Caroline Chisholm College Newsletter

Term 3 Week 4 Issue 12 2019


From the Principal

Dear Parents, Friends, Staff and Students of Caroline Chisholm College,

This week, our college Leaders of Learning interviewed all of our Year 10 students about the decisions they have made regarding their pattern of study for Years 11 and 12. It has been such a delight to sit with students and their parents as we discuss their strengths, their goals and their dreams, and it made me a bit jealous to think of what a wonderful set of opportunities these young people have as they build their own future. A few years ago, I reflected on how hard it was to get our Chisholm girls to positively identify and share their strengths. We would ask “What are you good at?”, and they would struggle to articulate their strengths and abilities. Now, after two years of implementing a strengths based approach to positive psychology most of our students can say, with growing confidence, what they are good at and how they see their strengths. This then feeds into more confidence about choosing subjects and overcoming the inevitable challenges of the senior years of schooling.

This same theme was explored at our Year 9 reflection day last Friday. As you would be aware, students in Years 7 to 10 spent August 2 exploring what it means to live a faith filled life at the service of others with our values modelled on Jesus. Year 9 travelled to Western Sydney University where they were led in a program designed to identify their super-powers. Students from last years’ Year 12 returned to lead the girls on this adventure and the students headed back into the world wearing a badge they made with their super-power symbol on it. Parents of Year 9, if you haven’t already done so, ask your daughter about their super-power and how it is going to be used in service.

Our Year 12s are currently sitting their Trial HSC. By all reports they have approached this challenge with maturity and quiet determination. As I told the girls on their first morning of exams, it is just another assessment. The learning and the hard work has already happened. It is vital that our students use the feedback from these exams to direct and motivate their revision in the lead up to the HSC early next term.

As we have recently commemorated the feast day of Australia’s saint, Mary MacKillop, let us pray that her powerful intercession for Australians will continue to inspire the people of our nation to offer radical hospitality, serve with humility respond to the needs of our neighbours, wherever they may be. In homerooms last week, the students prayed that Mary MacKillop’s example would touch the hearts of all Australians. This was what we prayed:

Loving Father,

Through the example of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop, may we learn to recognise God’s will for us and trust in his providence.

May her life of service awaken in us a deep respect for the poor and a strong will for justice.

May we share in her courage, see with the eyes of Christian love, and learn from her holy deeds.

And may the blessing of almighty God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, come down on us and remain with us forever.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

Mr Greg Elliott


From the Assistant Principal Pastoral

Proposed Bus Route Changes – Consultation Period

I have had some initial discussions with Busways about the proposed changes which were sent out a few weeks ago. They consultation period ended this past Monday. Busways said they received a great number of responses from our community so I thank the parents who took the time to do this. Some students were worried that the changes would come into effect at the end of the consultation period. This is not the case. Busways have assured me they will seriously consider all the submissions before any decisions are made. When final decisions are made, they will also be communicated to the college and to parents well before the changes come into effect, if they come into effect at all.


Years 9 and 10 Disco

Years 9 and 10 students are invited to the college disco held in conjunction with St Domenic’s College on Wednesday 28 August. The disco runs from 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm.


I would like to emphasise a couple of points about attendance at this disco. First, all students need to be collected promptly at 8.30 from St Dominic’s, not from Hungry Jack’s. Students are not to be waiting unsupervised at Hungry Jack’s after the disco to be collected by parents. Only students who have already been collected by parents are allowed in Hungry Jack’s after the disco, under the supervision of their parents.


Second, dress standards must be kept to the level expected at any college event where uniform does not need to be worn. No student will be allowed to enter the disco if her standard of dress does not meet these standards. Please refer to the guidelines for non-uniform activities and events which are outlined below in this newsletter and are on the college website. If you have any doubt about the suitability of clothing, it is your responsibility to check it with your Year Leader before the evening. It is recommended that students do not bring a bag. Chewing gum is strictly not permitted at the disco. Please note that the college jewellery rules apply at school social events.


If students are not dressed appropriately or if there is any misbehaviour, parents will be contacted and asked to pick up the students from the disco.


Guidelines for Non-uniform Activities and Events

These guidelines are also available on the college website but they have not been highlighted in the newsletter this year so this is an appropriate time to remind parents and students of the requirements of this policy.


The following guidelines are to be adhered to by students if they do not have to wear school uniform to a school activity or event. These would include activities such as social events (such as discos and dances), mufti days at school, camps and a few excursions. Some social events are completely optional for students to attend. If students are not prepared to abide by these guidelines, they should not attend the optional event, as they will be asked to go home or amend their dress. For a mufti day at school, school uniform is always an option and students should wear that rather than wear clothing which breaches these guidelines.


These guidelines reflect that fact that some items of clothing considered appropriate for social wear by some students and parents are not necessarily appropriate for a school event.


Some details of non-uniform clothing will vary according to the type of activity. Students will be advised where this is the case. In the absence of specific information from the teacher responsible for the activity, the following guidelines will apply:

Our general expectation is that all clothing (including dresses, shorts and tops), accessories (such as jewellery) and footwear should be modest, safe and appropriate to the activity or event.


The following guidelines provide some guidance but are not an exhaustive checklist:

  • Shorts for social activities (discos, mufti days) must be at least as long as the college sports shorts.
  • Skirts should also be at least as long as the college sports shorts.
  • Skirts shorter than this can only be worn with leggings or opaque stockings.
  • Shirts and dresses without sleeves must have wide straps of at least 5 cm covering the shoulder and must not leave areas on the side or lower back exposed.
  • Tops are not to be strapless or backless.
  • Backs and chests are to be modestly covered.
  • Midriff tops or tops exposing the stomach area are not to be worn.
  • No undergarments are to be visible or exposed.
  • College requirements regarding jewellery and piercings still apply.
  • Clothing is not to have inappropriate slogans or images.
  • Students are not to wear thongs or have their feet uncovered. This is a safety requirement for both discos and mufti days at school.
  • Students are not to wear heels that are too high or pointed. This is particularly for discos as high heels damage the floor of the venue.

Most importantly, if a student has any doubt about the suitability or appropriateness of clothing for an activity, it is her responsibility to check with an organising teacher prior to the event. The college reserves the right to make the final decision about the suitability of an item of clothing at the event or function, so students are advised not to take a chance if they think their clothing may not comply with the guidelines.


Students will not be allowed to attend or take part in a non-uniform activity or event if they are inappropriately dressed. They will be asked to change their clothing or go home. If they cannot go straight home, they will sit in a place where they will not be able to take part in the activity.


“Doing the Right Thing Awards”

Students who provide service to the college for a variety of reasons are eligible for a “Doing the Right Thing Award”. Congratulations to Layla Almar (7 Wright), Emily Steiner (7 MacKillop), Grace Rowan (7 Wright) and Christel Makis (9 MacKillop) who receive vouchers for the canteen for being the students drawn from the box.  All students who put in award slips will have points credited to their house.


Appreciation of Honesty

Students at Caroline Chisholm College regularly display outstanding honesty in returning items they find on the college grounds. Often these can be of quite substantial value. Students handing in found items receive a certificate of appreciation. I would like to congratulate the following students who have handing items in over the last fortnight: Lucie McIntosh (7 Macarthur), Kate Roser (7 Macarthur) and Avalon Smith (10 Wright)


Mr Greg King - Assistant Principal

From Assistant Principal Learning

We are learning about continents and oceans; we are also learning about longitude and latitude and how to use these to find countries, cities and oceans.

We are making flashcards to help us remember information about different countries, their capital cities and location.

I am completing my HSC major work by carving my designs onto my ceramic form.

We are learning about exponential and logarithmic functions.

 We are doing the ‘Time Warp again!’

Year 9 (2020) Elective Subjects

This week, Year 8 students are beginning the process of selecting elective subjects for study in Years 9 and 10. Students will study two electives for two years. A Subject Handbook has been shared with students this week. This Handbook contains information about the elective courses at Caroline Chisholm College. Please spend some time reading this information and discussing it with your daughters.. 


Next week the KLA Leaders will speak to the Year 8 students to give then some more information about these electives and to answer any questions they might have. 


Following the talks we will email students a link to an online form so they can indicate three electives they would be happy to study in Years 9 and 10. We will then use this information to create the timetable and place students in two of these elective subjects for next year. 


If you have any questions, please contact Ms Scollard or Mrs Lans at the College.


Sleep is crucial not just for physical and mental well-being, but for the consolidation of learning, and to ensure you perform in all your endeavours in peak condition. The absolute last resort should be to sacrifice sleep time in order to get things done.

How much sleep is right for you? This is tricky as everyone is different. Some lucky people need only 6 hours a night, most people need about 8 hours and some people need 10 hours!

Two ways to tell if you are getting enough sleep:

How quickly do you fall asleep at night? If you fall asleep instantly that can be a sign you are not getting enough sleep. It should take 10-15 minutes to fall asleep.

How do you feel when you wake up in the morning? If you feel tired and sluggish then that can also be a sign that you need to get to bed earlier.



  • Avoid caffeine (cola drinks, coffee, energy drinks, chocolate) after dinner or even better, no later than 4pm.
  • Organise as much as you can at night to minimise what you have to do in the morning (e.g. organise your clothes for the next day, pack your bag).
  • Try and have a half hour to an hour before you go to bed without computers, TV, phone or any electronic devices or homework or chatting to friends. If you can’t do that, at least put the devices on night mode or turn the brightness down.
  • Set up a relaxing ‘wind-down’ routine for before you go to bed. Do this same routine every night (e.g. warm shower, reading, listening to quiet music) so your brain associates these activities with bed time and sleep.
  • A drop in body temperature near bedtime triggers the sense that is time to go to sleep. After a warm bath or hot shower, cool yourself down. It is also better at night to be cool rather than overheated.
  • Keep your room as dark and as quiet as possible at night.
  • When you lie in bed, start at your feet and mentally imagine relaxing each muscle as you slowly work your way up the body. Most people do not make it up to their head before they fall asleep!
  • In the morning open the curtains wide or go out into the sun and get lots of light to help wake your brain. Being exposed to lots of natural light during the day will also help the body produce the melatonin at the right time for a good sleep cycle.
  • A healthy breakfast will help to kick-start your body clock for the day.


Learn more about lifestyle habits of successful students at

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Username: forccconly         Password: 55results

Ms Deborah Scollard - Assistant Principal Learning

Food for thought

Subject: Superpower

If you had the ability to have one superpower, what would it be and how would you use it to help the world?


Email your thoughts to:

Simone Spisiak:

Ellie Loughman:

Leaders of the Learning Committee

Tokyo Junshin Exchange Students

We would like to thank all members of our College community who welcomed our visitors from our Japanese sister school, Tokyo Junshin. 14 students were hosted in our community and the girls participated in many activities around the school, enriching the learning of all students. Many new and wonderful friendships were made and we are very fortunate that some of us will be able to meet again in September, when it will be our turn to visit Tokyo Junshin. 

The College would like to thank the families of the following students for their generosity in welcoming the students into their homes and making them feel a part of their family: Amy and Chelsea Graham, Ourania Theodorou, Olivia Slevin, Victoria Mashiri Yaconi, Lily McElroy, Jordan, Elise and Kate Flynn, Audrey and Cassandra Sanchez, Mackenzie Cooper, Summer and Holly Northey, Georgia Simpson, Michelle Lohrey, Brynlee Fazio, Meg Whittacker and Talira Smith. We would also like to thank College staff members, Mrs Caroline McElroy, Mrs Leanne Smith and Ms Jaden Ellis for hosting. 

If anyone is interested in hosting a student in the future, please contact Mrs Merriman. We are currently recruiting families to host our two term exchange students, who will be here in Term 1 2020 for 8 weeks. 

Mrs Wendy Merriman - Leader of Learning LoTe

16's Rugby League Gala Day

On Tuesday 30th July, the college competed in their first ever Rugby League Gala Day, the Katrina Fanning Cup, held at Whalan Reserve. We had 15 girls representing the college and they did exceptionally well in their first ever competition making it to the semi finals. Unfortunately we went down to McCarthy in the semi losing 10-4. This was a huge achievement for the girls with some of them never having played before the day. 

A special thank you to Troy Cooper (father of Mikayla Cooper, Year 9), who dedicated his time to the girls on the day of the competition, and Monday afternoons, to coach the girls and prepare them for the day. The college is very appreciative of the time and effort Troy gave the team, and without his coaching the team would not have been able to run. A special mention also to the Penrith Panthers who kindly lent the girls a Pink Panthers kit to wear on the day. The girls definitely looked great in their bright threads. 

The students involved in the day include:

Year 9

Montana Clifford

Mikayla Cooper

Tahlia Fog

Taylah Hufton

Holly Jarvis

Kaitlyn Mingramm

Paige Sales

Kulaia Trindal

Year 10

Jaeann Clifton

Elizabeth Goodridge

Sarah-Louise Lobb

Shanice Matapo

Courtney Sibbald

Rosemary Tuivasa

Year 11

Adelle Brett

Thank you to all the girls involved for representing the college in our first Rugby League competition. You should be very proud of your efforts and we hope you enjoyed the day. 

Mrs Tenniel Todd and Mr Stephen McIlveen

School Fees

The Catholic Education Office at Parramatta facilitates the billing of all school fees and levies.  Term 3 fees were sent to families in Week 2 and are due on the 28 August, unless an arrangement is in place.

Please contact Mrs Wendy Slaughter should you need to discuss arrangements on 4737 5500.


Diary Dates

Thurs 15 AugustNSW School Cup Netball Finals Years 9/10, Homebush

HSC Trial Examinations
Fri 16 AugustHSC Trial Examinations
Mon 19 AugustHSC Trial Examinations
Tues 20 August

Robocup Competition Excursion

NSWCCC Netball Teams, Jamison Park

Caroline Chisholm Pilgrimage Information Session - 6.00 pm

Wed 21 AugustHSC Music Showcase - West Wing - 6.30 pm
Thurs 22 AugustCelebrate Pasifika 2019 Excursion
Fri 23 August

Penrith Show Spectacular Excursion

PDSSSC Dance Competition - Joan Sutherland

Nepean River Year 10 ViD Excursion

Tue 27 August

HSC Drama - Emmaus College

Japan Trip Information Night 6.00 pm

Wed 28 August

HSC Drama - Emmaus College

NSW School Vaccinations Program - Year 7 2nd dose 

Years 9 & 10 Disco St Dominic's College 6.30 -8.30 pm

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