Lismore South Public School Newsletter

Week 3 Term 3

Principal Message

Dear Parents and Carers,

Happy Education Week Lismore South! Even though we could not welcome you physically into the school to celebrate Education Week this year, we still wish to showcase the wonderful work of our students learning together. Please click on the links below to view our short school movies. We are proud of the combined efforts of our staff, students and parents and remain so thankful for the partnerships strengthened throughout this incredible school year. 

We were so lucky to have perfect weather for our Athletics Carnival. I was so impressed with the team spirit and good sportsmanship shown by our students. Thank you to our dedicated staff and Sports Captains for your organisation on the day. I hope parents and carers enjoyed some of the live action from our Athletics Carnival shared on our school Facebook page.    

Congratulations to our SRC for collecting $195 for Jeans for Genes day, raising awareness and much needed funds for research into childhood genetic diseases.  

Kind regards,

Larissa Polak 

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

Athletics Carnival Action

Pie Drive Pick Up

Thank you for the fantastic support of our Pie Drive. Pies can be collected from school (under K/1W room - Kyogle Street entrance) on Thursday, 13th August from 2.30 until 3.30pm.  Please respect social distancing.

Kindergarten 2021

Kindergarten Registration Link

Register now for Kindergarten 2021. If you know of any local families who may be looking to enrol next year, please encourage them to access the online registration form linked here in the newsletter or from school website homepage. All parents who have registered interest in enrolling their child in Kindy 2021 will receive further information in the coming weeks about our Term 4 Transition program.

Our school K-6 Cross Country Carnival will be held at Nesbitt Park on Friday, 14th August.  Unfortunately, due to the current COVID-19 restrictions, parents/carers will not be able to attend the carnival this year. The eldest child in the family has been given a detailed note. 

Cross Country signed permission note due Wednesday, 12th August. 


Ngulliboo Jarjums Preschool News

Committee Meeting

Our next Preschool Committee meeting  will be held via Zoom on Wednesday, 19th August at 3.15pm.  If you are interested in registering to attend please send us a message on Class Dojo.

Preschool Fees

If you have overlooked paying fees for Term 1, please pay them as soon as possible or contact the office to set up a payment plan.  Term 2 fees were waived.  Fees for Term 3 have been temporarily put on hold.  

This week at preschool

Echidnas had a quiet week this week but as always there was lots of fun to be had. We used our primary colours and explored what other colours we could create by mixing them together. We visited the big school and drew pictures of our discoveries. We worked in the garden and were thrilled with the discovery of lots of worms and we made a dam in the dirt and watched in fascination as the water sank into the ground. 

Vision Screening

Due to unforseen circumstances we have had to postpone our NSW Steps Vision Screening.  Families will be advised of new dates in Term 4.

Term 3 Preschool Calendar

Please view the link below to see what exciting things are in store in Term 3.

QA 6Collaborative partnerships with families and communities
6.2.3 Community engagementThe service builds relationships and engages with its community.

P&C Zoom Meetings

The P&C AGM meeting and next P&C meeting will be held via Zoom on Thursday 20 August. If you are interested in registering to attend please phone the office. Mrs Smith is happy to help get you set up for Zoom on a computer or on a mobile device.

Head Lice

We have had several cases of head lice reported throughout the school this week. Please check your child’s hair for nits/lice using the methods recommended in information from NSW Health.  If you find any eggs or lice please commence treatment as recommended. Further information on head lice is also available through the Department’s website.

Planned Building Works

Major building works continue on our site to replace the school roofs. Please find attached information regarding the removal of asbestos containing material on our school site from 4 July, 2020 through to the end of the October school holidays. As a precaution, no asbestos containing material will be removed during school hours. The next scheduled asbestos removal is set for 15-16 August.

Planned Building Works Notification July - October 2020

Early Arrivals

Please be aware that morning supervision does not commence until 8.30am when teachers begin duty. Students who are dropped off, walk to school or ride their bike are not to be at school before 8.30am each day. This is a health and safety requirement. Thank you to the majority of our families who are abiding by this request and are helping keep everyone safe.


If a child presents as sick to the office, you will be asked to come and collect your child. While we understand that the symptoms can look like a cold or flu, we can’t take risks with the health of other children or staff. Symptoms to watch out for are fever, a cough, sore throat, fatigue, shortness of breath.

Birthdays at School

We love to celebrate the birthdays of our students, even during the Covid-19 pandemic. During this time we ask that cakes be store bought and single serve only or alternatively you make like to provide single wrapped iceblocks. Children will only be served a birthday treat with their class if they have returned the general consent form. 

Our school canteen will be open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday in Term 3. All food needs to be pre-ordered by 9.00am. Food will be served in a paper bag supplied by the school. Canteen will only be operating for lunch, not recess.          

Please note:

No Sausage Rolls until further notice due to problems with our supply chain. 

Canteen Pricelist

Stage 2 & 3 Excursions

Suggested payment plans for our major excursions:

Stage 2 - $50 due by 13th August

Stage 3 - $75 due by 13th August

School Calendar

12th AugustWednesday - Cross Country Permission Note Due
13th August

Thursday - 2.30-3.30pm Pie Drive pick up from school 

13th AugustThursday - St 2 Excursion Part Payment $50 due
13th AugustThursday - St 3 Excursion Part Payment $75 due
13th AugustThursday - Athletics finals on school oval.
14th August 

Friday - School Cross Country at Nesbitt Park from 12.10pm. 

No parent/carers permitted to attend due to COVID-19 restrictions.

20th AugustThursday 8.30pm AGM & P&C Meeting via Zoom

Live Life Well

Out of School Hours Care

How to book in for OSHC?

Please contact Myra for booking enquires on 0414 230 536. Alternatively, for any concerns or questions, contact the main office on 6621 6437 and ask for Paula.