
Aspire to achieve together

Issue 4

Term 2

Thursday 6 May , 2021

Principal's Message

Welcome to the latest edition of our Newsletter,

As you would have noticed, we are very busy at school on many fronts. Here are some of our projects and activities that are adding great value to our school:

·         Our Stage 2 Nature Play area being installed in our early childhood playground.

·         Our latest transportable classrooms have been installed and our students, who have been very patient, are now in their new classes. We have 2 more classrooms scheduled for delivery and installation this term and this project will begin around the middle of May. Hopefully this will be the last for some time.

·         We have full access to our library again 

·         A dedicated Science space is now available.

·         New play equipment and games for our year one and two students that will enhance their free play experiences.

·         Extra curricular activities for all of our families continue and this term it is the very popular morning Running Club. Thanks Miss Ryan.

·         We are continuing the “Your Move" program designed to think about how we get to and from school and be more active. Thanks Ms Scheepens for organising this.

·         We welcome 2 new teachers, Mrs Raizis who will be replacing Ms Kewley in our year 5/6A class and Ms Powell who is working with Mrs King in our year 2 class and Pre Primary / Year one classes whilst Mrs Benion and Mrs Atherton undertake a shared Associate Principal role.  We would also like to say farewell to Ms Kewley who is leaving us to have her first baby. We wish her well and thank her for her valued contribution to Aspiri.  

·         NAPLAN testing begins next week and runs across 2 weeks. Parents of year 3 and year 5 students. Parents, please take the time to reassure your children that, whilst this testing is important to the school for the macro data it provides, it is not high stakes and your children should not be anxious or apprehensive. It is merely one test on one day.

A reminder to all families of the requirements around COVID restrictions as outlined by the State Government. Whilst parents are currently allowed on site, you must wear a mask and must not linger on school grounds. Please make sure you align to this mandated requirement at all times.

Can I again remind parents to exercise common sense and care when using the carparks and surrounding roads. We were concerned to hear of another near miss recently between a student and vehicle. Fortunately, the child was not badly hurt, however all parties were very upset. It goes to demonstrate how easily accidents can happen. As a school we are constantly monitoring the situation and to this end can I say a huge thank you to all parents using the carparks properly and driving within the law and carefully. For those who are not – now is the time to start.

 A reminder to parents of Kindy and Pre Primary students that one of the key reasons for our split start and finish times for these classes is to alleviate parking shortages and traffic congestion. If you are a Kindy parent, please delay your arrival until just prior to the start time of 8.40 am. That way there will be plenty of parking spaces available and your drop off process for your children will be much smoother. Do not arrive early and wait in your car as it defeats the purpose of the initiative.

Important information for families living in the Piara Drive region.

In response to the building of the new school in Riva Estate, the Government (Education Department) has changed and officially gazetted the Local Intake Area for Forrestdale South East Primary School. See the map below or copy and paste the following link: 


Families living in the amended zone who are now not a part of the Aspiri Primary School – but belong to the Forrestdale South East Primary School (planning name) Local Intake Area, will have several options available to them:

Firstly, all Kindergarten enrolments for the 2022 school year for these families will be need to be made at the new school and not Aspiri Primary School. Please contact the new school for enrolment application forms and information.

All current Aspiri Primary School Kindergarten students (2021) will be required to enrol for Pre Primary at the new school as this is your child’s first year of compulsory education and this requires a new enrolment process to be completed.

Students living in this changed area who are currently at Aspiri Primary School in Pre Primary to year 5, will be allowed to remain at Aspiri Primary School under a “Grandfathering” clause.  However, parents may also choose to move these students to the new school for the 2022 school year. This is a family choice.

If you have children in this grandfathered situation, you will still be required to enrol Kindergarten and Pre Primary siblings at Forrestdale South East Primary School. Having older siblings at Aspiri Primary School does not enable enrolment of these year groups at Aspiri Primary School for the 2022 school year.

All enquiries in regard to these requirements and enrolment processes should be directed to Mr Aaron Chaplin, Principal of Forrestdale South East Primary School on, telephone : 0476 077 631 or via email at

Can I take this opportunity to pass on my thoughts and prayers for our Indian community in light of the events in India at the moment. I know that many of you have friends, family and loved ones  there and must be very concerned. Please be assured that our thoughts are with you and everyone in India during these challenging times.

Lastly, but most importantly we would like to wish all our Aspiri Mothers a very happy Mother's Day on Sunday.

Stay COVID safe everyone and see you at the gate.


Noel Morgan, Principal.

Forrestdale South East Local Intake Area Map

H.E.A.R.T. Awards

 Honesty  /  Effort  /  Attitude  /  Respect  /  Teamwork

Congratulations to all the students who were awarded certificates recently for displaying the H.E.A.R.T attributes.

Wednesday 28 April, 2021 Wednesday  5 May, 2021

Blue Award 

PP/Yr 1 – Sharva Bhandare

1B – Kade Ballado

1B – Ian Lee

1C – Ryker Tyrrell

1F – Alicia Yates

2D - Maverick Mizen

Blue Award

3B - Harrison Cox

3C  - Lachlan Burdett

3E - Aryan Gehlot

3E - Hridhaan Sodhi

3E - Lucy Gnanapragasam

3E - Livia Antony

3E - Milania Oliveira

3E - Riyanshi Kumpavat

4 - Jemma Marston

5/6C - Jan Camille Briones

5/6C - Hayden Clark

Bronze Award

3E - Omar Abdul Quadr

4/5B - Van Cooper


ANZAC Day Ceremony

On Tuesday we commemorated ANZAC day with a special service conducted over the PA. We heard some beautiful poems written by our senior students and participated in a minute of silence. 

We also displayed our amazing field of poppies in remembrance of the ANZAC soldiers. Poppies were among the first flowers to grow along the battlefields of northern France and Belgium during World War One, a region where Australian troops fought. 

Aspiri Primary school also featured in an article in the local Newspaper.

ANZAC Day - Senior Choir Performance

We are delighted to share with you the Senior Choir’s performance of ‘It’s a Long Way to Tipperary’ with words and Music by Jack Judge and Harry Williams. This was a popular song sung by the Soldiers of the First World War as they marched and remembered their loved ones back home. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, we were unable to perform this at our ANZAC Day commemoration.

You can access the video by clicking the link below:

We would like to thank Mr Steve Hamilton who accompanied the choir on the guitar. We are so lucky to have such dedicated teachers at Aspiri Primary School and the students were beyond excited to have a live music accompaniment.


Your Move

As part of the Your Move Schools program that we are involved in we will be participating in National Walk to School Day on Friday 14 May, 2021.

We encourage all our families to participate. If you live too far to walk the entire way to school why not drive to a nearby park or even Rossiter Pavilion and then walk the rest of the way?

Your Move is a Department of Transport program that encourages students and their families to get active by walking, scooting and riding to school, or catching public transport, more often.

Simply by changing how your son or daughter travels to school a few times each week can deliver lifelong benefits. Increasing active transport to school has been proven to lower childhood obesity, establish healthy habits and improve concentration and academic performance.

Reducing the number of cars around the school at drop off and pick up times also helps improve safety and reduces pollution. 

Thank you to Woolworths Harrisdale who will be donating fruit for the students who participate.  If you are participating you will also receive a raffle ticket which will be drawn that day and the winning 2 students will receive a rebel sport voucher to value of $50.

There will also be a colouring in competition for the students with prizes to win. 

Amendment to Term 2 Planner

Please note that NAIDOC day has been changed from Monday 28 June, 2021 to Thursday 1 July, 2021.  Our Term planner and calendar on the Aspiri Primary School website have both been updated to reflect the change.


This term, the Environment Team at Aspiri are running a whole school competition to encourage recycling. The competition aims to raise awareness on different ways we can recycle items, as well as teach our students the benefits of recycling (e.g. helping disadvantaged people gain access to wheelchairs through recycled parts).

Each class will have a container for the collection of bread tags (and larger tags e.g. potato bag tags). The class who has collected the most bread tags will win a lunch time popcorn and movie session in the Undercover Area!

Please read attached flyer for information.

Lost Scooter

A scooter parked in the bike racks near the tennis courts on Tuesday morning 4 May has been reported lost.  It is black in colour with lights along the foot deck.  If anyone has any information regarding the scooter could you please advise the Administration Office.

Introducing our Specialist Teachers

Miss Alana Dyer


My name is Alana Dyer and this will be my third year at Aspiri Primary School. I currently work part time teaching Science to many of the Early Childhood and Junior Primary classes. I love providing hands on experiences that nurture students’ early interests in Science and develop their curiosity about the world around them.  

Outside of school I love spending time with my family and friends and being out in nature. I am a huge animal lover and enjoy horse riding and spending time with my cat Pepe.  

Fremantle College Approved Specialist Programs – Applications close soon!

Current Year 6 students are invited to apply for Approved Specialist Programs operating at Fremantle College:

- Specialist Contemporary Music

- Specialist Marine Studies

- Specialist ICT

- Specialist Learning Program – Autism Spectrum Disorder

Apply at:  by 21 May 2021

P & C News from the President

Dear Families,

Welcome back to Term 2.

This week we have seen the introduction of the Mothers Day stall. So far it has been a resounding success. Its wonderful to see these events happen within our school community and are only made possible because we have so many wonderful families that are willing to facilitate the running of them.

I would like to take this opportunity to say a massive thank you to the following families because without them we would not have had a Mothers Day stall.

•     Wendy Vaughan and her family have been instrumental in this process, from selecting and ordering all the gifts to individually wrapping them.

•     Urooj Mujahid also spent a significant amount of time selecting gifts for the stall and assisting the running of the stall.

•     Melanie Dahlstrom for continually working behind the scenes to ensure everything runs smoothly.

We would also like to thank the Administration team who are always willing to help, which makes our jobs easier and ensures the smooth running of events.

We have sold over 902 gifts which is an amazing achievement and we would like to thank all our families and community who have supported this event.  This equates to over $1700 being raised for our wonderful students and we will keep you updated with details of the items we are purchasing for the school with the funds raised from this event and others held.

We are always looking for new members and helpers to assist with the events throughout the year so if you would like to put your name down as a helper please contact

Once again thank you for your continued support of the P & C.

Vickie Golder

P&C President

P & C Fundraising

Support our fundraising and purchase your Entertainment Book for 2021 from Aspiri Primary School.  20% of each purchase goes directly to our school.

Online School Lunch Orders

Our new online school lunch programme has been a huge success and will continue for the remainder of the year.  Please see the attached form for instructions on how to set up your account in order to commence using the service. 

Uniform Concepts Jandakot Super Store Information

Please find attached the uniform price list from the Uniform Concepts Jandakot Super Store. It contains pricing as well as store opening times and contact details.   


Music Lesson Vacancies

If your child is interested in learning a musical instrument or singing then please collect an application form from the Administration Office or email the Perth Music Agency. Don't delay as places fill quickly!

All queries are to be directed to the Perth Music Agency

A Message from the School Nurse


Upper respiratory tract infections or colds are everywhere, especially in winter, so it is almost impossible to stop children from catching them. Here are some points which may help:

·         Teach your child to cover his/her nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing, and to wash hands straight afterwards.

·         Hands should be washed after blowing noses and before eating.

·         Use tissues once and then throw them in the bin. (Avoid using handkerchiefs.)

·         Keep your child home from school if he/she has a cold/cough/fever/pain.

·         Make sure that your children eat a balanced diet of plenty of healthy foods.

·         Keep children away from smoke – it irritates their eyes and nasal passages, making it more likely that they will catch a cold. 

What to do if your child gets a cold

No treatment will cure a cold or make it go away more quickly, but you can help your child feel more comfortable:

·         Rest: This need not be in bed.

·         Provide extra drinks: If your child doesn’t want to drink much, try giving lots of small sips of water, milk or juice, or iceblocks to suck for older children.

Hand washing

Washing hands is the easiest way to protect ourselves from contagious diseases, like colds, influenza and gastroenteritis.  Hands should be washed before and after eating or preparing food, after going to the toilet and after nose blowing. 

When teaching your child to wash their hands;

·         Use clean water and soap, making sure they cover their hands and wrists.

·         Use a brush to clean under nails if they’re dirty too

·         Dry their hands with something clean (like a paper towel)

Alcohol based sanitisers are useful when soap and water is not available.  Use a half a teaspoon of the product and encourage your child to rub their hands together until they’re dry.  If you can see dirt on their hands, it is better to use soap and water.

Information taken from