Dear parents/carers,
Thank you for another splendid term. I am sure with the temperatures plummeting down, we are all looking forward to a break. Make sure you rest up and recharge your batteries.
If you visit our playground area next term you'll be in for a big surprise! The oval has been refurbished and is now open for the children to enjoy during break times. Since last week, children have had a ball playing soccer, running laps and chasing their friends.
You should have received your child's semester report today. Please go through the report, especially paying attention to the future directions provided for English and mathematics. If you can spend 20-30 minutes each day practising times tables or reading a book, it will go a long way in improving your child's learning outcomes. Parents and carers play an integral part in a child's education and good work ethics need to be instilled early on for long term benefits.
When we return in Term 3, please ensure that your child comes to school:
- on time, everyday
- after a good night's rest
- in full school uniform looking neat and tidy
- with a nutritious lunchbox
The above may seem trivial, however simple rules and discipline play an important role in helping your child develop positive relationship with school and will help him/her build life long healthy habits.
As we end this term, I would like to say goodbye to Miss Chinar Samad, our outstanding KC classroom teacher, and Mrs Jasmine Lalia, our amazing Year 2 support teacher, who both successfully gained a teaching position at another school. It is sad to see them leave but we wish them both the very best. I would like to welcome the following new staff:
- Mrs Grace Lee - Year 2 Support Teacher
- Miss Brooke McDonald - Stage 2 Support Teacher
- Mrs Ashti Fathi - Student Learning and Support Officer
- Mr Nicholas Penman - Student Learning and Support Officer
- Mrs Jacinta Wahaab - Student Learning and Support Officer
Finally, I thank all teachers for their hard work this term and wish everyone a warm and restful break.
Emma Meddows
Relieving Principal