individual message as these are directly linked to the class roll. Please do not respond with picture messages as they will not link to the roll, just reply by text. If you have a doctor's certificate please send it in with the student when they return to school. 

Kindergarten 2021

Kindergarten Registration Link

Register now for Kindergarten 2021. If you know of any local families who may be looking to enrol next year, please encourage them to access the online registration form linked here in the newsletter or from school website homepage. All parents who have registered interest in enrolling their child in Kindy 2021 will receive further information via email.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

Ngulliboo Jarjums Preschool News

Information Update

Due to new regulations, we require each family to fill out the new Collection of Preschool Children form.  Please take a form from the sign on table to complete and return as soon as possible to ensure we have the correct emergency contact details for your child.

Hats and Water Bottles

As the weather starts to warm up it's important to remember to pack a water bottle and hat every day. At present with current Covid restrictions we are trying to avoid using individual cups wherever possible. It is important that children bring their own water bottles that can be refilled at school. This is the same process that is followed at big school.  A great way to support your child developing self-help skills and growing in independence is to give your child jobs when getting ready in the morning. Maybe your child’s job could be to check that both their hat and water bottle are packed each day?

Drop Off and Collection of Children

Thank you parents and carers for complying with social distancing requirements. A friendly reminder that the preschool gate opens at 8.55am and 2.55pm.  Please be as quick as is reasonably possible to sign your child in/out to limit the number of adults on the preschool site. We thank you for your support in keeping our families safe.

Talk Like a Pirate Day

Thank you so much to our families and community for your donations to raise funds for Childhood Cancer Support.  It truly was a joyous day after such a testing beginning to the year. The children had so much fun and you all made a  fantastic effort with the children's costumes. We all had so much fun drawing treasure maps, searching for treasure on Pirate Island and walking the plank.  It was a great day! 

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

QA 6Collaborative partnerships with families and communities
6.2.3 Community engagementThe service builds relationships and engages with its community.

Early Arrivals

Please be aware that morning supervision does not commence until 8.30am when teachers begin duty. Students who are dropped off, walk to school or ride their bike are not to be at school before 8.30am each day. This is a health and safety requirement. Thank you to the majority of our families who are abiding by this request and are helping keep everyone safe.


If a child presents as sick to the office, you will be asked to come and collect your child. While we understand that the symptoms can look like a cold or flu, we can’t take risks with the health of other children or staff. Symptoms to watch out for are fever, a cough, sore throat, fatigue, shortness of breath.

Birthdays at School

We love to celebrate the birthdays of our students, even during the Covid-19 pandemic. During this time we ask that cakes be store bought and single serve only or alternatively you may like to provide single wrapped iceblocks. 

Our school canteen will be open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday in Term 3. All food needs to be pre-ordered by 9.00am. Food will be served in a paper bag supplied by the school. Canteen will only be operating for lunch, not recess.  

Canteen Price List


P & C News

Congratulations to Cooper W for winning the lucky door prize for his Dad. Thank you everyone for visiting the Father’s Day Stall. 

The next P&C meeting will be held via Zoom on Thursday 15th October at 8.30pm. The secure Zoom link will be shared on Class Dojo. The P&C always welcomes new members, particularly those parents and carers who haven’t had the opportunity to join before.

Planned Building Works

Major building works continue on our site to replace the school roofs. Please find attached information regarding the removal of asbestos containing material on our school site from 4 July, 2020 through to the end of the October school holidays. As a precaution, no asbestos containing material will be removed during school hours. 

Planned Building Works Notification July - October 2020

School Calendar

Thursday, 24/9Half-Day Public Holiday - Collection of children from 11.30am.  Appreciate prompt collection by 12pm.  No OSHC available.
Friday, 25/9Last day Term 3, 2020
Monday, 12/10Students return for Term 4, 2020

Out of School Hours Care

How to book in for OSHC?

Please contact Myra for booking enquires on 0414 230 536. Alternatively, for any concerns or questions, contact the main office on 6621 6437 and ask for Paula.

OSHC Vacation Care

OSHC Vacation Care Program


Holiday Activities

Softball/Teeball Competitions

Focus on Fathers