St Agnes Catholic High School

June Newsletter - Term 2, Week 6 2022

From the Principal

Dear Parents, Students and Staff,

We are already halfway through Term 2 and it has been a busy time with a great deal happening at St Agnes. We are blessed to have enthusiastic students who are actively engaged in their learning, participating in social justice programs and in external sports. Some of these activities are published in the newsletter section “Around the Classroom”. This gives an insight into what is happening in the classrooms, on excursions, incursions, field trips and Vinnies Van volunteering. Although the weather has been a hindrance, our students have been able to participate in some PDSSSC sports such as cross country and soccer. 

I would like to thank the dedicated teachers who provide a range of learning experiences, social justice initiatives and who organise and manage sporting teams to enable our students to engage in such a wide range of activities.

National Reconciliation Week

National Reconciliation Week is held between May 27th and 3rd June each year, a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to see how we can all take action towards achieving reconciliation in Australia.

The date of National Reconciliation Week commemorates  two significant anniversaries in Australia’s history. The  27th May is the date in 1967 when Australia’s most successful referendum saw more than 90 per cent of Australians vote to give the Australian Government power to make laws for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and count them in the Census. On the 3rd June 1992 High Court of Australia handed down the Mabo decision. This was the culmination of Eddie Koiki Mabo’s challenge to the legal fiction of ‘terra nullius’ (land belonging to no one). The decision led to the legal recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the Traditional Owners and Custodians of the land and it paved the way for Native Title.

The focus for this year is "Be Brave. Make Change". At St Agnes we have an Acknowledgement of Country each morning which is led by the students over the PA.  Also, students have had an opportunity to discuss issues and ask questions during Homeroom.

Reconciliation Week Reflection

As Catholics we are very familiar with reconciliation and its powerful potential to set free, begin again and be given another chance . Reconciliation stops us from wallowing in self pity and challenges us to pick ourselves up and with God’s grace start again. To do that we need to be honest with our own story and appreciate where we as a community have failed or could have done better. What holds us back is fear. When seeking reconciliation we are seeking something positive. It requires us to pay more than just lip service, but to positively work towards ensuring that the dignity and rights of every Australian is upheld and celebrated. We all have a part to play. 

Let us pray during this week for concrete reconciliation and remember it starts with us in what we say and don’t say. As people of faith let us not be afraid to acknowledge and celebrate everyone blessed to call Australia home.

A Prayer for Reconciliation

God of Justice and Forgiveness,

Guide us as we continue our pathway to reconciliation. Grant us the courage to speak out against the injustices that our Indigenous brothers and sisters continue to suffer. Help us to see with new eyes, to listen to the stories of our Indigenous brothers and sisters and to feel with a heart of compassion. 

Help us to build right relations with each other based on truth and justice. We ask this prayer through Christ our Lord,


Student Led Conferences

Thank you to parents, students and teachers who participated in Year 11 and 12 Student Led Conferences on Tuesday 17th May. This was an opportunity to discuss the learning progress of students and an opportunity to assist them in setting specific goals.  I encourage students to work hard and focus on continually striving to improve. Achieving a HSC is a marathon and it requires consistent work and effort.


Congratulations to our Debating teams over the past three weeks. Our debates have been against our local Catholic schools: John Paul II, Quakers Hill, Nagle College, Blacktown and Emmaus Catholic College, Kemps Creek. I would like to congratulate the debating teams for being great ambassadors of the school. Our teams have won many debates over the past 3 weeks and the students have enjoyed the experience and learned a great deal. Good luck to our 6 teams over the coming weeks as they continue to debate against our local Catholic schools. 

I would like to thank the teachers who have been coaching the teams, giving up their Friday nights to adjudicate and mentor the teams. These teachers include: Mr Patrick Loughin, Ms Brontie Dunne, Ms Silavana Dahdah, Ms Haley Fielding, Ms Natalie Udovicic , Mr Daniel Neilson and Mrs Lauren Walters.  

Year 7 2023 Interviews and Enrolments

A third round of Year 7 2023 interviews took place last week. The Leadership team interviewed and offered places to the majority of students interviewed. It is a pleasure to meet the parents and future students, discussing the St Agnes Way of Being and a need to be committed to their learning as well as the importance of being intrinsically motivated.  I would like to thank the leadership team at St Agnes for volunteering their time to interview our incoming students. 

All students who wish to enrol at St Agnes need to complete an application form, including the siblings of students who are currently enrolled in the school. If you have a daughter or son who is in Year 6 and you want them to attend St Agnes in 2023, it is essential that you submit your enrolment form by the due date otherwise you may miss out on a place at the school.

Indigenous Veterans Commemorative Service

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Veterans & Services Association, supported by The Returned and Services League of Australia (New South Wales Branch) and the NSW Office for Veteran Affairs, conducted the Annual Indigenous Veterans Commemoration Ceremony around the Pool of Reflection at the Anzac Memorial, Hyde Park South in Sydney on Friday 27 May 2022. The Sydney ceremony was one of several  which was held across Australia during Aboriginal Reconciliation Week in recognition of the service and sacrifice of indigenous veterans.

Students from St Agnes were  invited to attend this ceremony. I would like to thank our students who attended the ceremony and participated in it  by  laying  a wreath  (List of students needed). They were wonderful ambassadors representing our school.

Feedback Invitation

The Tell Them From Me (TTFM) parent survey is now open. Parents are able to provide feedback on their experiences of our school through an online survey,Tell Them From Me (TTFM). This annual survey is an important part of our evaluation and planning process. Your feedback is greatly appreciated and helps us maintain our commitment to working in partnership to further improve learning and wellbeing at St Agnes Catholic High School.

Ms Jeanette Holland



Subscribe to our Google Calendar

CLICK HERE to access our Parent Calendar. Click subscribe at the bottom to connect the school calendar to yours and stay up to date with school events 

3 JunePentecost Liturgy, Debating v St Andrews B @ St Andrews
13 JuneQueens Birthday (No school)
15 JuneYr 11 Ancient History excursion, Stem Careers Day
22 JuneSt Agnes Day/ Naidoc Day/ Feast of Sacred Heart
23 JuneLifted Breakfast with the Bishop
24 JuneCareers Expo, Year 7 Maths Incursion
27 June60th Anniversary Mass, St Patricks Cathedral
29 JuneYear 7 - 10 Report Distribution
30 JuneStage 4/5 Student Led Conferences
1 JuneStaff Development Day (Pupil Free Day) Term 2 Concludes
4 - 15 JulySchool Holidays
11-15 JulyYear 12 Study Week
18 JulyStaff Development Day (Pupil Free Day)
19 JulyStudents commence Term 3
25 JulyYear 11/2023 Subject Selection Interviews commence
1 - 15 AugustTrial HSC
16 AugustYear 12 back @ School, Year 7/10 Vaccinations

From the Assistant Principal -Learning Transformation

There is a great deal of learning at our school! The staff and students are very much into the term, as the students are completing assessment tasks in all classes, from Year 7 all the way to Yr 12. 

Learning Reminders

We ask all parents to ensure that their daughters/sons are bringing all necessary equipment to school every day. Specifically, all students should come to school with their device (fully charged), exercise books for every subject, pens and rulers, diaries and other subject specific items depending on their timetable. We understand that sometimes we forget or misplace some of these items, but our teachers reveal that it is the same students who repeatedly come to class without these basic learning tools.


This week our NAPLAN testing draws to a close for another year. Well done to all Year 7 and Year 9 students on their effort and to their families and teachers who supported them through these important tests. NAPLAN is used by the school to determine a student's strengths and challenges in reading, writing, language conventions and numeracy.  At St Agnes, we utilise a number of measures to assess literacy and numeracy skills which are critical for ongoing learning. NAPLAN is just one of these testing measures which help us gain a complete picture of our students. 

Year 10 Subject Selection

The Year 10 students are well and truly in the process of considering the best pathway for them to take in Stage 6. The students have already had an overview session (with their parents) and also, a specific meeting about what it means to be an active learner in Stage 6. The next steps are:

  1. A meeting to discuss English, Religion, Mathematics and VET (3rd June);
  2. Year 10 Market Afternoon (10th June p4 and p5). This is where the students will be able to speak with all Leaders of Learning/class teachers about subjects on offer here and at CathWest. They will also be completing the NESA Mandated Programme, All My Own Work.
  3. Monday 20th June. The students must submit their online preferences by 2.25pm

HSC Lectures

Each year, Blacktown Library runs a series of HSC lectures in a variety of subjects for Year 12 Students. These lectures are delivered by teachers, authors and study skills experts. Students will learn study strategies and exam tips. Tickets are $10 each and bookings are essential. All lectures are held at Max Webber Library Function Centre, Blacktown.

Study Skills Tip for June – Attitude is Everything

The attitude you bring influences your thoughts and actions and the approach you then take to your learning. Your attitude will affect how much time you put into your schoolwork, how you manage challenges, and ultimately your path to achieving your personal academic best.

 Take the time to determine reasons to put in effort into your schoolwork.

 Think about which of the following reasons might be motivating for you:

  • To achieve the best marks you are capable of at school.

  • To give you lots of options for what subjects you can choose in the senior years.

  • To give you lots of options of what you can choose to do when you leave school.

  • To have a personal sense of satisfaction about doing your best.

  • To show your gratitude to your parents for giving you an education.

  •  To avoid getting in trouble from your teachers.
  • To avoid getting in trouble from your parents.

  • To avoid getting a negative consequences from not working.

  • To avoid disappointing your parents.

  • So you don’t feel bad about wasting your parents’ time and money giving you an education.

You may have heard about ‘carrot’ and ‘stick’ people. If you want a donkey to move forward, you can either lead it forward with a carrot (a reward) or tap it with a stick (punishment). 

Some students are motivated by working towards rewards, positive consequences of doing the right thing, while others are motivated to avoid negative consequences. Which do you think you are?

 Understanding what motivates you and what affects your attitude can make it easier for you to make positive changes.

 Learn more at

 Our school’s subscription details are -

Username: stagnes

Password: 24success

Mr G Kemmis

Assistant Principal - Learning Transformation

From the Assistant Principal - School Culture

PBS4L Update

Here at St Agnes we continue to build our commitment to our community through our use of the Positive Behaviours For Learning Framework (PBS4L) This framework is built on our pillars of Integrity, Dignity, Inclusiveness and Compassion and underpins everything we do. This applies to all members of our community and it allows the staff to set clear expectations and boundaries in a positive way. Our pillar of Compassion is built on the ideas of speaking and acting kindly, supporting one another, celebrating achievements, empowering each other and showing forgiveness. We can do all of these things and still enforce our school rules strongly. Diversity and culture can be shown in other ways such as performances on Harmony Day, involvement in activities and programs such as Youth of the Pacific and our Junior AECG, fundraising for those in need to name just a few. Diversity and inclusiveness should not be shown through uniform as this can create equity issues. Our uniform policy exists to create inclusiveness and we ask all of our students and parent community to support us in this endeavour. 


With the cold months taking hold all parents and students are reminded to wear their full winter uniform each day. Year 12 students are also reminded that each Friday they are to wear their St Agnes Blazer, along to any other event or specified occasion. If a student requires any uniform item, our uniform shop is open each Monday from 8am-12pm and Wednesday from 12pm- 4pm. If families need assistance with uniforms please contact your child’s Learning Mentor or Leader or Learning Pathways to discuss alternatives for purchase.  

Evans Road Update

While St Agnes and CEDP have engaged transport specialists to try and combat the issues with traffic and parking, the issues still remain. While we are aware of these problems, please ensure you continue to follow the road rules. This includes crossing the road only at designated areas to do so, parking in designated parking areas and not performing u-turns in the St Agnes driveway or at Albert Parade. The Blacktown Council and the Mt Druitt Police have been in contact with the school in regards to these issues and will continue to monitor to ensure that all road rules are adhered to.


Online safety is something that all families need to be aware of. At St Agnes we strive to work together so that all families and students are safe and use technology in the right way. If parents would like support and access to resources there are a number of these found via the following link: Open and honest conversations around the use of social media and other websites is often the first step to ensuring safe online behaviours. 

Mobile Phone Use

Mobile phones are a vital way that parents and carers can keep in touch with their children. While St Agnes recognises this, we do ask that students stay off their phones during the day. Phones should be turned off or kept on silent and only should be checked after leaving school at 2:25pm. If parents or carers need to contact their child, please do so via the front office on 8882 0700. Students who fail to follow these guidelines do face the consequence of having their phone confiscated and parents or carers having to collect the phone from the front office during school office hours.

Tell Them From Me (TTFM) Survey

In the coming weeks we will be inviting our students, teachers and parents to provide feedback on their experience of our school using an online survey. The surveys are an important part of our whole school evaluation and planning process.

From Monday, 30 May to Friday, 1 July, we invite you to complete the Tell Them From Me (TTFM) Partners in Learning survey. As we value the role of parents and carers within our school community we would greatly appreciate your feedback. The information you provide will be used to maintain our commitment to working together in partnership to further improve student learning and wellbeing at St Agnes

The survey is anonymous and will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. You are able to access the parent survey (20 different languages available) on your computer or mobile device by using the URL below:

Mr G Hilder

Assistant Principal - School Culture

From the Head of Mission

Pace e Bene, 

Peace and all good to everyone in our St Agnes community.

Pentecost - Sunday 5th June, 2022

The Christian holiday of Pentecost is celebrated on the 50th day from Easter Sunday. It can also be referred to as ‘WhitSunday’ or White Sunday, due to the colour of vestments that are typically worn along with the Red Chasuble. It commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and other followers of Jesus Christ while they were in Jerusalem celebrating the Feast of Weeks, as described in the Acts of the Apostles. It is also significant as it marks the birth of the Church.

In the Book of Joel 2:28-29, he tells of the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecy; 

“And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. Even my own servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days.”

Pentecost was the moment in history after Christ had ascended.  And he had promised during the gospel narratives, during his earthly ministry, that he would leave, but that he would send the comforter, he would send the Holy Spirit. And it was in that moment in Pentecost, where the spirit came, and he empowered the early believers, more specifically the apostles that were left.

Let us pray;

Come Holy Spirit. 

Fill the hearts of your faithful. 

And kindle in them the fire of your love. 

Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. 

And you will renew the face of the earth.


‘Laudato Si’: On care for our common home 

Over the past few weeks through religion classes, students have been able to reflect on Pope Francis’ Encyclical ‘Laudato Si’. This occurred at the same time as the first anniversary of Pope Francis’ world-changing encyclical letter, “Laudato Si’: On Care For Our Common Home.” In this encyclical, Pope Francis calls on all of us as brothers and sisters in Christ to reflect on the value of relationships- relationships with one another and relationship with our planet.

As Franciscans we are challenged by St Francis to call all things our ‘brother’ and ‘sister’. Let us heed St Francis’ call and  be a community for others.

On a very practical level, what is the Laudato Si’ encyclical asking of the St Agnes community?

It is asking students to care for their immediate environment around them, tidy their rooms at home, place rubbish in the bin, and show by their actions, they have respect for themselves and others. For teachers, it is a reminder about not leaving classroom lights and Apple TV’s on, air conditioners, and air purifiers at the end of the day, saving power and costs for the community.

More importantly Laudato Si’ is a call to consider the needs of others. I would like to challenge all members of our community to reflect on the choices they make, and how they may affect others and the world around them. It is the skill of prayerful discernment, and wisely making decisions, that we want our St Agnes students to learn. This is the skill needed to be an informed, compassionate and active citizen. It is from these small steps that the world is changed. This is what Christ asked of us. To love and care for each other and join him in the Kingdom of God.

Yes! Laudato Si’ is a radical document - it is challenging us to live the Gospel.

60th Anniversary Update

Planning and organising for our upcoming 60th Anniversary Mass is well on its way. We have begun holding stage gatherings to further inform and engage our school community in this event. 

On the 27th June, as a school we will travel to St Patrick’s Cathedral in Parramatta to mark this significant event. It will be no easy feat, transporting 1,000 staff and students to Parramatta, but it will be the first time in over 2 years that we are able to come together to not only participate in Mass but to also live our faith and mission as Catholics.

We are very lucky to also have Very Reverend Father Peter Williams AM -Vicar General & Moderator of the Curia to celebrate this mass for us. The reason for such an occasion, is to celebrate 60 years of Catholic education in Western Sydney, more specifically the Rooty Hill area, maintaining the Franciscan spirit of simplicity, acceptance of all and a deep personal love of Jesus.

Mr P Madigan

Head of Mission

Around the Classrooms

Vinnie's Van

As winter has emerged and times get tougher for those experiencing or at risk of homelessness in our local western community, the St Vincent de Paul Society offers a program in which individuals generously volunteer their time to help and support the local Vinnie's Van. St Agnes Catholic High School took part in this amazing program, hence why the following students and teachers; Mr. Mangion, Mr. Conte, Mrs. Chapman, Maryam Qraquoshi, Juliana Labbad and myself, Dyani Magele, had the privilege to represent our school on this special evening.

Our team had traveled to the location of Mt Druitt and Parramatta to greet those gathered, serve and provide hot meals, sandwiches, dessert, drinks as well as any additional support needs, including providing warm clothes, blankets, beanies, scarfs and other resources to anyone who is seeking to use the Vinnie's Van service. It was also a time in which we can talk one on one with individuals about their life experiences and also struggles they have to undergo on a daily basis. Visitors are likely to come from a variety of situations of homelessness, disadvantage, marginalized and social isolation as well as people doing it tough financially, or just finding it a challenge to keep their head above water. 

Volunteering for the Vinnie's Van has been both fun and rewarding. It’s taught us that difficult times don’t discriminate and disaster can strike at any moment. We never know when our own situation might cause us to seek help like this, and it is amazing to know that such support exists through the St Vincent de Paul Society. Our local communities of Mt Druitt and Parramatta are very lucky to have this service providing a regular beacon of hope to so many who are struggling. It truly is an amazing experience and something in which everyone should undertake. It truly is amazing. 

Dyani Magele- Year 11 Student

Year 7 Science Incursion

Ben, from Fizzics Education, had Year 7 mesmerised by all things Science, when he presented  ....TICK, TICK BOOM!, a science show that covers a multitude of concepts including:
  • air pressure differentials.
  • exothermic vs endothermic chemical reactions.
  • combustion requirements.
  • properties of liquid nitrogen
  • applications of controlled explosions 


Year 9 & 10 Industrial Technology - Timber

In Industrial Technology, students are busy finishing off their 'Trinket boxes' and tool boxes, using many hand skills, whilst also incorporating the laser cutter to enhance their final designs.

Mr Scarpin

Greater Western Sydney Careers Market

Students in Year 12 attended the Brett Carter Greater Western Sydney Careers Market and were able to meet with Industry, Universities and Colleges across the state and nation who could provide direct contact and pathway information that would support their transition journey after St Agnes. 
The Year 12 students have had a variety of experiences from work placements, work experience, workshops with Universities and even TAFE taster courses that have helped them solidify their own personal pathways. This process has taken many years and much support from all of their teachers in partnership with families. 
This day allowed Year 12 students to ask the hard hitting questions and the feedback from the organisers was that the questions being asked by St Agnes students were extremely well informed. This is testament to the courageous conversations they continue to have with all within their community. Well done! 
Student Testimony
"The Year 12 expo was a great opportunity for us to interact with many Universities and discuss career opportunities. It was great to have many universities vouch for our interests. I enjoyed discussing my career opportunities and pathways after school."
Shanell Hanna Yr12

Mrs Karafotias
Careers Advisor

Reconciliation Week

To celebrate Reconciliation Week students were involved in a range of programs including laying wreaths and meeting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Veterans at the Indigenous Veterans Commemorative Service in Hyde Park on 27th May, to meeting two of the Kinchela Elders at Cathwest, touring the Kinchela Bus and watching an animated film that details the experiences the elders had as young boys in the home. Although the stories were heartwrenching it was a time for students and staff to reflect on the atrocities of our past and identify how acknowledging this part of our history and sharing stories helps us all heal and in turn heal country. A particular acknowledgment to Amira Osborne and Aiden Priestley who have worked tirelessly with the Junior Aboriginal Education Consultative Group (JAECG) to continue to bring awareness to the school and community around our Reconciliation Action Plan.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.


All PASIFIKA students from Year 7 through to 12 who have not yet applied online to be apart of the Western Sydney University PATHE program please do so to ensure you have access to the latest opportunities and workshops with Ana, Bronwyn and the team at WSU. 


All Sudanese and Refugee students from Year 7 through to 12 who have not yet applied online to be apart of the Western Sydney University NEC program please do so to ensure you have access to the latest opportunities and workshops with Alfred, Teddy and the team at WSU. 

UNSW workshop Year 12

On Friday 27th May a team of UNSW alumni worked with teams of students to unpack their passions and interests and identify strategies to assist with their academic preparation for the HSC. Personal Statements were fine tuned and St Agnes students were able to have 1:1 conversations with current UNSW students to identify the best pathway plan for them moving forward. There have been 11 students who have confirmed their registration to attend the program this July school holidays and I look forward to hearing if the result is an Early Offer to UNSW for their chosen degrees. 

Beyond School - What's next Cathwest

Sudanese students from Year 10, 11 and 12 are invited to attend Cathwest with their families on the 14th June where they will connect with local Business and Universities to discuss pathways and how they can be better supported as they continue to identify their pathways beyond the gates of St Agnes. 


Students attended an information session on Monday 30 May to understand the application process and commitment required to successfully complete the Step Up Into Teaching program run by Australian Catholic University. This application process is competitive so it was important that students gain insight into the inherent requirements that could eventually lead to an unconditional offer into a range of primary and secondary teaching degrees. Watch this space as students begin the application and interview process. 

PDSSSC and NSWCCC Opens Football

In the past couple of weeks, Year 11 student Dimo Dimo has been busy with PDSSSC and NSWCCC soccer. He was successful in being selected for the U16s NSWCCC team and will compete at the State Titles later this year. Furthermore, he represented Parramatta Diocese in a 2 day soccer tournament at Valentine Sports Park.
Well done to Dimo and hopefully we can continue to report on his updates as the Term progresses.

Mr Sarac

Year 8 making freeze frames to represent Shakespeare's 7 Ages of Man

PDSSSC Cross Country

St Agnes Cross Country Team participated in the PDSSSC Cross Country Championships at the Sydney Equestrian Centre, Horsley Park on 13th May. The students represented the school proudly throughout the day and tried their best in each race.

Special mention to some stand out results on the day:

12 boys: Mawiec Agok - 14th

14 girls: Andrea Plaatjes - 7th

For further information on other results, visit the PDSSSC website.

STEM incursion

Phoenix from Fizzics Education and Adrian from Neuranext had year 9 and 10 students intrigued by the workshops they ran on Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) and Robotics.  They engaged students in STEM related concepts such as:

  • How do computers see and learn?
  • Applying A.I. classification to data to create, train and deploy Autonomous Robotic Cars using computer vision A.I.
  • Challenging critical thinking skills with DeepFake A.I. created images.
  • Learning how to code Lego Robots to sense their environment

Mrs Chapman

Science Teacher

Year 11 Biology Field Trip to Penrith Lakes

Year 11 Biologists enjoyed a glorious day at Penrith Lakes on Wednesday 25th May.

 We were so proud of the way our Year 11 Biologists participated throughout the Field Trip, not only were they engaged in their learning, they were great ambassadors of the school and what it means to be a part of the St Agnes community and live out the St Agnes Pillars.

There were comments made by the teachers from the Education Centre about the willingness of our students to participate and do what was asked of them. One long standing staff member from the Education Centre (26 years of experience) commented that they were a good group, so I take that as a huge compliment for our students!

The mission of the day was to perform a first- hand investigation to measure a range of abiotic and biotic factors in the freshwater ecosystem to solve the inquiry question: 

How healthy is the ecosystem at Penrith Lakes?

Students conducted water bird observations, collected quantitative abiotic data, and had great fun sampling the water bug population using dip nets. Our future Biologists found a variety of macroinvertebrates including dragonfly nymphs, water boatmen, caddisfly larvae (who knew sticks could walk) and even a freshwater shrimp.

The culprit of a local extinction event, the small but devastating mosquito fish, was successfully caught by some of our Biologists. The green and gold bell frog is now extinct in the Penrith Lakes area as the mosquito fish eat the larvae of not only mosquitoes but the eggs of the Bell Frogs as well. There is some debate between our Biologists as to the true origins of this fish in Australia. 

 Students concluded the day with a lecture style wrap up back at the Penrith Lakes Environmental Education Centre and will now spend the next week processing & analysing their data as well as conducting extra research to complete their Depth Study.

Mr Wilson and I are now looking forward to reading the scientific journal articles Year 11 Biologists will write, drawing on some of the data they collected at Penrith Lakes.

Mrs R Cruickshank

Leader of Learning



Canteen News

Dear Parents/Carers

CEDP have been encouraging all schools to gradually reach the goal of being totally cashless. To assist in this transition, we now strongly encourage all canteen purchases to be made by EFT where possible as cash change can no longer be given. Over the next few weeks we will also be introducing canteen options via the QKR app and will notify you when that process is complete.Please see attached copies of the current canteen price lists to assist you and your child in transitioning to the cashless method of payment.Thank you

SACHS Admin.

The facts about vaping

Tobacco companies are continuously looking for new customers. Vapes are a new way to get young people addicted to nicotine, which is often difficult to quit. The take-up of vaping by young people is increasing. Research shows that 1 in 5 young people have vaped.

Electronic cigarettes or e-cigarettes, often called ‘vapes’, are designed to deliver vapourised liquids into the lungs. There are many different styles of vapes available and they can be difficult to spot as they often look like other objects, e.g. highlighters, pens and USB drives.

The main ingredient in vapes is propylene glycol, vegetable glycerine or glycerol, and they often also contain nicotine, flavours and other chemicals. Vapes may contain harmful chemicals that aren’t listed on the pack.

The biggest misunderstanding about vapes is that they are harmless compared to cigarettes. This is not true. Vapes are not safe.

Nicotine is a drug that is often in vapes and is highly addictive for young brains. It can cause long-lasting negative effects on brain development. Nicotine changes the way brain synapses are formed in young people. The impacts can include impaired attention, learning, memory, and changes in mood. Vaping products are often not labelled or are incorrectly labelled. The labels may state that vapes are nicotine free, but many of these products contain nicotine and a lot of other chemicals. They just don’t write  it on the pack.

Vapes may expose young people to chemicals and toxins at levels that have the potential to cause negative health effects. Vapes can leave a young person at increased risk of depression and anxiety. Vaping has also been linked to serious lung disease. Importantly, many of the long-term harms of vaping are still unknown. The liquid in vapes and the vapour is not water. Vapes can expose young people to:

  • the same harmful chemicals found in cleaning products, nail polish remover, weed killer and bug spray

  • toxins such as formaldehyde and heavy metals

  • ultrafine particles that can be inhaled deep into the lungs

  • flavouring chemicals such as diacetyl (a chemical linked to serious lung disease)

  • Vapes have even been known to explode causing serious burns.

You may not know your child is vaping as vapes are small and resemble common items like highlighters, pens and USB drives. They are also not easy to smell. Tell-tale signs that your child might be vaping include the symptoms of nicotine addiction such as your child feeling irritable or anxious. If your child is vaping, encourage them to stop and let them know that help is available and you are there for them. Stopping vaping can sometimes be hard and your child may need advice from a GP.

If you suspect your child is vaping, take the time to talk to them about it and help them understand all of the risks. Vaping is not a normal or safe thing to do. It is important to let your child know the risks of vaping. Try to start the conversation with your child in a relaxed, easy-going way, perhaps taking the cue from around you, such as a news story about it or seeing people vaping on the street. And have your facts ready.

Complaints Handling Policy

If, at any time, a parent feels dissatisfied with the outcome of a concern, the school has a Complaints Handling Policy which will be followed. This policy can be viewed from our website. Please contact the school by phone on 88820700 or by email at if you need to lodge a complaint. 

The PATHE Teachers Network meetings are an opportunity for teachers and support staff to network and discuss topics that are relevant in further supporting Pacific students. The first meeting of the year was held on Monday 4 March. Thank you to all the teachers that attended the network meeting and a special thank you to Nashwa and St Agnes Catholic High School for hosting.

Uni Ready Now Program

St Agnes Catholic High School offers families assistance with the following areas and much more!

St Agnes Catholic High School offers families assistance with the following areas and much more!

- Financial hardship

- Family breakdown

- Assisting in completing forms

- Homelessness/risk of homelessness including, tenancy issues

- Centrelink

- Advocacy

- Housing

- National Disability Insurance Scheme

- Linking to services

- Parenting 

If you would like further information, please contact 0427 068 429 between school hours. 

HSC Series at Penrith City Library

HSC Series at Penrith City Library

HSC Series at Penrith City Library. Sessions are free but places are limited and bookings essential on the following links.





Compass will become our primary parent communication tool for day-to-day operational matters, upcoming events, notices and notifications so it is essential that all parents download the app.

It is more important than ever that we are able to communicate effectively, especially when it involves the safety of our children. If you haven't already, we ask that parents download the Compass app onto your device for either Apple or Android. 

Compass is a web-based system allowing you to access up-to-date and meaningful information about our school and your child’s progress. Compass includes many different features, including the ability to:

  • Be informed of important updates, events and reminders
  • View your child’s timetable
  • Review your child’s attendance
  • Provide explanations for periods of absence
  • Update your contact details
  • Book Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences.

Compass is accessible on any modern web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari) or by using the Compass iOS or Android apps.

Eligible students can receive free travel to and from home and school on approved metro, train, bus, ferry and light rail during term.  Apply now.

The SkoolBag app is the easiest way keep up with school events, last minute notices, newsletters and all school communications. Click here for download instructions.

Our Newsletter can be translated to 100+ languages

With our Google Translation integration, you can access our newsletter in ANY language. Simply scroll to the bottom of the newsletter to give it a try.