Plattsburg Public School Newsletter

July 2022, Term 3 Week 2

Principal's Message

This is a whopper of a newsletter! Even with the rain our NAIDOC was a brilliant day. Big shout out to Renae Lamb (Aboriginal Education Officer Mayfield West). Renae facilitated some spectacular performances including a Māori and Samoan HAKA!! It's been wonderful to work again with both the Wallsend and Jesmond Campus students and staff who also contributed to and supported our NAIDOC Day.

So, our next big celebration is Book Week/Education Week. Details are in this newsletter and hope you can make it to school to join in. If not, our amazing Newsletter author, Mrs Moriarty, will upload lots of pics to our Facebook page. 

Keep an eye out for out Murook permission note. This is a whole school excursion to Murook and will be a fun and educational day.

Important Dates

Thursday, 28th July 2022

Year 5 Opportunity Class Placement Test

Friday, 29th July 2022

Junk Sculptures Due

Friday, 29th July 2022

Whole school excursion to Grease at Callaghan College Jesmond

Friday, 29th July 2022

Public Speaking Finals in the Hall at 2:15

Wednesday, 3rd August 2022

Book Week/Education Week

Parents/Carers invited to join us for lunch and parade from 1.15pm

Friday, 5th August 2022

Jeans for Genes Day

Monday, 8th August 2022

P&C Meeting

Tuesday, 9th August 2022

Callaghan College Wallsend Taster Lessons for Year 6 students

Monday, 22nd August 2022

Kindergarten Student Orientation - 9:30am to 10:30am

Sunday, 28th August 2022

Bunnings Wallsend BBQ - P&C Fundraiser

Monday, 29th August 2022

Billy G's Cookie Dough Orders Due

Monday, 5th September 2022

Kindergarten Student Orientation - 9:30am to 10:30am

Tuesday, 13th September 2022

School Photos

Monday, 19th September 2022

Handball Competition - 2:15pm

Parents/Carers are invited

Wednesday, 19th October 2022

Year 7 Selective High School Applications Open

Friday, 28th October 2022

Day for Daniel - Keeping Kids Safe

Monday, 31st October 2022

Halloween Spectacular

Wednesday, 9th November 2022

Kindergarten Parent/Carer Information Evening

Wednesday. 16th November 2022

Kindy 2023 Picnic 9:30am to 10:15am

Thursday, 24th November 2022

Kindergarten Student Orientation - 9:30am to 10:30am

Tuesday, 29th November 2022

Year 7 CCWC Orientation Day

Thursday, 1st December 2022

Kindergarten Student Orientation - 9:30am to 10:30am

Friday, 9th December 2022

Everyone Belongs Multi Themed Gala Day

K-2 in the Gully, 3-6 at Federal Park

Wednesday, 14th December 2022

Presentation Day

Thursday, 15th December 2022

Year 6 Graduation

Farewell Mrs Brooks

Sadly we farewell Assistant Principal Mrs Donna Brooks who has successfully gained the position of Relieving Principal at Cardiff North Public School for Term 3. Mrs Brooks has been at Plattsburg Public School for nearly 20 years and held the positions of classroom teacher, Relieving Principal and Assistant Principal to name just a few and takes with her a wealth of knowledge and leadership into her new role. Mrs Brooks will be missed by her colleagues, students and our school community.  While we are very sad to see her go, we wish her all the best in her new position at Cardiff North Public school.

Covid Smart Settings for Term 3

With COVID-19 and the flu circulating in the community, COVID smart measures in schools have been updated during the week. 

During Term 3, we continue to prioritise student and staff learning and wellbeing with our layered COVID-smart measures, which will include:

  • Rapid antigen tests (RATS) for symptomatic testing and daily testing for close contacts returning to school
  • maximising natural ventilation
  • enhanced hygiene and cleaning
  • strongly encouraging vaccination for students and staff
  • staying home if unwell
  • strongly encouraging mask wearing for staff, students and visitors, particularly in the first four weeks of school
  • staying home and getting tested if unwell, and only attending school when symptom-free

Enhanced cleaning focuses on high-touch areas and other hard surfaces, door handles, light switches and handrails in stairways and movement areas. 

Please see the Department of Education's Advice for Families for further information of recommended Covid safe measures in schools.

Advice for Families

Learning From Home - Digital Learning Packs

The 2022 digital learning packs are easy-to-use activities for parents and carers to use with their child in the event that learning from home is needed promptly or unexpectedly. 

Each pack contains 5 days of learning and is updated every two weeks. 

Scan the QR code or go to this link Learning from Home Term 3 to begin!

NAIDOC Day Celebrations

We started the term with our NAIDOC celebrations after several postponements and plan changes. The weather was predicted to again rain on our parade and teacher's worked hard to put a wet weather plan into place.

We welcomed students from Minmi Public and Mayfield West to join us. Students enjoyed and experienced the opportunity to learn about First Nations cultures and histories and participate in celebrations of the oldest, continuous living cultures on earth.

Students enjoyed cultural performances from Plattsy’s Cultural and Didge groups which were joined by students from Minmi, Mayfield West and Callaghan College Wallsend Campus. Following a day of activities, which included traditional art, native planting, boomerang art and indigenous games, students experienced cultural performances from Hunter Sports High Indigenous group. Their demonstration included traditional First Nations dance, Māori Haka and traditional Samoan Siva Tau.

We would like to thank Leigh Ridgeway, Perry Fuller and Renee Lamb for joining us and teaching us further about First Nations culture. We would also like to say a big thank you to Wallsend Bunnings for cooking up a delicious sausage sizzle of over 600 sausages to feed the very hungry students, staff and special guests. 

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

NAIDOC Celebrations Photo Gallery - click on each image to scroll through

KR Enjoyed NAIDOC Day Activites

Skoolbag App

The Plattsburg Public School Skoolbag App is a great way to stay in touch and up to date with the school. We send alerts and event information as well as the Noticeboard. You can also notify the school regarding absences. Search for Plattsburg Public School in the App Store or Google play to download the app.

App Store for Apple devices

Google Play store for Android devices

Parents Webinar on Popular Apps

Free webinars for parents and carers. These live webinars give parents and carers the knowledge, skills and tools to support their children to have safe online experiences.

Learn about TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat and YouTube and help your children stay safe online. This webinar is designed for parents and carers of young people aged 8 to 13.

It will cover: 

  • case studies, research and targeted advice 
  • ways of supporting the young people in your life to have safe, enjoyable online experiences.

Register Online

Term 3 dates (Australian Eastern Standard Time)

Monday 1 August 12:30 to 1:30 pm

Tuesday 16 August 7:30 to 8:30 pm

Thursday 25 August 12:30 to 1:30 pm

Junk Sculptures Due Friday

Junk Sculptures are to be brought to school on Friday 29th July, this Friday. Students will be required to carry their sculpture into school on their own, without the assistance of a parent or carer. Sculptures are to be taken directly to the school library between 8:30am - 8:50am on this day. Please note - sculptures will not be accepted before this date. Please do not place your child's name on the sculpture to ensure judging is objective. 

Prize winners will be announced during the Book Week Parade on Wednesday 3rd August 2022. 

Book Week/Education Week Celebrations

Plattsburg Public School will celebrate Book Week/Education Week on Wednesday, 3rd August 2022. The theme this year is Dreaming With Eyes Open. Students can dress up as anything they dream to be in the future. E.g., their favourite book character, an AFL player, a vet, a doctor, a landscaper, etc.

Parents/Carers please join us at 1:15 p.m. to share lunch and then view student work in the hall.

The Canteen has a special Nachos Meal Deal for students and their parents/carers. An order form is available at the end of this newsletter or order online at Quickcliq. Normal Recess menu will be available on the day.

Billy G's Gourmet Cookie Dough Fundraiser

This term, we are running a Billy G's Gourmet Cookie Dough fundraiser to raise money for our year 6 farewell at the end of the year.

Billy G's Gourmet Cookie Dough is an exciting fundraiser, made by an Australian, family owned and operated business. There are ten (10) dough-licious flavours to choose from, including the most popular Choc Chunk and Caramel White Choc.

Get started!

Cookie dough orders must be placed online using the online platform. Create your child's profile by visiting, and follow the instructions in the order form. Orders are open from 22/07/2022 until 29/08/2022 so make sure you get rolling and create your online fundraising page today!

How do prizes work? Every student/member who sells a tub will receive an incentive prize for their efforts!  The class that sells the most tubs of delicious cookie dough will be reward with 2 tubs to bake and enjoy at school.

Family and friends are your greatest supporters, so make sure you ask them for support. You will reach your fundraising goal in no time!

Don't have time to register an account but still want to support? Use our school link to purchase:

If there are any questions, please contact Miss Tjarnah or Miss Sarah.

Thank you for your support, Year 6 Team.

K/1M Science

Handball Competition

This Friday students can register their interest for the Handball Competition running throughout Term 3. All students welcome. Matches will be played at recess time on the asphalt from next Tuesday.

Plattsburg community, the Finals Day is Monday 19th September from 2:15 p.m. on our asphalt area. Please come along. Plattsburg families, a note will go home in the coming days for interested family members to be part of a community team to verse teachers and students on Monday 19th September.

Promises to be a fun afternoon and our students are excited for the competition!

Zone Athletics

A reminder for the Zone Athletics team to bring their note (download available at the end of this newsletter) and $10 into the office by Monday, 1st August.

Students in the 1500m race please arrive at 8:15 a.m. on the day and meet Mr Hopson as this event starts at 8:30 a.m.

Any questions please contact the school and ask for Mr Hopson.

Hunter Valley Bus Facebook Group

Whole School Excursion

On Friday 29th July, all Plattsburg Public School students will be attending a performance of "Grease - The Musical" at Callaghan College Jesmond Campus. This is a free excursion with tickets and bus costs to be provided by the school. Students will return to school for lunch.

Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD)

Every year, all schools in Australia participate in the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD). The NCCD process requires schools to identify information already available in the school about supports provided to students with disability. These relate to legislative requirements under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and the Disability Standards for Education 2005, in line with the NCCD guidelines (2019).

Information provided about students to the Australian Government for the NCCD includes:

·         year of schooling

·         category of disability: physical, cognitive, sensory or social/emotional

·         level of adjustment provided: support provided within quality differentiated teaching practice, supplementary, substantial or extensive.

This information assists schools to:

·         formally recognise the supports and adjustments provided to students with disability in schools

·         consider how they can strengthen the support of students with disability in schools

·         develop shared practices so that they can review their learning programs in order to improve educational outcomes for students with disability.

The NCCD provides state and federal governments with the information they need to plan more broadly for the support of students with disability.

The NCCD will have no direct impact on your child and your child will not be involved in any testing process. The school will provide data to the Australian Government in such a way that no individual student will be able to be identified – the privacy and confidentiality of all students is ensured. All information is protected by privacy laws that regulate the collection, storage and disclosure of personal information. To find out more about these matters, please refer to the Australian Government’s Privacy Policy (

Further information about the NCCD can be found on the NCCD Portal (

If you have any questions about the NCCD, please contact the school.

P&C Bunnings BBQ Fundraiser

Dear Parents and Carers,

Due to COVID restrictions the last couple of years have been very difficult to fundraise for the P&C which provides essential resources for our school. We are kicking off this year's major fundraiser with a BBQ at Bunnings Wallsend and WE NEED YOU!

We have secured a booking at Bunnings Wallsend on Sunday 28th August and we are going to need as much help as we can get.

Please sign up on the volunteer form in this newsletter or email Kylee Burnett (P&C President) at

Come along and meet some parents from our community and maybe forge some new friendships.

1 hour time slots are available from 8.00am-4.00pm.  If you would like to volunteer for more than 1 hour please feel free.

Thank you!

Plattburg Public School P&C

Canteen News

Wow, what an amazing feat it was to have 450 sausage sandwiches cooked on time and ready to go for our NAIDOC Day lunch! We received wonderful feedback from the staff from Minmi and Mayfield West Public Schools said our organisation ran like a "well-oiled machine!" Each student was given a sausage sizzle and drink ticket and lined up at the canteen windows to collect their order. With the help of Susan, Mel and Amanda from Bunnings Wallsend and two Plattsy staff members, we had 450 the students fed in 20 minutes. Outstanding! We cannot thank Bunnings Wallsend enough, we could not have done it without you.

Next Wednesday is our Book Week/Education Week celebrations and the canteen has a very special Nachos Meal Deal available.  Our last Nacho Day was set for March 2020 and we had to cancel due to food supply issues at the beginning of the pandemic. Our nachos are home-made from Australian Beef mince, Kiro Krush taco seasoning, Australian crushed tomatoes, Mission corn chips and grated cheese. All these ingredients are naturally gluten free. A tub of sour cream to top your Nachos is optional and all the for the low price of $5 per serve. Parents/carers are invited to order lunch to enjoy with their child before viewing student work in the hall and the Book Week parade. The canteen ask that all orders be submitted by Monday 1st August to ensure we have catered correctly. Normal Recess menu will be available on the day. Nachos can be ordered via the order form sent home this week, downloaded from the end of this newsletter or ordered online at Quickcliq.

The canteen is still having issues with their milk supplies. The company that supplies our milk and juice is only delivering on a Wednesday instead of daily with milk stocks often running out before we receive our order. We thank you for your understanding while we look at resolving this issue with a new supplier.

This Term has seen a small increase in pricing of some items on the canteen menu. We will always search for the cheapest wholesale price to keep this increases as low as possible and we appreciate your continued support of your school canteen. 

It has come to our attention that uniforms were unable to be ordered on a weekend after an update Quickcliq made to their website. This has now been rectified and uniforms can be ordered over the weekend for Monday delivery to your child. We apologise for the inconvenience this may have caused.

Uniform Fire Sale

The Uniform Shop has some discontinued styles that are on sale for only $5 each! All items are new and from our quality supplier, LW Reid.  Choose from Micro Mesh Tracksuit Pants, Micro Mesh Shorts, Gaberdine Skorts and Fleecy Straight Leg Trackies. All Items are listed online in Quickcliq under the "uniforms" menu and will be available to order this week so grab yourself a bargain! 

Fire Sale Uniform Items

Food Waste is a HUGE issue

Australians throw out the equivalent of 1 in every 5 bags of groceries they buy.  That’s about $1000 each year.  Food waste fills up our landfill creating greenhouse gases which are bad for the environment.  Fighting food waste is EASY.  By making a few simple changes you can save money and help save the planet. For more info see here

 1. Only buy what you need 

Reducing your food waste starts before you go to the shops.  Try and plan your meals around the things you already have in the pantry, fridge and freezers.  Then make a list of what you need, this will help stop you from buying things you don’t need.   

2. Store your food correctly  

Did you know it’s best not to keep bread in the fridge?  Either keep it in a cool place in the pantry or freeze it.  By storing food correctly, you can cut down on waste.  In the fridge, store meat and poultry on lower shelves and fruit and vegetables in the vegetable drawers.  Check your fridge is below five degrees and freeze foods before their use-by dates.  Use airtight containers to store food in the fridge and open packets of food in the pantry.  There are lots of websites that show you how to store different foods – see Oz Harvest

3. Know the difference between use by and best before 

use by date is put on food that may become unsafe if stored for too long.  Don’t eat anything that is past its ‘use by’ date.   

Food with a besbefore‘ date  is still safe to eat after the recorded  date  as long as it is not damaged or has not ‘gone off’ such as growing mould or starting to smell.  A ‘best before’ date simply indicates that the food may lose some of its quality after this date.  So, don’t throw food out just because its past its best before date. For more information see the Food Standards Australia New Zealand website

 4. Get creative in the kitchen and love those leftovers 

Check what food you have and think about what you could create with it.  Take a look at our recipes for inspiration.    

Don’t be scared of wilted vegetables.  There are plenty of recipes that can take your bruised, wilting and wrinkled food and transform them into something delicious.  Throw over ripened tomatoes into a pasta sauce, your floppy zucchini into a fritter and soft carrots into fried rice.  Use the search button in the top right-hand corner of the Healthy Lunch Box website to find recipes that will use what you need to use up.    

Add leftover roast chicken to soup, roast vegies in a couscous salad, and rice to make our delicious chicken burrito bowl.  Don’t forget to add leftovers to a toasted sandwich or rolling up into a wrap.   

 5. Use your freezer 

Learn more about what foods can be frozen.  You can freeze things like bread, cooked rice and pasta, grated cheese and milk.  It’s safe to freeze food right up to the use-by date, and then defrost in the fridge when you want to use it.  Don’t forget to freeze leftovers in single serves for a quick and easy meal. Search the Healthy Lunch Box website for our recipes tagged “easy to freeze”. 

Using these tips to reduce your food waste will save you money, time and our planet! 

From the Cancer Council Website.

Latest COVID-19 Information

Latest COVID-19 Information from the Department of Education and NSW Health for parents can be found at:

Current Notes

Book Week/Education Week Nacho Order Form

Zone Athletics Permission

Junk Sculpture Information

Bunnings BBQ Volunteer


Kiss and Drop/Kiss and Ride Registration

Homework Online Opt In

QuickCliq Registration Instructions

2022 Canteen Price List