Wambi's Wavebreaker

Term 1 Week 10 - 29 March 2023

For your diary..........

Thursday, 30 March
  • PBL Trading Day
Tuesday, 4 April
  • TLLC Koori Choir Workshop / Performance
Wednesday, 5 April
  • Easter Hat Parade K-2
  • 3-6 Crazy Hair Day
  • Easter Raffle
Thursday, 6 April
  • PBL Rewards Day
  • Last Day Term 1
Monday, 24 April
  • Staff Development Day - STAFF ONLY
Tuesday, 25 April
  • ANZAC Day Dawn Service, Terrigal Beach
Wednesday, 26 April
  • Students Return - Term 2

Principal Message

Dear Parents,

Term 1

It has been an amazing term full of great opportunities, quality teaching and learning with students continuing to develop as safe, respectful learners. Next week is Week 11 and we celebrate with a number of fun activities to end the term before we depart for a well-deserved holiday:

Easter Hat Parade

We look forward to sharing our annual Easter Hat Parade on Wednesday 5 April, 2023.

Students in K-2 have been actively making hats for the parade and we look forward to sharing this great event and seeing the wonderful creations. A huge thank you to Wamberal P&C for their work on the Easter Egg Raffle and the wonderful array of (yummy) prizes which will be announced on the day.

PBL Rewards Day

Mariners Visit

Thanks to our P&C for coordinating the mufti day today and players from the Mariners to visit and inspire our students. It was great to see the many students joining in the fun today. Thank you to the Mariners for the kind donation of tickets to Saturday’s game which will be drawn later today.

Have a great week,

Paul Miller

Deputy Principal Report

Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL)

At Wamberal Public School, we are safe, respectful learners. This week, all students have been learning about being safe, respectful learners by being an upstander.

At Wamberal Public School we embrace a peer leadership teaching philosophy for antibullying strategies, and our antibullying lessons are delivered by Year 6 students for all Year K-5 students. Our Year 6 students reinforce their own learning by instructing others, supporting all students to feel more comfortable and open when interacting with peers.

Our school website has more information about our school’s Antibullying Plan and Student Participation and Leadership Guide.

PBL Rewards Day Is Coming!

PBL Trading Day is tomorrow and students will trade their SRL tokens for rewards in readiness for the Term 1 PBL Rewards Day, being held on Thursday 6 April 2023. The Term 1 Rewards Day Menu is available on our school website.

Thank you to our P&C who continue to support our Positive Behaviour for Learning programs through sponsorship of prizes for the lucky draw held on PBL Rewards Day.

Attendance: Every day matters, right until the last day of term

As we head into the end of Term 1, it is timely to reflect on the importance for children to be at school every day and for the whole day. Being at school is the best place for students to learn as well as keep social connections and build lifelong skills.

We understand that students and families are ready for the holidays but please remember that holidays should only be booked during scheduled school breaks.

Students should be at school every day during school terms, including until the end of term, unless they are sick or are absent for a justified reason.

The end of term is also an opportunity to reflect on future plans for appointments and after school activities, scheduling outside of school activities so that children are supported in being at school for the whole day, every day.

You Can Sit With Me Initiative

You Can Sit With Me is an inclusive and kindness initiative our Stage 2 students will be involved in next term. The program offers opportunities for students to gain valuable skills in extending friendship, kindness and inclusiveness to peers in the playground. Under the mentorship of our School Wellbeing Chaplain Mrs Mallinson, student ambassadors will undertake a student leadership training program before implementing the playground program. Peers will easily recognise student ambassadors in the playground who will be wearing highly visible yellow wristbands, indicating they are ready and welcoming to provide peer support.

Information notes for Stage 2 students who have expressed interest in being a student ambassador were sent home this week.



Have a great week everyone.

Jane Rees 

Library News

Premier’s Reading Challenge (PRC) & K-2

Congratulations to our students who have now completed the Premier’s Reading Challenge — Zane, Valentina, Ariana, Rose and Isla and are setting themselves independent challenges as they continue their reading journey. Students have until August to complete the Challenge.

Student loans

Thank you for supporting your child’s regular reading habits by reading and talking about their borrowed books, helping them to return their books on time and bring a Library bag if they are in a K-2 class. Students may borrow books to read over the holiday break but please leave them at home if you travel.

Library ‘Books About Books’ (Stage 1)

K/1 Aqua enjoyed hearing The Wrong Book as part of our ‘Books About Books’ program and making puppets about their favourite characters. They also borrowed and explored books and put them back on the shelves tidily.

Scholastic Book Club

Scholastic Book Club’s ISSUE 2 will be delivered to students this week and next week.

Skoolbag app

Please see the Skoolbag app for important Library updates. Feel free to contact me through the school office if I can help in any way.

Happy reading,

Nell Knight 👱‍♀️📚

Teacher Librarian

Currently reading Serafina and the Black Cloak by Robert Beatty. Students often ask for spooky or scary books. I just started this one last night and I think it will prove to be a little scary. It is engaging and different with adventure, thrills and chills. The narrative is set in the past with characters ranging from poor servants and rat-catchers to wealthy estate owners. Part of a series. (Ages 8-12 years)

WPS P&C News

Canteen Specials

The canteen will have nachos and burritos available for lunch on Tuesday (April 4). Hot cross buns will also be available to buy next week before school and at lunch and recess. The canteen will be closed on the last day of term (Thursday April 6) for stocktake and cleaning.

Easter Raffle

Thank you to all who have returned sold and unsold raffle tickets, money and colouring in competition entries to the office, we really appreciate your support. If yours are still on the kitchen bench, don't stress, we will do a last minute check in to pick things up from the office on Friday, ahead of Wednesday's raffle draw and Easter Hat parade. A big thank you as well to all who have donated goodies and decorations for our prizes, you are all appreciated.

Election Stalls Thanks

Thanks to all who helped make last Saturday's BBQ and cake stalls such a success. From those who helped prepare for the day, to those who volunteered their baking skills, those who staffed the stalls and those who bought our wares. You all helped us raise more than $2300 for the school. A special shout out to those volunteers who stayed for the whole day on Saturday - you were phenomenal!

Casual Canteen Position

Wamberal Public School P&C Association is looking for a Casual Canteen Assistant to join our awesome canteen team. This is a casual position during term time only. Hours and days will vary depending on the needs of the canteen, with a minimum shift of 3 hours. Key responsibilities include:

• Kitchen duties including preparation of food and orders

• Serving over the counter at lunch and recess

• General cleaning and hygiene duties throughout the canteen

• Other duties as directed by the Canteen Manager

• Food preparation, safety and handling experience and/or qualifications are essential.

To view the full position description, click the following link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1N0WqzUzNYhJ24-ui7Dg3RqCgduPzNhZi/view?usp=share_link

For further information or to apply with your resume and covering letter, please email: Emily O’Brien - canteenconvenor@wamberalpandc.org.au.

Applications close Thursday 6 April 2023.

Other News

Intention to apply for Year 5 placement in an opportunity class in 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,

Opportunity classes are for primary school students who have high academic potential or who are intellectually gifted.

They provide an environment where students can learn and make friends with classmates of similar ability. This can benefit a student’s academic progress and also their wellbeing.

Opportunity classes are offered in Years 5 and 6, with parents/carers applying in Year 4.

Please see the attached note for more information on how to apply.



Go4Fun is a FREE 10-week healthy wellbeing program for children aged 7 to 13 to enjoy along with their families. Please contact 1800 780 900.

Run by top trained health professionals, it’s a fun way for kids to build self-esteem and learn about eating well, staying active and living a healthy life.

Term 2 2023 programs will take place at:

📌 Kincumber Indoor Sports Centre Tuesdays 4:00–6:00pm, starting 2 May

📌 Gosford Olympic Pool, Wednesdays 4–6pm, starting 26 April (Aboriginal Program for everyone run by Bungree)

📌 Lake Haven Recreation Centre, Thursdays 4–6pm, starting 27 April

To register, visit go4fun.com.au or call 1800 780 900.