Pigeon Post

2022 Volume 3 Issue 8


Acknowledgement of Country...

School Resource Fees

School Resource Fee

Link to Google form here:




Balmain Public School children are expected to wear full school uniform, including a school hat, every day. All children are required to wear full school uniform when representing the school on excursions, at sporting events or at cultural activities.


As per current DoE advice: Masks are an effective way of minimising the transmission of respiratory viruses and infections, and protecting our community, especially those who are at higher risk of severe illness from COVID-19 and flu. We STRONGLY ENCOURAGE all students and staff wear a mask, particularly in indoor settings or when distancing is not possible. Your consideration is appreciated.

From the Principal's Desk...

SASS Recognition Week - 5-9 September: This week, we recognise, acknowledge, thank and celebrate our fabulous SAS (School Administrative and Support) staff @balmainps! Our SAS staff are often the unsung heroes in our school; they are absolute integral members of BPS! Our SAS staff work in the school office, in classrooms, as well as maintain and care for our school grounds and buildings. They are often the ones to tend to students when they unwell and they ensure the efficient management of school financial and administration functions. THANK YOU so much to Jenni, Michelle, Jackson, Jihye, Ally, Erykah, Prue, Jess, Kate and Richard! We appreciate everything you do to support our all students, staff, school and community!

Staff updates...

Going to the Chapel...

Wishing Ms Ferguson the very best as she marries her best friend and love of her life...Congratulations to Mr & (soon to be) Mrs Riley!

Ms Ferguson will be on leave until the end of this term, as she gets married and goes on her honeymoon. Ms Sarah Walters is teaching 5/6F whilst Ms Ferguson is on leave.

Ms Rose Reedy is relieving as Assistant Principal of Stage 3 until the end of the term.

When Mrs Riley returns to her position in Term 4, she will be the Assistant Principal overseeing Stage 2.

Here Comes the Sun...

Mrs Sun will be taking leave at the end of this term, as she prepares for the much-anticipated arrival of Baby Sun!

We wish both Mrs & Mr Sun all the very best for the safe arrival of Baby Sun, as their family begins to grow!

Ms Emily Liew will teach 5/6S until the end of the year and Ms Rose Reedy will be relieving as Assistant Principal of Stage 3 in Term 4.

Oh Canada...

I will be on leave from Thursday 22 September, travelling to Canada to finally participate in a self-funded 2-week study tour that was initially planned for the 2020 April holidays (and we all know why that didn't happen!).

Other principal colleagues (from NSW and interstate and I will be visiting schools in both Ottawa and Vancouver, learning about the Canadian education system.

Whilst in Canada, I will also take the opportunity to travel around some of the country with my daughter for a couple of weeks, returning to school on Wednesday 26 October.

Mrs Sun will be relieving for me for the last 2 days of Term 3 and Mrs Riley will be relieving from the start of Term 4 until my return. Ms Walters will continue to teach 5/6F while Mrs Riley is relieving for me. Ms Cooper will be relieving as Assistant Principal of Stage 2 during the same period.

Thank you to our P&C!!!!

Congratulations to all our Year 6 students, who showed exceptional teamwork and leadership skills, with the planning and execution of the annual Year 6 Balmain Bazaar. An incredible $2928.80 was raised! This money will go towards the Year 6 End-of-Year Day Out, as well as the traditional Year 6 Gift to the School.

Head over to our Insta page for happy snaps from the Bazaar! Click on #BalmainBazaar in the highlights...

What an incredibly generous community we have! We sooooo smashed our goal of $999 by almost tripling it in fact! This week saw Indigenous Literacy Day being celebrated on Wednesday at the Sydney Opera House. Head over to our Insta page for photos and videos of our students and the event, including a singalong with Jessica Mauboy!

Kids Giving Back...we are so proud of you, Lachlan and Ella!

Balmain Public School siblings, Lachlan 1/2C and Ella 3/4P, are among over 500 young people who produced over 13,500 hot meals, soup, salads, fruit kebabs, breakfast boxes, snack packs, care packs and decorated tote bags, with empathetic, positive messages, which were distributed to 13 charities around Sydney. Volunteering in the July school holidays was especially valuable as a twice weekly soup kitchen was held, making and handing out almost 1000 servings of soup in the cold and rain, to those who needed warm food and support. Student volunteers were also especially helpful in folding and packing new clothes for over 12,000 vulnerable people, many of whom were affected by this year’s floods. Their service to others and the kindness they have extended is deeply appreciated by the Kids Giving Back organisation! Click on the link below for more information on how you can be involved…

Our students' artworks are gracing the walls of St Joseph's Hospital in Auburn...

Connect with Balmain PS...Wonder what's goes on at our school? Follow us on Instagram for daily content, both through posts and stories...

The week that was...

Follow us on Instagram

Keep up with what's happening @ Balmain Public School


IF YOU SEE A COLOURED CIRCLE AROUND OUR SCHOOL LOGO, DON'T FORGET TO TAP ON IT, FOR OUR LATEST STORY...you've got to get in quickly, as it disappears after 24 hours!


To see what else we've been up to this week, head over to @balmainps!

SkoolBag is our main comms @ Balmain PS...

***SKOOLBAG IS OUR MAIN FORM OF COMMUNICATING WITH YOU***In case of urgent/important communication, notifications via the Skoolbag app on your phone will keep you informed***

To ensure you receive all communication via SkoolBag, please have the app downloaded on your phone, with the notifications turned ON.

Although the school pushes out notifications via the app and email, there may be times when an important message may be missed as emails may sometimes not be checked regularly.

If there were to be an emergency, (hopefully not), information would be pushed out via SkoolBag.

If you need assistance downloading the app, please see below...


From the Office

Are you saying GOODBYE to our Balmain family for 2023?

We love all our family members equally, but know that sometimes we have to spread our wings and leave the coop...

If your child (not currently in Year 6) will be leaving and you have yet to let the Office know, please email balmainps@gmail.com, with their full name and, as well as the intended last day of school at BPS.

Dropping something off for your child? Please label item/s with their full name and class.



Every FRIDAY (weather permitting) - AWARDS ASSEMBLY

Please leave your furry friends at home...

Every FRIDAY - Uniform Stall

Order items online here

The best way to order new uniforms is online and they will be delivered to children's classrooms each Friday morning.

Come to the uniform stall if you need to try items on for size.

Second Chance items are available the first Friday of every month during the school term. 

If you would like to volunteer to help, please either email us at balmainpsuniforms@gmail.com or sign up via the link

Located on top floor, via Miss Pauline's Garden entry.

Every FRIDAY - The School Canteen: Special request for parents and carers to cancel their lunch orders if their child is not going to be at school for lunch, by texting 0416 786 603 with their child’s full name and class. In return, an sms will be sent back to confirm the order has been cancelled and all monies returned in full to the child’s Spriggy school account.

Friday 23 September - LAST DAY OF TERM 3

Monday 10 October - TERM 4 COMMENCES for students

Friday 28 October - HALLOWEEN DISCO

Are you able to help out?

Friday 18 November & Saturday 19 November - ART SHOW



K Beluga - Ms R BonneyPenny Bdemonstrating respect and fantastic listening skills during class discussions!
K Guppies - Mrs L Goodridge & Mrs F BowmanIsla Rbeing a wonderful example to her peers by consistently demonstrating The Balmain Way!
1/2 Bluebottle - Ms L BurkeDuke Lthoroughly carrying out the role of Reporter during Investigations and giving positive feedback to his peers
1/2 Cultivate - Ms F ChiangMaxwell Shis quiet hard work in class and for always striving for his best
1/2 Jellyfish - Ms L JennettDylan Mworking with focus and determination to create highly detailed artworks during investigations
1/2 Penguin - Ms S Parsons & Ms A DavisOlivia McIshowing creativity in her poetry work
3/4 Channichthyidae - Ms A CooperCaelan Asmashing out his times tables and improving his score every week!
3/4 Pufferfish - Mrs A PitmanMiles L-Rhis enthusiasm and awesome effort in our imaginative explorers task
3/4 Wrasse - Ms K WithersPanya Sconsistently thinking outside the box and showing enthusiasm for our research task on explorers!
5/6 Betta Splendens - Mr S BaumannHayley Yworking with consistent effort throughout the term and demonstrating self-motivation and focus
5/6 Flying Fish - Ms N FergusonJayden Ybeing an organised and communicative group member during the Year 6 Bazaar
5/6 Koi - Ms K BarcenillaGiuditta Bher ability to take on feedback and continually strive for excellence in all aspects of her learning
5/6 Rock Lobster - Ms R ReedyNathan Rcommunicating clearly, fairly and positively with others during the Year 6 Bazaar
5/6 Sunfish - Mrs A SunKieran Ydisplaying positivity and leadership, during the Year 6 Bazaar


K Beluga - Ms R BonneyMillicent B-Wshowing kindness and empathy to her peers when they are feeling sad
K Guppies - Mrs L Goodridge & Mrs F BowmanDarcey Pbeing a kind and approachable friend to all!
1/2 Bluebottle - Ms L BurkeGeorge McGseeking help and support for his friend
1/2 Cultivate - Ms F ChiangTobiah Mshowing genuine care and concern for all those around him
1/2 Jellyfish - Ms L JennettRuby Ocontinuing to develop a strong emotional vocabulary and always supporting her peers
1/2 Penguin - Ms S Parsons & Ms A DavisZoe Ashowing care and respect to others during group work
3/4 Channichthyidae - Ms A CooperMatthew Xtaking care of his friends when they are in need
3/4 Pufferfish - Mrs A PitmanJosh McGbeing an inclusive, kind friend
3/4 Wrasse - Ms K WithersOdin Sshowing kindness towards our new classmate during his first week at BPS
5/6 Betta Splendens - Mr S BaumannJack Oalways showing compassion and kindness to anyone that crosses his path
5/6 Flying Fish - Ms N FergusonZara Rspeaking to peers with kindness and for being genuinely happy for others
5/6 Koi - Ms K BarcenillaBen Staking the time to show kindness and care towards his Kindy buddy when she needed a friend
5/6 Rock Lobster - Ms R ReedyTeo Xdemonstrating a thoughtfulness towards others when faced with the challenges of running a Year 6 Bazaar stall. Well done!
5/6 Sunfish - Mrs A SunAlina Lshowing kindness and patience, whilst running her Year 6 Bazaar stall

And the winner is...(drumroll please!)


Thanks to Ms Burke, who organises the collection and distribution of the Gelatissimo ice-creams, as well as takes the fab photos!

Due to PSSA and PCYC, Positive Pete winners will receive their ice-cream on Mondays!

Our Week 7 winners...

Spotlight on...

5/6 SUNFISH!!!!

This semester, our units of work in the ‘Treehouse’ have been linked to the overarching driving question: ‘How Can We Care For Our Places and Spaces?’

We have made connections to this question through our lessons in English, science, geography, ProjectNEST and Freedom to Learn. This term, 5/6S have researched and composed informative texts about bushfires and other natural disasters (geography & ProjectNEST), learned about the significance of our sun, solar system and famous astronomers (science), as well as explored our connection with space and new technologies (English & Freedom to Learn). During English, we are also currently in the process of composing science-fiction short stories, which will be compiled into a class anthology!