Scarborough Primary School Newsletter - The Link

Issue 14 – 23 August 2019

Upcoming Events and Reminders

  • 4 September: Athletics Carnival Jumps and Throws
  • 6 September: Athletics Carnival
  • 6 September: No Canteen today - Sausage Sizzle Lunch only
  • 11 September: School Board Meeting 6.00pm in the library
  • 18 September: Inter-school Athletics Jumps and Throws at Deanmore PS
  • 20 September: Room 1 Assembly
  • 20 September: Inter-school Athletics Carnival at Deanmore PS


Somehow five weeks have passed and I will now be handing the principal baton back to Sarah Dawson for the start of Week 6. She has had a well-earned rest away in Europe but is excited to be back at school next week. As ever, I am very grateful for the support of our whole school community throughout these weeks. It definitely does not go unnoticed.

Out in our community

We really like to hear news of how our students are actively participating in the wider community, so please do send us stories and photographs that we can share and celebrate. This week, I am excited to let you know that a number of our Year 2 boys, who play rugby for Wests Scarborough Rugby Union Club, were out on the pitch at the recent Bledisloe Cup game in Perth in Part of More March. 

What a moment to remember for them - nice work, boys!

SNIPPETS from the School Board

Points to pass on from our recent board meeting. 

  • Using the skills of one of our board members, Nicole Stallard, we have been working on a marketing plan to build the profile of Scarborough PS. Our first effort was the Western Suburbs Weekly article about Wilson, our therapy dog. We managed to get on the front page which is an excellent result!
  • Our Board is looking to measure its effectiveness and reflect on how it can continue to work positively for our school and students. In upcoming weeks, a sub-committee from the Board will be coming together to see how we can achieve this. Watch this space for the chance to give your thoughts.
  • NEXT MEETING: 11 September in the library. All are welcome to attend as visitors.

Before and After School

We love that our school is a hub for our community. Just a reminder that our students are preparing for their day from 8.35 am and into their lessons by 8.50 am. Please ensure that noise around classrooms, including the heritage building by the library, is kept to a minimum to help our students get into their learning.

At the end of the day, a reminder that any students staying on school premises must be actively supervised. We have had reports of students playing around and with the communication and electric boxes in the ground near the library after school hours. Please ensure your child knows that these are out of bounds and could potentially be dangerous.

Thank you for your support with this.

Building Works

In upcoming weeks you will see a few changes around the school. We have had confirmation that a new Early Years classroom will be arriving which will be placed north of the heritage building. This classroom will be ready for use towards the end of term, with likely movement of classes happening for the start of Term 4. We will keep you posted about these moves as they are confirmed.

Sports Corner

Athletics Carnival

Coming up in Week 7 is our annual Athletics Carnival.

Wednesday 4 September: Jumps, throws and long distance running.

This is run over the course of the day, with the teachers and sports captains assisting. Although not a community event, if you would like to come along, please talk to your child's class teacher about when they will be out competing. 

Friday 6 September: Athletics Carnival Day

This is our big sporting day of the year and we invite families to come and be part of the action. Running within normal school hours, students will spend their day with their houses, participating in a range of races and events.

Our Pre-primary and Kindy children are involved between the recess break and lunch break - more details will come from your class teachers about this. 

All other students take part in the whole day. We have a designated area for families to sit and support, an opportunity to sit with your child for lunch and some exciting Parent vs Staff vs Year 6 races. We encourage you to be part of the action!

Students are encouraged to wear their house shirts and families are also encouraged to wear house colours. We do allow coloured hairspray and zinc, but this must be applied  before coming to school - please do not bring them to school for application.

Our P&C will be running a sausage sizzle for lunch as well as a cake stall for snacks during the day. There will also be a coffee van on site.

We hope you can join us for this uniquely Scarborough day.

Aaron Bacci - Sports teacher

The Great Book Swap

Thank you to everyone who took part in The Great Book Swap to raise funds for the Indigenous Literacy Foundation. The books donated were of great quality and condition that made for happy shopping!  A total of $278 was raised. A fantastic effort.  

All proceeds from the stall will be donated to the Indigenous Literacy Foundation.

City to Surf

Last chance to register for The Chevron City To Surf for Activ run this Sunday August 25. Be part of the Scarborough team and raise money for the school!

Follow the link to register as an individual, then specify in the team options that you are part of a team.

The team name is "Scarboro Kidz Rule"

Request an invite from Maria, and follow the instructions from there.

Entering under this school team name automatically entitles you to 15% off enrolment which is calculated at the end.

Then start fundraising with your close family and friends. Every dollar raised goes directly to the school. Last year we raised $250... Lets smash it!

Any questions, please comment here or get in contact with Maria van der Plas at

Scarborough Primary School

Address: 60 Hinderwell Street, Scarborough WA 

Phone: 08) 9341 1202   


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