Nhill College Newsletter

February 10th 2023 - Number 02

School Council

Principal: Mark Zimmermann

President: Tarrah Dodds   Vice President:  Karen Shurdington

Parent Reps: Josh Cramer, Ashley Dickinson, Simon Farmers, Michelle Dickinson,  Carlee Kennedy,  Sarah White

Student Reps: Alexis Farmers, Elizabeth Van Der Linden

DET Reps: Vivienne Bonnell, Alannah King, Kim Magrath, Lauren McCartney

Nhill College is a Child Safe School

Our School Values:

Respect    Honesty    Teamwork    Confidence    Excellence    Endeavour

Nhill College would like to acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the Wimmera Mallee area: the Wotjobaluk, Jaadwa, Jadawadjali, Wergaia and Jupagalk people, and pay our respects to Elders past, present and future. 

School Wide Positive Behaviour Support Program

The School Wide Positive Behaviour Support program is designed to bring together school communities to develop positive, safe and supportive learning cultures by helping to foster an environment that assists schools to improve social, emotional, behavioural and academic outcomes for children.  As part of the SWPBS program, a rewards system has been developed to encourage students to always:

  • Be Safe
  • Be Respectful
  • Be a Learner


Mark Zimmermann

School Council News

The final meeting of the current school council will be held on Tuesday 14th February.  Following this meeting, a number of our existing council members will be ending their two-year terms and we will be calling for nominations from parents, students and staff to create a new school council for this year.  I would like to acknowledge and thank the following parents for the time they have committed to our school council over the past few years:  Josh Cramer, Tarrah Dodds, Simon Farmers and Carlee Kennedy.  Thanks also to staff representatives, Vivienne Bonnell and Alannah King, and student representative, Elizabeth Van der Linden, who will also be ending their terms on school council after Tuesday night's meeting.  I would particularly like to thank Tarrah Dodds for her contributions as school council president.

School council meets on the second Tuesday of most months throughout the school year and plays an important part in the governance of our school.  The recent refurbishment of the forest area on the Whitehead Avenue border of the school is a direct result of the work of school council and an example of the positive impact school council members can have on our school community.  Please feel free to contact the school - or any one of the existing school council members listed at the very top of this newsletter - if you would like to know more about a possible role on school council.  

Nominations for a position on school council can be submitted from next Wednesday, 15th February.  In preparation, nomination and self-nomination forms have been attached to this newsletter.  Nominations close at 3.30pm on Wednesday 22nd February.   

Please see the relevant attachments below for nomination forms and information regarding the role of school council.

Parent: Self-nomination Form for School Council


Student: Self-nomination Form for School Council


Staff: Self-nomination Form for School Council


Information for Parents seeking election to School Council


Information for students seeking election to School Council


Information Nights

Thank you to Mrs Hedt and Mrs Cole who have once again provided the opportunity for our VCE, VET and VM students and their families to be fully informed about the year ahead.  Over two separate information nights, it was pleasing to see so many families attend these important evenings - especially those families who have not had a child go through the senior school previously.  All families are encouraged to contact the school if they have any questions throughout the year, and to keep reading the newsletter and watching for school-related messages being sent home via Compass.  

Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) Application Form

All families should have received information regarding the Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) upon their enrolment with the school.  Should you have mis-placed this information, families are still able to submit an application by downloading the attached form and returning it at the Office.  For any questions regarding the CSEF, please contact our Business Manager, Natalie Farmers.

Nhill College BYOD Options available for 2023 through Edunet

Computers are being used more frequently in many aspects of our teaching and learning programs, and Nhill College strives to make a 1:1 provision of devices available for student use in the classroom.  However, students using school-owned laptops are not permitted to take them home at night and these devices must be returned to the charging station in the library at the end of each day.  Students wishing to access devices at home to support their learning are encouraged to explore the range of devices available through Edunet as part of our BYOD program.  In addition to gaining access to your own device, purchases through Edunet provide students with school based IT support and manufacturer's warranty, as well as access to the College's network, servers and printers.  Families purchasing a BYOD will also be provided with access to the Department of Education's Microsoft 365 suite, which gives free access to Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc on up to 5 family devices.

To assist those families interested in exploring BYOD options, we have new and updated models for our BYOD program through Edunet.  Please open the link below for details about the devices.  Mr Shrive is happy to take questions from parents or students if they are looking at purchasing a BYOD.  Devices specifically chosen for Nhill College students cover a range of specifications and price levels, and include the following options:

  • Lenovo ThinkPad 11e Yoga 5th Gen
  • Lenovo 500w Gen 3
  • Lenovo 13w Yoga
  • Lenovo ThinkPad L13 Yoga Gen 3 
  • Apple MacBook Air 13.6"
  • Apple MacBook Pro 13.3"

All devices are listed at education prices, which can be viewed along with each device's specifications at Edunet's online ordering portal via http://nhillcollege.technologyportal.com.au . 

The Access Code you will need to access the portal is NCBYOD.

Alternatively, scan the QR code attached to this article to be taken directly to the Nhill College Edunet portal.

A video explaining the benefits of using Edunet can also be found here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_bWjEs_iA58    

Year 9/10 Ag students preparing their yard for growing produce this year

Coming Events

  • Years 3-12 House Swimming Sports: Tuesday 14th February
  • School Council meeting: Tuesday 14th February
  • Year 7 Camp:  February 22 - 24
  • Little Desert Swimming Sports: Monday 27th February
  • Year 9Y Canoe Camp: March 1 - 3
  • Curriculum Day - No Students at School:  Friday 10th March
  • Labour Day Public Holiday: Monday 13th March
  • GWR Swimming Sports: Tuesday 14th March
  • Year 8 Mt Arapiles Excursion: Thursday 16th March
  • Year 8 Rubicon Camp: March 27 - 31
  • Year 9X Canoe Camp: March 29 - 31
  • Year 5-6 Melbourne Camp:  March 29-31

Assistant Principal

Kim Magrath

Rock, Paper, Scissors at the Secondary Assembly

Primary Assembly - Our First Hosts for 2023

Year 3-6 Swimming Lessons

Breakfast and Social Club

Just a reminder that Breakfast Club will be held on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings. All Nhill College students are invited to meet at the BBQ area behind the staff room to eat breakfast and / or socialise together.  Breakfast will be offered from 8.40 am until the commencement of school, free of charge. See you all on Monday.

Safer Internet Day

Mobile Phones

Students and parents are reminded that in accordance with the DET's Mobile Phones - Student Use Policy, personal mobile phones must not be used at Nhill College during school hours, including lunchtime and recess, unless an exception has been granted. 

At Nhill College we understand that students may bring a personal mobile phone to school, particularly if they are travelling independently to and from school.  However, students who choose to bring a mobile phone to school must have them switched off and securely stored during school hours in their lockers (7-12) or in the secure storage safe provided in their classroom (F-6).  For any questions relating to this policy, please feel free to contact the school.


Students are reminded of the requirement for them to wear a broad brimmed hat in the yard during recess and lunch times on days when the UV rating reaches 3 or above.  Nhill College parents are now able to use the school's website to find out when it is predicted that UV index levels will reach 3 or more, which generally occurs between mid-August and April.  The Sunsmart App - which can also be downloaded onto your mobile devices - tells parents the maximum UV index levels predicted for the day as well as the hours when sunscreen measures are recommended.  This link has been attached to the front page of our website (https://www.nhillcollege.vic.edu.au/), so please visit often and keep your children safe.

Now that we are entering into that time of year when UV levels are likely to reach 3 or above, it is an appropriate time to remind everyone to ensure that students have remembered to bring their broad brimmed hats to school.  Very affordable options are available in the Uniform Store if required.  In addition, extra shade has been secured in the yard following the installation of the large shade sail in the courtyard as well as the one placed over the school BBQ area earlier this year.  

School Attendance: Every Day Counts

Research shows that the academic and social development of students is affected each day they are absent, and that going to school every day is the single most important part of your child's education.  Following the potential disruptions to the social and academic progress of students caused due to COVID-19 over the past two years, it is more important than ever for children to be at school. 

If your child is unwell or absolutely cannot attend school for some reason, it is important to let the school know of their absence and the reason why prior to the day if planned or at the start of the day if the absence is not planned.  The easiest way to do this is via Compass.  Alternatively, you can contact the office at school on 5391 2111.

If your child is absent and we have not been notified, you will receive a text message asking you to contact the school with an explanation.  If we do not receive a reply to our text message, we will be following up with a phone call.


Book Club #1 - 2023 Scholastic are celebrating our first Book Club News with a FREE BOOK GIVEAWAY! Scholastic Book Club continues to evolve and move with the times with a new Bigger and Better Book Club in a more sustainable format so we can keep giving back to schools. We continue to offer families regular access to quality, affordable books while partnering with schools and giving back through the Scholastic Rewards program where every order gives 15% back to your school. View online via the following link. https://issuu.com/scholastic_australia/docs/bcn_1-23_issuu?fr=sZGVmZjM0NDU5MDI

Orders are due by Friday 15th February. Order forms can be returned to the Classroom Teacher. Or Order online through LOOP https://mybookclubs.scholastic.com.au/Parent/Login.aspx

Only Loop orders qualify for the FREE BOOK GIVEAWAY. $30 - 1 Free Book, $50 – 2 Free Books, $70 – 3 Free Books (for full Terms & Conditions see https://mybookclubs.scholastic.com.au/Parent.aspx)


The Nhill Basketball Association is excited to announce the return of Aussie Hoops Basketball for Term 1, 2023.

Aussie Hoops is Basketball Australia’s official introductory program, providing a fun and inclusive Basketball experience that serves as an introduction to a lifetime of involvement in the game. In addition to promoting healthy and active lifestyles, the program serves as a platform for social development and inclusion – fostering stronger and more vibrant communities and individuals.

Aussie Hoops will be for children in Foundation – Year 2 for 2023. It is anticipated that the Aussie Hoops program will run for 6 six on a Tuesday, alongside Primary basketball (on the outside court).

For $34.50, participants will receive 6 weeks of coaching, their very own basketball and a certificate upon completion. This cost also includes the Basketball Victoria and Basketball Australia fees. The program will commence on Tuesday 7 February.

Kat Colbert will be coordinating the Aussie Hoops program but will require parent helpers each week to assist with drills. Training sessions will be provided with instructions and diagrams on setting up the drills. No basketball experience is required to assist, just a positive attitude and willingness to learn! We hope to have enough volunteers to partner parents up and only do a 1-2 weeks each.

Player registrations are now open on PlayHQ - https://www.playhq.com// and search Nhill Basketball Association or visit https://www.playhq.com/basketball-victoria/register/883e4d. For more information or to volunteer please contact Kat Colbert on 0409 527 041.

Community Opportunities

BHS COVID Vaccine Postcard Information


Bus Notes

With the recent updates to our school website, parents are now able to submit Bus Notes in two ways:

  • via Compass under the Star (School Favourites) icon - Bus Notes
  • via the Nhill College website (https://www.nhillcollege.vic.edu.au/), under Parent Info - Bus Notes

Both options will direct parents to an online template that will inform the school of any changes to regular bus travel arrangements.  Please ensure that any Bus requests are submitted before 3.00pm.

Update your child's Action Plan in 2023

It is a Department of Education requirement that each enrolled student who has an action plan updates this each year.  Please see below the forms required, those students who currently have an action plan in place will be sent out a form to be completed by your Doctor or specialist.  If your child has recently been diagnosed with an Anaphylaxis, Asthma, Allergy or new medical condition please advise the general office.

Anaphylaxis Action Plan

Asthma Action Plan


Welcome to Facebook

Nhill College now has a Facebook page to help us promote school events and activities with the wider community.  We will continue to use Compass, our web page and the weekly newsletter to keep families associated with the school up to date with all of the events and activities that occur in and around the school each week.  However, our Facebook page has allowed us to broaden exposure to the school and reach a number of people who may not have otherwise had access to our formal communication channels.  Our Facebook page will continue to be purely for promotion, publicity and to inform everyone of the upcoming events and happenings within the College.  All notes, questions, concerns or communication to staff regarding students still need to be directed to the College via Compass or on (03) 5391 2111.  To find our Facebook page, simply follow this link: https://www.facebook.com/nhillcollege/ or type Nhill College in the search function on Facebook. (Please be aware there is also an unofficial Nhill College facebook page that does not show the Nhill College logo).

Please like/follow the page and then you will be kept up-to-date with all of our posts.  

Canteen Menu Term 1 2023


Access to Nhill College Newsletter

If you are reading this, you obviously have access to the school newsletter.  However, some families have asked how grandparents or community members can stay in touch with the school when they don't have access to Compass.  The answer is that anyone can access the school's newsletter through the College website: www.nhillcollege.vic.edu.au.  Please advise any family, friends or interested members of the wider community, that the newsletter is the main source of information from the school and that it is available to anyone who would like to read it.  Spread the word!

Compass Parent Fact Sheet and FAQs
