The Brush Telegraph

Week 9 – Term 1, 2023

Message From The Principal

Dear Parents and Carers

Holidays are fast approaching and the next two weeks are filled with lots of events to finish the term with fun, laughter, teamwork and harmony.

The Fathering Project is holding an event this afternoon with a stem activity for dads and their kids. Building out of unusual materials together.

At the end of this week our cricket team will be playing against Tinonee Public over at Central Park. This will be our first game of the year and we wish them luck.

Next week we will be holding our Cross Country on Tuesday. Everyone is welcome to come along to cheer and encourage all the students from K-6. In the last week of school we will be holding our Easter Hat Parade on Tuesday 4 April at 9:30am and our Harmony Day on Thursday 6 April. Orange shirts can be worn on Harmony Day as the children will be participating in rotating activities throughout the day finishing with a celebration assembly.

Thank you to all the teachers that give up their time to put so much energy into making these extra activities happen for our whole school community.

The students and staff look forward to seeing family and friends at our upcoming events and also wish you all a happy, healthy and relaxing holiday break.

‘A good teacher is like a candle—it consumes itself to light the way for others.’- Mustafa Kemal Atatürk


Kylie Seaman



Our school strives for the expected attendance rate which is above 95% of students at school each day over the year. Students should be at school every day during school terms, including until the end of term.

Congratulations to the 88 students that had 95-100% attendance for the month of March. Sadly, this is only 45% of our students reaching the target in March.

We are here to support your child in getting the most out of their learning, which starts with them attending school every day.


Diary Dates

Wednesday 22Fathering Project Stem Session Cancelled
Friday 24Cricket vs Tinonee - Central Park
Monday 27 P&C AGM and Meeting 6pm - School Library
Tuesday 28Cross Country and Sausage Sizzle
Friday 31Assembly 9.15am
Tuesday 4Easter Hat Parade 9.30am
Thursday 6Harmony Day Celebrations 2023 - Everyone Belongs 
Thursday 6Last Day of Term 1
Wednesday 26First Day of Term 2 - Students return

Year 6 Shirt Order Forms

Order forms will be sent home today for the Year 6 Shirts. Please complete the order form and return the form and money to the front office before Friday 31 March. If making an online payment please ensure completed order form is returned to the front office with a receipt number recorded on it.

Please use the sizing chart attached to the order form to ensure the correct sizing is ordered. There are 3 different charts: Youth’s, Women’s and Men’s. (please circle the chart used on the order form).

Stage 3 Great Aussie Bush Camp

This year Stage 3 will be attending the Great Aussie Bush Camp as our major excursion. The excursion will be held from Monday – Wednesday 7-9 August 2023 (Week 4, Term 3).

Expression of interest notes are being sent home today. 

To secure a placement for your child on the excursion, please return the expression of interest slip and the deposit to the office by Friday 28 April 2022 (Week 1, Term 2).

Free Rapid Antigen Tests

COVID is still present in our area. We have a large supply of nasal RATS so please come to the front office to collect. 

Cross Country Sausage Sizzle

School Contributions

A great public school is made great with both the support provided by the Department of Education and the contributions made by the community. Schools also have the ability to enhance their educational and sporting programs by collecting school contributions from parents. This means funding for those extra resources to support programs to enhance the teaching and learning and ultimately the educational outcomes, of our students. We have kept the level of voluntary contributions per year to $35 per student or $40 per family, to a minimum to make this contribution affordable to all.

Payments can be made to the front office or through the school website using the payment tab.  

For payment online through the school website use “MAKE A PAYMENT” and follow the instructions where applicable:

Enter student name, class & DOB

Enter Payee Details & email address

Payment Types:  Other       Description:  School Contribution       Amount:  Enter value

Enter card details & proceed to confirmation

Receipt#: ____________________________________

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