Broken Hill North Public School

Newsletter No. 38 - 5 December 2022

What's On

Week 9

Tues 6             Year 6 WHS Orientation Day

Thurs 8          Kindergarten Orientation 11:30am – 12:30pm

                        SRC Activity afternoon

Fri 9                Royal Blue Assembly at 10:30am

                        Reports go home


Week 10

Mon 12           Presentation Night Rehearsal

                        Presentation Night

Tues 13           Levels Day BBQ and lunchtime disco

                        P&C Meeting

Wed 14           Year 6 Luncheon and farewell

                        School discos

Thurs 15         School Assembly hosted by B Block Support Units

                        Party Day

Fri 16               Last school day for students

                        Happy holidays

Mon 19           Staff Development Day for teacher. Students finished last Friday.

Principal’s Report

Principal’s Report

What a wonderful end to the week we had with the Toy Run on Friday and the Christmas pageant float on Saturday. It was amazing to have 95 students accompany us on the truck as we made our way through the streets.

A huge thank you to Mrs VW and her band of helpers for decorating the truck on Saturday morning and an even bigger thank you to the parents for supporting your child to dress up and get to the truck. You all looked absolutely amazing!


Really important, if you happen to know of any changes in enrolment for next year, please come and let the Front Office know or give us a call, as we are starting to sort out classes for next year.


A reminder to come and collect some insect repellent for you child from the Front Office if you require some.


Please do not have your child at school before 8:30am unless absolutely necessary.

There is NO teacher on duty. If an accident happens, there is no-one to support your child.

Safety first!

Parents signing in at school

Please be aware of your responsibilities if you are on school property.

The process for being on school grounds.

  • If you are on the school grounds and are going to any building eg. classrooms, school hall, sick bay; or entering the playground and interacting with students, you are REQUIRED to sign in at the Front Office first via the iPad or by using the QR Code using your phone. This includes School Assemblies. This is a Departmental requirement.


Signing students in and out at school

  • If a student is being signed in late for school, they must present to staff at the Front Office and be sighted by the person signing them in and a reason given for their lateness. If only signing the student in and leaving immediately, parents are not required to sign in.
  • The process around students leaving school is as follows:
  •  Parents must sign in at the Front Office, sign the student out giving the reason to the staff, bring the slip to the classroom/playground and give to the teacher. The student may then leave with the parent. A student should not leave without the sign-out slip being given to the teacher.


  •  Parents may come to the Front Office, request to sign the student out giving the reason. Front Office staff are able to call the classroom for the student to be sent down to the Front Office and they may then leave with the parent.

  • If you have notified the teacher that the student is going to be picked up, they will not be sent down to the Front Office to wait. They will be called for once you have arrived.



Fixed Mindset

I can't make this any better 😒

Change to

Growth Mindset

I can always improve! 😊

Which mindset is most likely to result in learning?  Change the words, change the mindset!

Attendance Snapshot

Term 4 Week 7

Target 91%

Actual – 82.34%

K FK MK-6 DK-6 RK-6 W1 H1-2 H


2 B3-4 K3-4 S3-6 L4-5 M5-6 G5-6 W

 Let's make every day count!

Classes of The Week

Raise Responsibility Class Points ( > 90% ) – K F, K M, 1 H, 1-2 H, 2 B, 3-4 K, 4-5 M, 5-6 G, 5-6 VW, 3-6 L, K-6 W, K-6 D, K-6 R

100% Green students – 2 B, 4-5 M, 5-6 G, K-6 W, K-6 R, 3-6 L

Attendance – K F, 94.3% Congratulations! 😊


100% attendees – 155 students attended every day this week. We’re slowly getting there!!

Levels Awards

The following student  achieved Gold Level and will be presented with his certificate at this Friday’s school assembly. Congratulations and thanks for setting the example at our school.

1-2 H

Layken Barrett

4-5 MJett Gabellone

The following student  achieved Silver Level and will be presented with his certificate at this Friday’s school assembly. Congratulations and thanks for setting the example at our school.

K-6 DDevlen Doyle


This weeks Superstar is Alona James from K-6 D.  Alona is a kind and considerate Northie who always helps others. She is a ray of sunshine and brightens everyone's day!


This weeks Legend is Mahlei Kennedy from K-6 R.  Mahlei for always being ready to learn and bringing a positive attitude to the classroom.


Class Awards
K FZamari Kirby, Kayden Smith, Neveah Killeen
K MDustin Balman, Elisha Bishop, Lucas McCarthy
K-6 RLevi Chapman-Brady, Mahlei Kennedy
K-6 WDaniel Aeschlimann
1 HDiane Parfitt, Zai Advincula, Theodore Pascoe
1-2 H   Ayla Copeland, Daiv Gajjar, Charlie Stephens 
2 BAcacia Johnston, Teyren Anderson, Freya Lloyde
3-4 KPatrick Aeschlimann, Whisper Dodd, Olivia Hampton, Harrison Druitt
3-6 LEthan Johnson, Manny Chavez Slater 
5-6 GIsebella Miller, Konnor Ali, Mia Stephens
5-6 VW

Maddi Pollard, Liam Spencer, Mervyn Etrich  

Christmas Pageant

Toy Run

Community News

Broken Hill North Public School

Our school prides itself on providing all students with a broad education and the ability to achieve.