Lavington East Public School Newsletter

Week 2 Term 1 - 3 February 2021

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.



Week 3

Tuesday 9 February - 3.00pm - 4.00pm P&C Meet and Greet in Demountable 5.

Thursday 11 February - 9.15am Leaders Induction and Swim Trials awards Ceremony.

Thursday 11 February - Disco - Details to be advised.

Week 4

Wednesday 17 February - P&C Meeting.

Week 5

Tuesday 23 February - Zone Swimming Carnival.

Week 6

Friday 5 March - Clean Up Australia Day.

Week 7

Wednesday 10 March - Riverina Swimming Carnival.

Friday 12 March - Easter Raffle.

Week 8

Wednesday 17 March - Cross Country Carnival.

Wednesday 17 March - P&C Annual General Meeting.

Week 9

Monday 22 March - Athletics Carnival.

Week 10

Wednesday 31 March - Easter Parade.

Thursday 1 April - Last Day for Students Term 1.

Friday 2 April - Good Friday Public Holiday.


First Day of Term 1 2021,

Welcome to LEPS Miss Anderson.


Hello Lavington East PS community,

Allow me to introduce myself.  My name is Shannon Anderson and I’m your School Counsellor for 2021.  I am a registered teacher and provisional psychologist and have worked for over 12 years in the areas of counselling, wellbeing, families and education.  For 2021 I will be working at LEPS on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and at Murray High School on Mondays and Thursdays.  I love all things nature, ukulele, singing in choirs, swimming, growing vegetables, meditation, good food and family. I enjoy singing and dancing with my daughter, walking my dog Keys and collecting eggs from my chickens.

As the LEPS school counsellor I will be working with students, parents/carers and teachers in a variety of ways:

  • Individually with students in the counselling setting
  • Assisting parents/carers to make informed decisions about their child’s education
  • Assessing students’ learning and behaviour  
  • Assisting schools to identify and address challenges that affect students’ learning
  • Liaising with other agencies concerned with the well-being of students.

Finally, I’d like to say a big “thank you” for the warm welcome this week, and I look forward to being a part of the LEPS community.

Miss Anderson       

Our Year 6 Shirts Have Arrived!


Our students have already started to collect yellow buzz tickets on the playground when they are displaying our non-classroom setting rules such as legendary lines. 

Change Of Date - School Photos

School Photos will now be Term 2 Week 7 Thursday 3 June.               

Air Conditioning Update.

We are very excited to announce that our Air Conditioning Installation for all classrooms is almost complete.

Safer Internet Day - Tuesday 9 February.

Stationery Requirements For Stage 2 and Stage 3 2021.

Parents and Carers - Daly Street Gates.

Could all Staff, students and community please use Daly Street crossing gate before 9.00am and after 2.50pm.  The gate outside the office will remain locked at these times.               

School Banking Program

After review and careful consideration, we regret to inform you that Hume Bank will no longer be running a School Banking program.

Quote of the Week

Blast from the Past


Uniform Shop by appointment only. Please call Kelly on 0428 400 362 during school hours only.

Community News