Scarborough Primary School Newsletter - The Link

Issue 5 – 3 April 2020

Scarborough Primary School

Principal's Message

Dear Community

Thank you to all of those families who have been able to follow the Minister of Education’s request to keep your children home as we head deeper into the COVID-19 State of Emergency. It is great to see how, once again, we are all pulling together to keep our community safe during these unprecedented times.

Today marks the official end of Term 1 for students.

From Monday 6 of April, only children of our essential workers will be supervised, however, no learning program will be provided. Those children should go to the PP Transportable Classroom from 8:50am, where they will be supervised.

During Week 10, 6 April – 9 April all teaching and support staff will be engaged in 4 days of Professional Learning in readiness to transition to a new platform of curriculum delivery in Term 2. We have already spent this week exploring different models and possibilities of how we can best support children who will most likely be learning from home from the start of Term 2.

As you would all be aware, we have an extremely diverse community with each family having differing practicalities around what learning from home will look like for them. This has been at the forefront of our minds in all the planning that we are currently undertaking. Whilst we cannot confirm anything concrete without further direction from the Department of Education and the State Government next week, I can tell you the following:

  • We are endeavoring to provide a balance of digital and non-digital activities
  • Literacy and Numeracy will be the focus of learning from home, with other activities being of a more optional nature
  • There will be some form of ‘connection’ between teachers and students on at least a weekly basis.

On a more operational note, please be advised of the following:

  • Our playgrounds are now ‘shut’ and not accessible to students during the school day. As per new Government COVID-19 regulations, community use of our playgrounds should also have now ceased for the time being.
  • Starting next week, most of the main school building will not be accessible as ceiling replacement works are being undertaken.

Finally, please keep an eye out next week for further notifications as they come through. This will be your best source of information as we head towards whatever Term 2 may hold for us. We look forward to starting our learning programs again from Wednesday 29 April.

Take care and stay safe everybody.

Sarah Dawson

Important Dates

  • 3 April: Last day for students
  • 29 April: Term 2 begins (Learning from home)

Scarborough Primary School

Address: 60 Hinderwell Street, Scarborough WA 

Phone: 08) 9222 9200   


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