St Joseph's Catholic Primary School Wandal Newsletter

17 June 2020

Casting the Net - Weekly Prayer Reflection

Words to Live By

All of us reading this have, by our age, words that we live by. Some we have even worked out for ourselves. Here are some of mine: Deadlines are Lifelines (This one is going on my grave.). Change takes place when the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of changing. And You can only build on the good. In difficult and negative situations, we can recognise and dwell on the bad as much as we like, but it will only be on something good in the situation that we can build. These I have learnt from my own experience. It is a good practice to stop and ask yourself what it is that you have learnt from life and see how you could pass onto your child/ren your best wisdom.

In the past few days, I have been working on a calligraphy piece with the words from the New Testament: Think of the Love the Father has lavished on us by letting us be called God’s children. As I have mulled on how to design and write these words, it has struck me that these are truly wise words to live by. Going over and over the thought of God’s love has changed how I look at everyday situations. It makes me view myself positively, makes me more tolerant of others and, dare I say it, more disciplined and creative. Now that is true wisdom. May I suggest you take them to heart and mull over them in the coming days. I hope they help you as much as they have me.

Loving Father, let me know your Love as the ground of my being and the guidance of my life. As you transform me with this wisdom, may I give wisdom to my child/ren. I ask this in Jesus’ name, confident that you will hear me.

Sr Kym Harris osb

From the Principal

No Smoking

A reminder please that our school grounds, and for 5 metres beyond our boundaries, are strictly no smoking areas. This includes the Church Carpark area. One of our neighbours has reported school parents smoking outside his front fence and then leaving cigarette butts behind. Please refrain from doing this. We thank you for your cooperation.

End of day finish times

The split finish to the school day, will continue until the end of this term. Thank you for your cooperation with this; the split finish has eased congestion and parking issues around the school during this period when all parents and carers have been asked to wait at the perimeter of the school. When we return after the upcoming school holiday break, all students will return to a 3pm finish.

Parent Lounge and Report Cards

Semester One Report Cards will be available via Parent Lounge on Friday  of Week 1, Term 3 (17 July). It is the responsibility of all parents to ensure that you have access (including your parent code and password) to Parent Lounge before this time. As always, school computers are available for parent use upon request. Paper copies of Report Cards will not be distributed.


School Board

Our School Board will meet tomorrow afternoon at 5pm, via Zoom. The School Board will discuss the following items:

·         Current and proposed COVID-19 restrictions and the implications for teaching and learning

·         School Fee Concessions

·         Our Teaching and Learning Framework

·         2019 School Annual Report

·         Reporting and Assessment arrangements for Semester 1, 2020

Prep Parent 2021 Information Session (for families new to our school)

Letters have been distributed this week inviting prospective families to attend our Prep Parent Information Session on Thursday 23rd July at 5.30pm. If you know of anyone interested in enrolling their children at our wonderful school for 2021, please urge them to complete the necessary paperwork as soon as possible.

Vacation Care

Our Outside School Hours Care staff have been busily preparing some wonderful experiences for our students for the block of Vacation Care. If you are wishing to book your child in Vacation Care please do so as soon as possible so that numbers can be finalised. 

Outstanding School Fee Accounts

Term 2 fees were due Monday, 15 June.  It would be appreciated if any outstanding accounts could be finalised before the end of the term. If your payment commitment cannot be met, please make an appointment to see me.

Friday Messages and Awards

For the remainder of this term, our Friday messages and awards will continue to be delivered to all classes in the school by Zoom. If you would like to link in with us, please email the school office and request the Zoom link and password.

Have a great week,

Kellie Jenkinson

From the Assistant to the Principal: Religious Education (APRE)

Year 3 have written prayers for this week

Year 2 - Learning about the Baptism of Jesus

In Year 2 students listened to the narrative of Jesus’ baptism (Luke 3:21-22).  Afterwards, students created props and used the Outdoor Play Space to represent the desert where Jesus' baptism took place.  Pictured here is George who has John standing in the River Jordan, awaiting the arrival of his cousin, Jesus.

Year 5 - Praying with Mandalas

In Religion, as part of us creatively responding to God, we have designed our own Mandala Stones. We have learnt that Mandalas are a way to connect with God.  The circular shape, in our Mandala, symbolises all things being encompassed by God; the point symbolises that God is in the centre of our lives. 

Wellbeing Practice -Special Time together: Why it's good for your child

Spending special time together with your child is good for your child’s development and wellbeing. That’s because it builds your relationship and boosts your child’s confidence. Special time with your child is a chance to:

  • give your child your full attention and send the message that he/she is the most important thing to you
  • see the world from your child’s point of view
  • find out more about your child’s likes, dislikes, worries and frustrations
  • give your child some guidance, talk to them and listen to them.

This week I visited classrooms and asked the experts themselves (the children) to share ways they felt connected and loved by their families.  

When my mum and dad play soccer with me it makes me feel special. Mackenda Prep

I feel special when my dad builds Lego with me or when we go to the beach as a family. Emerson Year 1

I have special time with my mum and dad when they sit on my bed and read me a story because it makes me feel loved. Lucy Year 2.

I feel connected to my family when we go for walks together.  I really like when we go across the train bridge to the park. Braxton Year 3

When we spend time together sometimes we walk the dogs orgo to the beach together, that’s my favourite way to spend time with my family. Rhiannon Year 4

I enjoy going to shoe horses with my dad because it’s just dad and I plus it feels good to help him. Jacob Year 5

I like to go to a café with mum because I can talk with her more privately instead of having my brothers or sisters talk to us. Marshall Year 6

Thank you to the experts in our school who shared, in their own unique way, that time is what makes them feel most valued and connected to their families.

Fitzroy Basin Survey - a chance for us to win $5000 funding for an environmental project

Fitzroy Basin Association is awarding over $15,000 to be invested towards environmental projects. $5,000+ of this will be given to a local business, $5,000+ to a local education provider and $5,000+ to a local community group. Every time someone completes a survey they get to nominate a local organisation of their choice to win and Fitzroy Basin Association add another dollar to the prize pool.

To increase our chances of winning (and increase the amount of money there is to win), please fill in the survey and nominate St Joseph's Catholic Primary School, Wandal.

This survey is Fitzroy Basin residents one in five year opportunity to have a say about the natural assets and how they are managed.

 Follow this link to start the survey –

Parish Bulletin 13 - 14 June


Have a great week,

Rheanna Starr

Curriculum Update: From the APC

Calling all Film Makers

Create a one minute film encouraging your community to recycle their old mobile phones. The theme for the 2020 competition is Small actions. Big Impact.

You don’t have to be an experienced filmmaker to take part – all you need is an idea, imagination and motivation. Winning films will receive a $5000 JB Hi-Fi vochure to further develop their film career.

Entry is free and is open to all primary, secondary and tertiary students in Australia. Take a look at our previous winners and education resources for inspiration. Film entries are due 21 September 2020. Finalists will be announced 19 October and winners 5 November 2020.

This year there will be a People’s Choice Award. The community will be able to vote for their favourite film between 19 to 30 October. Winners will be showcased during National Recycling Week in November. Good luck!

Excellence in Art Design Competition

Literary Competition - Closes Friday!

Premier's Coding Challenge

Premier's Reading Challenge

UPDATE:  MacKillop is currently in the lead!

Have you seen the videos on facebook from our house captains?  The Premier's reading challenge is on.  We want to see as many forms completed as possible.  Let's all get reading and may the best house win!

Premier's Reading Challenge - Reader Record form


Have a great week,

Janette McLennan

Outside School Hours Care & Vacation Care Event Schedule


 Please be advised that as of Monday the 12th of July 2020, OSHC fees are scheduled to return to normal (the emergency relief package will no longer be applied to your OSHC fees).

You will then have your statements emailed out to you each Monday of your nominated payment cycle, with your payment being processed on the Tuesday and coming out of your account on your nominated day of the week. We will keep you updated if there are any changes to this information, closer to the date.

 If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Weekly Awards

Congratulations to our award weekly award winners.  Click on the  link for further details

Parking Around Schools

Important information from Road Safety

Triple P - Raising Resilient Children
