Dudley Public School Newsletter

Term 4 Weeks 9 and 10

Principal’s Message

The staff of Dudley Public School would like to thank all parents and carers for their support throughout another successful year. We would like to wish the students and families who are not returning to Dudley Public School well. We know you will take memories of your time at our wonderful school with you. 

Presentation Day

Charlie Carr Award for Visual Arts - Emma Cook

Sam Arens Award for the Love Of Literature - Kyla McKracken

Sportsperson of the Year - Isabelle Spruce

                                              - Zach Nugus

Stage 2 Sportsmanship Award - Lily Spruce

Stage 3 Sportsmanship Award - Fletcher O'Doherty

Community Service Award - Huw Bloomfield

Outstanding School Citizen Award - Lara Horvarth

Dux - Rubin Heigl

2020 School Captains - Rex Wardle, Mia Lieschke

           Vice Captains - Max Murray, Anna Gillard

Congratulations to all the students who were recognised for their achievements this year. 

Staff Movement 

We would also like to wish Mr John Costolo well as he begins a new journey at Charlestown South Public School. Our loss is their gain. He will leave a big hole in our staff. The staff and students would also like to thank Mrs Brodee Davies for the support she has provided to students and staff. She has been an important part of our team this year. 

In the new year we will welcome Mr Steve Kelly as Assistant Principal Stage 2 and Mrs Eimear Dunne as our Teacher Librarian. Both will bring wonderful skills to our staff that will benefit all students.

Have a safe and restful holiday and we will see you on 29 January for the start of the new school year.

Award Winners.

Farewell Mr C

After 13 years, it is with deep sadness that I say a final goodbye to the students, staff and parent community of Dudley PS to work at Charlestown South PS. Dudley PS is a remarkable school with outstanding students, staff, parents and an incredible supportive and diverse community. To say it is hard to leave is an understatement. One of my favourite quotes is from the ice hockey player Wayne Gretzky who said, 'You miss 100% of the shots you don't take!' So when the opportunity came to move schools I knew I had to take the shot. Mr Steve Kelly is an incredible educator/leader and I know that our school community will welcome him with open arms.​


Merry Christmas

We would like to wish everyone a very Happy Christmas and a great 2020.

We look forward to seeing our lovely children and families at the office in the New Year.

Year 6 Clap Out

Year 6 Clap Out will begin at 2.30pm today, parents welcome to join in.

P&C News

CAROLS NIGHT - Thank you to everyone who has generously donated their sushi order to the school after our Carols Night was cancelled.     Thank you also for supporting our mango fundraiser which raised $400 and the Christmas raffle which raised $650. The Return & Earn campaign raised $238 – all together fantastic injection of funds before the year end.

NEW SCHOOL RESOURCES TO BE FUNDED BY P&C - We have provided $9,000 towards the renovation of the library into a 21st century learning space. These funds were raised at Run Dudley 2018 and we will look for another school project to fund for Run Dudley 2020.  We have also given $4,000 to restore the beautiful wooden Honour Board that is in the library.  

At our last meeting, in response to teacher requests, we voted to provide $3,000 for new readers for K-2, $1,000 for resources for the new kindergarten room and $10,000 for new technology including chrome books and iPads.

We have approved funding for some fantastic new bubblers and associated plumbing and look forward to providing further details about those next year.

It is wonderful to be able to utilise the funds everyone has helped to raise and to be able to support these important resources.

As is P&C tradition, we are also pleased to help support the Year 6 Farewell and sponsor the book prizes for presentation day and we wish all students a wonderful night and bright future ahead at High School.

A big thank you to Dave Cooper for managing a big year and countless hours of work for the Uniform Shop and to Nicole Maytom in collaboration with the Canteen Committee for all the wonderful work you’ve done to make our canteen healthy, innovative and sustainable.


Our thanks to Kris Carey and all staff for supporting the P&C throughout 2019 – we appreciate all you do and here’s to another rewarding and fun year ahead in 2020.  We will greatly miss John Costolo’s inspiration and dedication and thank him for always going above and beyond for our school. 

We hope to see Kinder 2020 families and friends for a cuppa (and Kleenex!)  on our first day back  – parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles – all welcome if you would like to join us after drop off outside the new hall to mark the start of your kindy child’s first school year.

Dudley P&C


Uniform Shop

2020 School Uniforms

At this stage, the uniform shop will be open in the morning of the first two days of the  new school year.

If you would like to order and pay for uniforms in the meantime, please do so. Orders will be processed as soon as practical once the school re-opens.

The most convenient way to order is send an email to: 


Pay your account to:

Dudley Public School P & C Uniform Shop

BSB 032513 Account 338441

Reference: Child's name & class.

Once processed you will be notified by return email and you can collect your items from the front office.

We look forward to your order.......the Uniform Shop

Canteen Corner

Many thanks again to all the wonderful canteen volunteers, we could not operate without you.
We will draft a roster for 2020 soon, so please email us your availability for 2020. New volunteers always very very very very welcome :). Our email address is dudley.canteen@gmail.com.
Please watch the APP for more sushi ‘pop ups’ for lunch orders in the canteen.

New Vine Church

Click the image of the flyer to find out more about the New Vine Church that will be operating at 3pm on Sundays at Dudley Public School. 
