TOKSAVE - Lihir International School

Term 1, Week 6, 2020

From the Principal

Dear Parents and Caregivers, 

School Council

At last week's School Council Annual General Meeting, the Council endorsed the appointment of two new parent representatives - Mr Gregory Kolie and Mrs Eunice Ausre. We welcome them to the LIS School Council. The current members of the school council are listed below:


Fiona Karaut                                            NML rep    Chairperson

James Bu                                                  NML rep

Chris Ong                                                 NML rep

Brian Hosea                                             NML rep                      

Seth Kia                                                     NML rep                     

Richard Toisiat                                        Parent rep 20

Gregory Kolie                                           Parent rep 20-21

Eunice Ausre                                            Parent rep 20-21

Nicole Wilson                                           P&W rep 20                         

Catherine Langusch                                Staff rep 20                           

Greg Neville                                              Principal


The LIS community offers its sincere condolences to the Sigere family on the passing of wife and mother Isabella Sigere. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family during this difficult time.

Mr Greg Neville

Skoolbag App

All parents are encouraged to download the Skoolbag App onto their smartphones. This will enable you to receive the Toksave and other school documents and information. Instructions on how to download the app are at the bottom of this Toksave.

Absent / Late / Uniform

Parents and carers are reminded that if students are absent, late or in incorrect uniform (including incorrect footwear), an email or note of explanation must be sent to the class teacher.

Friday Whole School Assembly

Congratulations to our week 5 Principal's award recipients!

Joannah Kia - year 6

Ovels Selep - Prep

Sharon Neville - Year 7

Sinai Silambe - Senior Kindy

Kauli Legra - Year 4

Jacklyne Kolie - Year 9, Elmah Tukata - Year 1

Congratulations to the Prep class for their entertaining assembly!

Healthy Lunches

Parents are encouraged to pack a healthy lunch for your children to bring to school for recess and lunch. The school encourages parents to pack food items such as fruit, sandwiches, yogurt, veggie sticks, pieces of cheese, a muesli bar, biscuits, piece of cake, muffins, wraps, salad, boiled eggs, rice, garden food etc. Twisties, crisps, hot chips, chocolates, lollies and un-cooked Maggi noodles are not allowed at school.

 Students are encouraged to bring a bottle of water each day that can be refilled at the school.  Cordial, soft drinks and other sugary drinks are not allowed at school.

Parents are encouraged to purchase from the Canteen on Fridays rather than buying food elsewhere and dropping it into school.

From the Deputy Principal

It has been great seeing so many parents and community members getting involved in the LIS community - attending P & W and School Council meetings; helping with Canteen; listening to reading; attending the recent Problem-solving and Soundwaves information sessions; supporting Saturday morning soccer (and the Coffee shop); and visiting classrooms on 'World Maths Day' on Wednesday.

Thanks to all! Our students are fortunate to be part of such a dedicated community.

Ms Langusch

World Maths Day Fun!

VIP Champions!

Killian Karaut and Audrey Maulday


P&W Coffee Shop is back again this Saturday morning while the soccer is on. Come to the school canteen between 8.30am and 10am. There will be coffee (K5) tea (K2) banana bread, cold drinks and icy cups (K2) available. Hope to see you there!

Afternoon Activities

Monday - Music club with Mr Neale Years 5-9, 3.15pm

Wednesday - Homework Club, Years 3-6, 3.15pm

Friday - Running Club with Mrs Laien, Years 3-9, 3.15 - 4.00pm

Saturday - Soccer with Mr McKeiver Years 3-6, 8.30am.

2020 Term Dates

Term 1: 27th January – 2nd April 

Term 2: 20th April – 18th June

Term 3: 13th July – 17th September 

Term 4: 5th October – 3rd December 

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Term 1 2020 Calendar
